Herman Cain

Benefit of the doubt, I love it. The new republican standard for infidelity. TRP, lets be clear without the political spin. CAIN knows dam well he is guilty. Its too bad, because he had a shot at giving the others in the GOP a race for the nomination.

Unfortunately, his past came back to haunt him. We have all seen situations like this, and it is what it appears to be. We can make all the excuses possible, but at the end of the day, CAIN was guilty and this last woman whom hes had an affair with for 13 years may be easy for the TOONERS and BRETTS to accept and forgive, the only person that mattered was CAINS wife and its CLEAR that she is angry at CAIN and wanted him out of the race.

Seems like she was the only one with a clear mind on the situation. If CAIN stayed into the race, by his own admission, there would be more women coming out with more "trumped" up charges. Funny how he knows this is coming before any other names were dropped.

As he made that statement, you have to know that he is feeling the heat of his own past. Nobody knows the truth but CAIN himself. I feel pity on him for putting his quitting the race on his wife.

Thats a cowards move.

What all this comes down to is opinion. Proof isn't just for legality.

I could say you were a sadomasopedorobonecrobestialic , but without proof, no one should believe it.

Yes I do give people the benefit of the doubt most of the time. I find that much more pleasing than being judgmental.


Für Meno :)
What all this comes down to is opinion. Proof isn't just for legality.

I could say you were a sadomasopedorobonecrobestialic , but without proof, no one should believe it.

Yes I do give people the benefit of the doubt most of the time. I find that much more pleasing than being judgmental.

Let your wife start a 13 yr long affair, and let her spend money on him.
Let them call and text eachother every day, and let them privately see eachother on a frequent basis.

I know you'll think it's all harmless, even though she is spending family earned money on him.
Wished all supervisors thought like you - no one would ever get fired, and no more reasons getting a divorce either.
Let your wife start a 13 yr long affair, and let her spend money on him.
Let them call and text eachother every day, and let them privately see eachother on a frequent basis.

I know you'll think it's all harmless, even though she is spending family earned money on him.
Wished all supervisors thought like you - no one would ever get fired, and no more reasons getting a divorce either.

Twist a little more sport, you'll get the hang of it eventually.

What friends my wife may have or not and how I react to those friendships are none of you business.

If I were a supervisor I would give people the benefit of the doubt, people sure wouldn't be getting fired unless they deserved it. Far too many marriages are dissolved without need or any true reason.


Für Meno :)
If I was still a driver for UPS and 2 female coworkers filed sexual harrasement against me, would you stand up and make sure the compnay pays out close to $200K (in todays money value) for me to stay, and let the women go that filed ?

Thanks, Sup !
If I was still a driver for UPS and 2 female coworkers filed sexual harrasement against me, would you stand up and make sure the compnay pays out close to $200K (in todays money value) for me to stay, and let the women go that filed ?

Thanks, Sup !

That would all depend on the circumstances and the proof. Of course the laws that be, would have to be considered as well. I couldn't just take their claims as true over your side automatically. Don't mistake that as a favor to you or against them. Of course after that I would keep a close watch on you as I do know how scummy some men can be.


Für Meno :)
That would all depend on the circumstances and the proof. Of course the laws that be, would have to be considered as well. I couldn't just take their claims as true over your side automatically. Don't mistake that as a favor to you or against them. Of course after that I would keep a close watch on you as I do know how scummy some men can be.

Tell the truth !
Maybe (doubtfully) I could resume my job after the first incident, but then a second one, NOPE ! NEVER !
Tell the truth !
Maybe (doubtfully) I could resume my job after the first incident, but then a second one, NOPE ! NEVER !

I did tell the truth. Actually I misunderstood the set up of the question. I thought both claims in your scenario were at the same time. If that were the case I would look into the possibility that the claims were a coordinated effort. If they were at separate times it would cause for much closer scrutiny of your intelligence to place your self in a position to be accused. Mind you, I am taking about claims, not law suits. In the law suit scenario, I would yeild to the lawyers judgement on settling out of court or fighting. Other factors may play a part as well, like the credibility of all parties.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
If I was still a driver for UPS and 2 female coworkers filed sexual harrasement against me, would you stand up and make sure the compnay pays out close to $200K (in todays money value) for me to stay, and let the women go that filed ?

Thanks, Sup !

But this would not have happened since you would have already been fired for drinking and driving or just drinking on the job.


Engorged Member
But this would not have happened since you would have already been fired for drinking and driving or just drinking on the job.

Why not just come out and say that Cain had himself a whore? He paid for the privilege of boinking her, and then helped support her with his big "heart". At worst, that's prostitution, and at best, she was one of his mistresses. But no, you can't admit the obvious, so you attack klein instead. Cain is a serial cheater, he lied to his wife, and he lied to the American public. He's a piece of crap. And Ginger said that his unit looked like Mr.Hanky, the Christmas Poo.

In other words, she was his skanky ho', and he was her John (Herman). Got it?
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Engorged Member
And a comment like that sums you up to a tee....but you did it without throwing out the race card...amazing.

Here's an even simpler explanation. Innocent men don't have to quit, they simply have to confront their accuser(s) with facts. Herman didn't have any, so he quit, since he's a quitter anyway. I'll bet there are quite a few woman who have seen Mr. Hanky recently besides Mrs. Cain. Heidi HO!!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
2280 replies. 31,726 views to a man no one cared about. Imagine that.
Nothing has been proven, had to stop the bleeding. I would give up my career, my goals, my job, to protect my family. Then I would use my lawyer to sue the pants off all of them.
I have seen no proof, since he finally dropped out.
I saw no proof before. I agree if he was innocent he should have stayed and fought, but sometimes the money machine rules.
Enjoy the rest of your Cain bashing. it seems it is all that keeps you alive. Like a blood sucking leech.


Für Meno :)
2280 replies. 31,726 views to a man no one cared about. Imagine that.
Nothing has been proven, had to stop the bleeding. I would give up my career, my goals, my job, to protect my family. Then I would use my lawyer to sue the pants off all of them.

He laready took the pants off them, but I guess you are right - he could ask for his money back !


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
What is laready? Drinking again, boy.
Dont you ever think before you post? I guess when you are a nobody, you dont need to. (Oh yes Im picking on Klein, boo hoo)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He's a piece of crap. And Ginger said that his unit looked like Mr.Hanky, the Christmas Poo.

OMG! I almost peed myself laughing so hard! Thanks!
