Herman Cain


Staff member
From The Left Wing Loon playbook:

When you have no response to the substance of someones post, simply refer to it as "Right Wing Talking Points".
Maybe throw in the "Foxed Spews" thing again. (Make sure it's in capital letters) That'll get 'em!

Is blaming everything on Right Wing talking points a Left Wing talking point???


Für Meno :)
I admit, I watch Simpsons, South Park, and Family Guy.
But, it's because of the laughter, which everyone needs now and then.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
From The Left Wing Loon playbook:

When you have no response to the substance of someones post, simply refer to it as "Right Wing Talking Points".
Maybe throw in the "Foxed Spews" thing again. (Make sure it's in capital letters) That'll get 'em!

Ummmm...You forgot to add "The Race Card".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
From The Left Wing Loon playbook:

When you have no response to the substance of someones post, simply refer to it as "Right Wing Talking Points".
Maybe throw in the "Foxed Spews" thing again. (Make sure it's in capital letters) That'll get 'em!

Is blaming everything on Right Wing talking points a Left Wing talking point???

When they are WORD FOR WORD identical to what was said between the hours of 7am and 12pm on right wing outlets (FOXED SPEWS, Rush, Mark levin, Laura Ingrahm etc etc) then they are TALKING POINTS.

This board is chock full of RIGHT WING spew. Compare what is written to what is said by the talking heads and PRESTO! The same nonsense used as personal thought process.

Its not that complicated 9five.

It is the Republican base that ran away from Cain. Seems they are the judgemental ones since as you say, there was no proof and we know how Democrats rallied around Clinton.

Well it's nice to see that you finally understand what I've been saying. Isn't that light going off in your head a nice feeling? If you try hard enough, you'll get used to it.


Engorged Member
Ummmm...You forgot to add "The Race Card".

You know, your buddy Mr.Cain was playing the race card when he claimed to be a "victim" of all of those women out to get him. The implication was that because he was a successful Black man, that he was being targeted by the Left. That's crap, because Liberals like to see successful minorities. Lots of them, not just a token few. Nobody did it because he was Black. They did it because he's a liar.

Here's something else for you to ponder. Herman Cain isn't that bright, which should be obvious after listening to some his responses to foreign policy questions, the economy etc. Maybe he was a product of the Affirmative Action you hate so much on the Right. Cain is a dummy, so did someone at Pillsbury decide that they needed to be more diverse in their upper management ranks? Maybe Cain was all they had to choose from. He's almost as dumb as Rick Perry, and that's really freaking stupid.
When they are WORD FOR WORD identical to what was said between the hours of 7am and 12pm on right wing outlets (FOXED SPEWS, Rush, Mark levin, Laura Ingrahm etc etc) then they are TALKING POINTS.

This board is chock full of RIGHT WING spew. Compare what is written to what is said by the talking heads and PRESTO! The same nonsense used as personal thought process.

Its not that complicated 9five.


Yea, phrases like "personal responsibility" strong right wing talking point..right? ..You said that the other day about something I posted.
El Toro poo poo.
Why not line out the talking points for us. Which ones were used over and over on this thread? It should be easy for you since you know them all and who "SPEWED" them.

From the left wing indoctrination playbook: When you have no valid answers, ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK. hmmmm, sheep?
Some cartoons are very intelligent. Especially South Park. Don't put words in my mouth. But you can put your foot in yours.
And for some unknown reason you feel the need to prove that daily.

I don't watch South Park simply because I need an interpreter to tell me what words were spoken by half the characters. It sounds like a foreign language. By the way, all those adult cartoons are for entertainment and probably shouldn't be used as fact sources.


golden ticket member
My God, don't argue with him. He watches cartoons for Gods sake. He's an intelligent guy....
When my grandson was young, he thought Family Guy was a riot because they said stuff like "poopie" on TV. Let's face it, Seth MacFarlane does the trashy "roasts".

Roasts used to be neat when Georgie Jessel was Roastmaster and the people being roasted were Sammy Davis Jr, Joey Bishop or Dean Martin. People roasting them were like Bob Newhart, Don Rickles.

The Friars Club has been around since 1904 and I'm afraid George Burns would roll over in his grave if he watched today's roasts.


Engorged Member
And for some unknown reason you feel the need to prove that daily.

I don't watch South Park simply because I need an interpreter to tell me what words were spoken by half the characters. It sounds like a foreign language. By the way, all those adult cartoons are for entertainment and probably shouldn't be used as fact sources.

Like I said, you need to be informed to understand it. Therein lies the problem.
Like I said, you need to be informed to understand it. Therein lies the problem.
So it is YOU that doesn't get it. When someone on TV is speaking a foreign language, say russian, do you understand what they are saying? I don't either. So you are uninformed about what they are saying.


Engorged Member
So it is YOU that doesn't get it. When someone on TV is speaking a foreign language, say russian, do you understand what they are saying? I don't either. So you are uninformed about what they are saying.

Wow, that's a logical comeback. I'm completely informed when I watch South Park. Part of the joke is that they intentionally butcher foreign languages, usually as a means of showing Right Wing ignorance of other cultures. Righties don't care what they say anyway, and therein lies one of the many jokes you don't get.

The Simpsons also requires a fair amount of knowledge to get the jokes and innuendo. Out of your league.

Funny, I don't understand Dennis Miller "humor', so maybe it's a political thing. The guy is just lame. I've tried listening to him, and he just plays off the Right talking points. Really lame.