Herman Cain


bella amicizia
Legalizing pot would help a lot with the debt factor of every state in the union, not to mention the republic's benefits.
Just sayin'

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
We don't know that. Cain's mortality not withstanding, tax forms prepared by accountants take no time whatsoever to sign and return. There are those (Geithner included) who simply ignore deadlines and threats of penalties and interest because they can be waived. Taxes for these folks are a nuisance and if they can keep it for an extra quarter earning interest, they will.

You speak as if you know this as a fact.... You obviously don't know how the tax system really works... your last line demonstrates that!

Fact is the penalties and interest to the state & feds far outweigh what could be made by keeping the money from the government. Even if you have a lucrative investment. The penalties are a MAJOR deterrent. Even if you fail to estimate your taxes properly within a certain parameter you could face penalties.


Staff member
You speak as if you know this as a fact.... You obviously don't know how the tax system really works... your last line demonstrates that!

Fact is the penalties and interest to the state & feds far outweigh what could be made by keeping the money from the government. Even if you have a lucrative investment. The penalties are a MAJOR deterrent. Even if you fail to estimate your taxes properly within a certain parameter you could face penalties.
it is you who does not understand tax law or how powerful attorneys are able to play the game. The government get has little desire to chase the Cain's and Geitners of the world because they can afford to tie things up in legal limbo. Waive the interest and penalties and bingo! Everyone is happy! To a smaller degree everyone can do this with groups like taxmasters, but that has nowhere near the leverage as say, a former chairman of the federal reserve. You didn't really think that class didn't have its priviledge, did you?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its no surprise how many right wingers stepped up to defend CAIN as if he was hospitalized to two years and couldnt pay his taxes. The reality was, he just didnt pay them until he was forced to pay them.

He wasnt in the hospital for two straight years. He is a multimillionaire and had the resources to pay his taxes and he didnt. He had a tax preparer who was not charged or instructed to pay CAINS taxes whether or not CAIN was sick.

HE failed to pay his taxes for 2 years, plain an simple.

If i believe you guys and say that maybe CAIN thought he was going to die, then I also have to believe CAIN thought it best to "SKIP" his taxes alltogether, and that doesnt speak well for him either.

All this other stuff about taxes is silly, stick with the facts, CAIN failed to meet his obligation to pay his taxes.

Its no surprise how many right wingers stepped up to defend CAIN as if he was hospitalized to two years and couldnt pay his taxes. The reality was, he just didnt pay them until he was forced to pay them.

He wasnt in the hospital for two straight years. He is a multimillionaire and had the resources to pay his taxes and he didnt. He had a tax preparer who was not charged or instructed to pay CAINS taxes whether or not CAIN was sick.

HE failed to pay his taxes for 2 years, plain an simple.

If i believe you guys and say that maybe CAIN thought he was going to die, then I also have to believe CAIN thought it best to "SKIP" his taxes alltogether, and that doesnt speak well for him either.

All this other stuff about taxes is silly, stick with the facts, CAIN failed to meet his obligation to pay his taxes.

So did the secretary of the treasury.

He wasnt in the hospital for two straight years. He is a multimillionaire and had the resources to pay his taxes and he didnt. He had a tax preparer who was not charged or instructed to pay Timmy G's taxes whether or not Timmy was not sick.

Freakin hypocrite

You obviously never knew anyone up close and personal that went through cancer treatment, you dismiss it way too easily. No one said Cain was in the hospital for two years, but that was a nice attempt to twist the true story. Three days per week with chemo for three months followed by radiation for three months. If surgery is done, there is another few months of recuperation while the system is very weak. After that if tests still show the cancer is present, start the chemo again.

You sure like to spew out hatred for someone who you say has no chance of being the candidate for president much less be elected president.

freakin hypocrite


golden ticket member
You may not be in the hospital, but you can't go anywhere because you have to protect your immune system. Chemo once every 3 weeks for a year. You're sick as a dog and just start to feel human and it's time to go get 'poisoned' again. Your feet are numb, you're cold from all the heat escaping your body from the bald head. Your shins ache so bad you can't fall asleep so you take oxycodone and go to LaLa land to doze and are totally disfunctional. Your fingernails may fall out.

Every morning I say hello to this great guy, Angel. He stocks the shelves at Albertson's. He talked to me last week about starting radiation for a recently found throat cancer he had. He was scared about it......has no family. This morning I find out he passed away yesterday. Like being punched in the stomach.

Everyone is different, so you really shouldn't be flippant about someone's cancer struggle..........with the odds growing like they are, we'll all experience it.


Well-Known Member
Herman Cain is the real deal, his Tax plan 999 will lead to the Fair Tax which lets you keep your whole paycheck, don't pay taxes on savings or earnings, wont pay taxes on food, increase the base of tax payer's, no Loopholes, no deduction's,it is a consumption tax, no corporate Tax( they don't really pay taxes anyway, plus economist say the economy will roar at 10% growth, business from around the world will move here providing millions of job's,No other country could do this as their socialized country's have to many obligation's, to institute just a consumption tax.and the Fair tax is 50 pages, under the current tax system, you get penalized if you work overtime, make money on investment's, double taxation, over 5,000 pages to explain! lot's of loopholes, Time for REAL CHANGE in the RIGHT direction vote Herman Cain, fairtax.com


Staff member
Herman Cain is the real deal, his Tax plan 999 will lead to the Fair Tax which lets you keep your whole paycheck, don't pay taxes on savings or earnings, wont pay taxes on food, increase the base of tax payer's, no Loopholes, no deduction's,it is a consumption tax, no corporate Tax( they don't really pay taxes anyway, plus economist say the economy will roar at 10% growth, business from around the world will move here providing millions of job's,No other country could do this as their socialized country's have to many obligation's, to institute just a consumption tax.and the Fair tax is 50 pages, under the current tax system, you get penalized if you work overtime, make money on investment's, double taxation, over 5,000 pages to explain! lot's of loopholes, Time for REAL CHANGE in the RIGHT direction vote Herman Cain, fairtax.com
You forgot one aspect of the fair tax. 0% chance of being passed.


golden ticket member
[h=2]MSNBC: Republicans See Herman Cain As A “Black Man Who Knows His Place[/h]

No low is too low for MSNBC.
“Very seriously, and this is a little harsh, but one of the things about Herman Cain is, I think that he makes that white Republican base of the party feel OK, feel like they are not racist because they can like this guy. I think he is giving that base a free pass and I think they like him because they think he is a black man that knows his place. And I know that’s harsh, but that’s how it sure seems to me.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
MSNBC: Republicans See Herman Cain As A “Black Man Who Knows His Place

MSNBC's Karen Finney on Herman Cain - YouTube

No low is too low for MSNBC.
“Very seriously, and this is a little harsh, but one of the things about Herman Cain is, I think that he makes that white Republican base of the party feel OK, feel like they are not racist because they can like this guy. I think he is giving that base a free pass and I think they like him because they think he is a black man that knows his place. And I know that’s harsh, but that’s how it sure seems to me.”

I agree with that woman. Herman Cain is the "black" that republicans are cool with. Other than Michael Steele, who else has the republican base supported in the last 100 years? The republican base spent 2 years since 2008 calling Obama everything except the "N" word publicly, and that hurt the party, but now, they want to make good on that "skewed view" of right wing whites that they are an ALL INCLUSIVE party, when in fact, they arent.

The "base" knows full well it will NEVER nominate Herman Cain, but they will use the man for as long as they can before he self destructs.

Look at Alan Keyes, a big mouth who came out and sided with right wing ideology years back, and eventually, he was shunned by the black community at large. Michael Steele was next and elected to head the GOP at the RNC, but once he self destructed, they cast him to the side and wont give him a voice.

What about Colin Powell, all the talk was about this african american man making it to the Bush Cabinet and he drew in moderate and liberal blacks, but when he turned on GW BUSH, the GOP tossed him into the gutter when he was slammed, name called and "SHUNNED" from the GOP.

This is what the GOP does to blacks, yet, guys like Herman Cain believes they have his back. Well, they do, unfortunately, they'll put a knife in it when the time is right. (analogy, spare me the comments)

Herman Cain has a role, he knows it and the GOP knows it. His role is to bring "black voters" into the ranks as long as he can carry them, then transfer them to the "white" GOP candidate once thats resolved.

Its that simple. IN the meantime, the charade will continue for the GOP.

Believe me, if Herman Cain actually starts winning primaries and caucuses, the GOP will turn out his lights by "leaking" compromising stories at the right time.

Its politics 101.



golden ticket member
Originally Posted by The Other Side Other than Michael Steele, who else has the republican base supported in the last 100 years?

Oh, you mean black candidates? Oh, we don't look at color, just qualifications. You should try it too!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Originally Posted by The Other SideOther than Michael Steele, who else has the republican base supported in the last 100 years?

Oh, you mean black candidates? Oh, we don't look at color, just qualifications. You should try it too!

I see you agree with me then. You agree that there have been NO QUALIFIED blacks in the GOP until September 2011.

Blacks never entered the GOP discussions until Barack Obama opened that door.

He thanks you for giving him that chance.

Now, the GOP is late climbing on the racial equality train. While the intention is to hold minorities back and make an education harder to get in this country, the GOP will still try to pretend to be an all inclusive party.

They in no way, want minorities to gain any more equality in politics. BARACK OBAMA has scared the GOP into realizing that minorities are on the move, and now its time to stop that rise by doing things like:

1) reducing wages
2) eliminating minimum wages
3) make school loans harder to get
4) make college unaffordable
5) ship manufacturing jobs overseas
6) reducing pensions
7) allowing illegals to fill low wage jobs
8) prevent equality based hiring
9) repeal the health care reform act
10) repeal the fair labor standards act of 1939
11) extending straight time workweeks to 60 hrs
12) eliminate overtime pay and instead give uncompensated time off for overtime
13) Continue to socially engineer "ghettos" and keep minorities "herded"
14) Interferering with the UNION process by elimnating collective bargaining.

These are the standards by which the GOP operates. It has been for decades. Just because Herman Cain is "allowed" to participate in the process doesnt change the reality of what motivates the GOP.

As PT BARNUM said, "theres a sucker born every minute".



golden ticket member
I see you agree with me then. You agree that there have been NO QUALIFIED blacks in the GOP until September 2011.

Blacks never entered the GOP discussions until Barack Obama opened that door.

He thanks you for giving him that chance.

Now, the GOP is late climbing on the racial equality train. While the intention is to hold minorities back and make an education harder to get in this country, the GOP will still try to pretend to be an all inclusive party.

They in no way, want minorities to gain any more equality in politics. BARACK OBAMA has scared the GOP into realizing that minorities are on the move, and now its time to stop that rise by doing things like:

1) reducing wages
2) eliminating minimum wages
3) make school loans harder to get
4) make college unaffordable
5) ship manufacturing jobs overseas
6) reducing pensions
7) allowing illegals to fill low wage jobs
8) prevent equality based hiring
9) repeal the health care reform act
10) repeal the fair labor standards act of 1939
11) extending straight time workweeks to 60 hrs
12) eliminate overtime pay and instead give uncompensated time off for overtime
13) Continue to socially engineer "ghettos" and keep minorities "herded"
14) Interferering with the UNION process by elimnating collective bargaining.

These are the standards by which the GOP operates. It has been for decades. Just because Herman Cain is "allowed" to participate in the process doesnt change the reality of what motivates the GOP.

As PT BARNUM said, "theres a sucker born every minute".

The voters of '08 prove P.T. Barnum's theory !! AND, they elected a clown.