Herman Cain


golden ticket member
[h=2]Cain: Planned Parenthood Perpetrating Genocide In Black Community…[/h]

They most certainly are.
(Politico) — Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain stiffened his opposition to abortion Sunday, doubling down on past comments that Planned Parenthood is perpetrating genocide against the black community and insisting that he opposes abortion even in cases of rape, incest and life of the mother.
“I am pro-life from conception, period,” he said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
The candidate told host Bob Schieffer that stands by his vocal criticisms of Planned Parenthood in the past.
“If people go back and look at the history and look at Margaret Sanger’s own words, that’s exactly where that came from,” Cain said, asserting that 75 percent of Planned Parenthood facilities were built in the black community.

“She didn’t use the word genocide,” he added, of Sanger. “But she did talk about preventing the increasing number of poor blacks in this country by preventing poor black babies from being born.”

Cain claimed that the family planning organization does not actually try to talk pregnant girls out of abortions when they come in their clinics.
“Planned Parenthood isn’t sincere about wanting to try to counsel them not to have abortions,” he said.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
it is you who does not understand tax law or how powerful attorneys are able to play the game. The government get has little desire to chase the Cain's and Geitners of the world because they can afford to tie things up in legal limbo. Waive the interest and penalties and bingo! Everyone is happy! To a smaller degree everyone can do this with groups like taxmasters, but that has nowhere near the leverage as say, a former chairman of the federal reserve. You didn't really think that class didn't have its priviledge, did you?

Oh that's right, I forgot ! All us folks on the right side of the ubers are unintelligent racists. I am just going by what you wrote. Penalties far out weigh interest that might be gained by holding onto tax payments for an additional quarter. Peace!


Staff member
Oh that's right, I forgot ! All us folks on the right side of the ubers are unintelligent racists. I am just going by what you wrote. Penalties far out weigh interest that might be gained by holding onto tax payments for an additional quarter. Peace!
Wow. Let me slow it down for you. Penalties and interest are waived by the IRS. I don't know about all of you on the right, but...


Well-Known Member
Interesting, though I would wait for some corroboration before making any judgments.

Just watching the 11 pm local news in Atlanta and that story came across the broadcast. I howled with laughter not about the story but thinking about that story and this thread.

I agree that waiting on this story to develop further would be the prudent thing to do. However I was hoping it would be TOS and not you who broke it here. Sorry but he seems to get better comedic results than you do on these matters but then you carry more respect so it all comes out in the wash I guess!



Strength through joy
Yet no stories like this can be found about bhos , rather strange that no women have come forth to even claim that they dated once.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Didnt I just post that just when you "Righties" thought you had it all figured out and CAIN was your frontrunner, the GOP would leak out a story that would sink CAINS political career?

We dont need facts, we know he was pressured to leave the NRA.... but now we know why. If CAIN would allow the women to break the contractual silence and speak, we could see the end of Herman Cain for good and get to the traditional "WHITE" candidate the right wing prefers.

Or as MORELUCK puts it, the most qualified. GEE, i wonder how a private story, put together by legal agreements and payoffs got leaked to the press??? Cmon TRP. I am sure you have a story filled with coincedences, eh?

Nah nah nah nah HEY Hey hey... GOODBYE!
Nah Nah Nah Hey Hey Hey Goodbye Edited - YouTube



golden ticket member
Didnt I just post that just when you "Righties" thought you had it all figured out and CAIN was your frontrunner, the GOP would leak out a story that would sink CAINS political career?

We dont need facts, we know he was pressured to leave the NRA.... but now we know why. If CAIN would allow the women to break the contractual silence and speak, we could see the end of Herman Cain for good and get to the traditional "WHITE" candidate the right wing prefers.

Or as MORELUCK puts it, the most qualified. GEE, i wonder how a private story, put together by legal agreements and payoffs got leaked to the press??? Cmon TRP. I am sure you have a story filled with coincedences, eh?

Nah nah nah nah HEY Hey hey... GOODBYE!
Nah Nah Nah Hey Hey Hey Goodbye Edited - YouTube


Two women felt uncomfortable and angry............Shoot, that describes me every morning !!!
Gee, didn't know a 5 yr old could type!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Politico can't find a single source to go on record !!! Even the Enquirer has folks who go 'on record'!!

The only thing that matters is HERMAN CAINS refusal to DENY the story. Says it all. Nothing more to say. If Cain says its not true, the truth will surface, and he looks worse, if he says its true, the truth will come out and he sounds like an admitted womanizer. (just like Bill Orielly)



golden ticket member
The only thing that matters is HERMAN CAINS refusal to DENY the story. Says it all. Nothing more to say. If Cain says its not true, the truth will surface, and he looks worse, if he says its true, the truth will come out and he sounds like an admitted womanizer. (just like Bill Orielly)


Making 2 women feel uncomfortable & angry ????? What, they didn't get 'bingo' at the church Saturday night?? Somebody called them "fat" ? Walking through the mall and getting sprayed by the perfume sampler........angry!!!

I really don't care what Herman did or didn't do back then. I'm pretty sure he wasn't sending 'richard-pictures' over the internet.


Well-Known Member
From the Politico piece,

Cain spokesman J.D. Gordon told POLITICO the candidate indicated to campaign officials that he was “vaguely familiar” with the charges and that the restaurant association’s general counsel had resolved the matter.

Seems to me that J.D. Gordon, a Cain campaign spokesman, is acknowledging the existence of these charges going by the above from the story. Gordon goes on to confirm according to the knowledge of the Cain campaign that the NRA's general counsel had resolved the matter. Now resolved can have a wide open meaning including Cain was cleared but IMO the existence of the charges at some level appear to be true.

The bigger question who is the source of this information even getting out in the first place?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Making 2 women feel uncomfortable & angry ????? What, they didn't get 'bingo' at the church Saturday night?? Somebody called them "fat" ? Walking through the mall and getting sprayed by the perfume sampler........angry!!!

I really don't care what Herman did or didn't do back then. I'm pretty sure he wasn't sending 'richard-pictures' over the internet.

Ah, and the excuses start to fly! Weeeeeeeee... here we go with the "it was a long time ago"... pay no mind to he had to RESIGN in disgrace, as he did from Godfathers and the national reserve board.

Poor Herman, gonna be a bad week of questions!



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
From the Politico piece,

Seems to me that J.D. Gordon, a Cain campaign spokesman, is acknowledging the existence of these charges going by the above from the story. Gordon goes on to confirm according to the knowledge of the Cain campaign that the NRA's general counsel had resolved the matter. Now resolved can have a wide open meaning including Cain was cleared but IMO the existence of the charges at some level appear to be true.

The bigger question who is the source of this information even getting out in the first place?

Like I said, the political operatives of the GOP have all the dirt they need to sink CAINS campaign. A couple of discreet phone calls to a newspaper is all it takes. From there, its a feeding frenzy. There will be more stories to come out and sink the CAIN ship!

As if the right wing wanted a Black Man as their candidate. Give me a break. Welcome to reality.



golden ticket member
It probably involves Cain pulling a 'Michael Scott' and saying, "That's what she said." And the 2 biddy church ladies were offended by his sense of humor.....uncomfortable & angry!!


Age quod agis
Wow. This is Post 1,000 in this thread.
It appears to me that HC has generated some serious popularity and hostility on BC.
Not bad for a "no one".

Sorry, post 1,001....More is 1,000.


golden ticket member
Ah, and the excuses start to fly! Weeeeeeeee... here we go with the "it was a long time ago"... pay no mind to he had to RESIGN in disgrace, as he did from Godfathers and the national reserve board.

Poor Herman, gonna be a bad week of questions!


Maybe you should look at the present goof ball in the oval office........the one trying to make this a dictatorship. Questions of gay, murder, birth cert., so many unanswered things. It's a locked closet that no one seems to be able to open. transparent ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Maybe you should look at the present goof ball in the oval office........the one trying to make this a dictatorship. Questions of gay, murder, birth cert., so many unanswered things. It's a locked closet that no one seems to be able to open. transparent ?

HAHAHAH.... you crack me up. I say too much coffee, but what do I know.
