Herman Cain


golden ticket member
ABC News’ Huma Khan, Devin Dwyer and Susan Archer report:
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s campaign is staunchly denying reports that the former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza was involved in a sexual harassment case, saying the allegations are “questionable.”
Cain’s chief of staff, Mark Block, said on MSNBC today that the GOP candidate “has never sexually harassed anyone. Period. End of story.”


golden ticket member
"Never sexually harassed anyone."

"Was accused FALSELY of sexual harrassment."

Those were Herman's words on FOX just now. That's good enough for me!
The only thing that matters is HERMAN CAINS refusal to DENY the story. Says it all. Nothing more to say. If Cain says its not true, the truth will surface, and he looks worse, if he says its true, the truth will come out and he sounds like an admitted womanizer. (just like Bill Orielly)

And Bill Clinton, but wait.....Cain hasn't lied to Congress, under oath. Cain hasn't tried to get those women to lie, under oath, to congress.


golden ticket member
The only thing that matters is HERMAN CAINS refusal to DENY the story. Says it all. Nothing more to say. If Cain says its not true, the truth will surface, and he looks worse, if he says its true, the truth will come out and he sounds like an admitted womanizer. (just like Bill Orielly)

Herman Cain denies that any sexual harrassment took place.
He said he was accused falsely of it.

So how is he refusing to talk about it ?????


Well-Known Member
The only thing that matters is HERMAN CAINS refusal to DENY the story. Says it all. Nothing more to say. If Cain says its not true, the truth will surface, and he looks worse, if he says its true, the truth will come out and he sounds like an admitted womanizer. (just like Bill Orielly)


"I have never sexually harassed anyone, let's say that. Secondly, I've never sexually harassed anyone, and yes, I was falsely accused while I was at the National Restaurant Association, and I say falsely, because it turned out, after the investigation, to be baseless. The people mentioned in that article were the ones who would be aware of any misdoings, and they have attested to my integrity and my character. It is totally baseless, and totally false, never have I committed any sort of sexual harassment,"

Case closed!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
ABC News’ Huma Khan, Devin Dwyer and Susan Archer report:
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s campaign is staunchly denying reports that the former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza was involved in a sexual harassment case, saying the allegations are “questionable.”
Cain’s chief of staff, Mark Block, said on MSNBC today that the GOP candidate “has never sexually harassed anyone. Period. End of story.”

Ok More, lets look at the statement itself. What does it say?

"Herman Cain’s campaign is staunchly denying reports that the former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza was involved in a sexual harassment case"... this isnt Herman Cain saying this, its his staff (gives him an out, when its proven true) Nonetheless, it states that Herman Cain WAS NOT involved in a "sexual harrassment case". A simple "splitting of a hair", but its the course they chose to go.

Secondly, the statement said "saying the allegations are “questionable.”... Now what does this mean? Does it mean the allegations of sexual harrassment themselves are questionable, but how can they be questionable if Herman Cain wasnt involved in a sexual harrassment case in the first place?

Mark Block, a man of the highest INTEGRITY, said the allegations are false! Oh wait, this is the same Mark Block who lied in Wisconsin, got caught cheating in elections, and was banned from the state of Wisconsin for his lack of integrity.

To bad so sad for the GOP's first Black candidate, looks like the operatives behind the scenes decided to torpedo CAIN before he gains too much momentum!

CAIN, has layed the groundwork for his excuse making by saying this earlier:

"Back in May, Cain told the Washington Examiner, “They’re going to come after me more viciously than they would a white candidate.”

Oh i get it, now he's black.

Cains explanation on FOXED SPEWS this morning was a joke. He didnt deny having to RESIGN because of this, which is the biggest lie, and he admits claims were made against him, but he is innocent. He stepped in the poop pile when he acknowledged an investigation took place and that opens the door to LETS SEE THE INVESTIGATION REPORTS!

Funny how two women who say they were sexually harrassed by Cain in hotels at conferences were paid money to let the investigation go, and were forced to sign CONFIDENTIALITY agreeements to protect CAIN. Oh thats right, the C9 will say the money wasnt hush money, it was go away money.

If CAIN has nothing to hide, then release the REPORT of the INVESTIGATION.

Poor Cain, he actually looks like he thought the white GOP has his back, but like I said, he will now have to spend the next few weeks trying to take the GOP knife out of his back.

And for those who will try to say the DNC is behind this, dont make me laugh, the DNC would welcome CAINS nomination to the GOP.



golden ticket member
The NRA took care of it......after Herman Cain was already gone. Herman said , I hope they weren't paid very much because the claim was baseless.

Claims get paid off all the time because court is so costly....UPS pays all the time.........it isn't an admission of guilt, it's a way to make a pest nuisance go away.

Remember the 2 people in ?? were "angry & uncomfortable". If you were sexually harrassed, the words would be more like "demeaning" ,"embarrassed", "Humiliated"........etc!


Well-Known Member
Poor Cain, he actually looks like he thought the white GOP has his back, but like I said, he will now have to spend the next few weeks trying to take the GOP knife out of his back. And for those who will try to say the DNC is behind this, dont make me laugh, the DNC would welcome CAINS nomination to the GOP. Peace.
What a joker!----The Democratic party cannot STAND the fact that the GOP has a black conservative or any other minority in a place of leadership. Marco Rubio, a Republican Hispanic Senator from Florida is facing the same baseless attacks. You and your STUPID race bating, low life, destroy America party are running scared because we all know that if Cain were to go up against Obama the contrast of someone with leadership abilities ready to move this country forward posed against a community organizer who doesn’t have a clue would be overwhelming…………A crushing defeat of Obama is in the cards and it is driving the loony left bonkers----
Ok More, lets look at the statement itself. What does it say?

"Herman Cain’s campaign is staunchly denying reports that the former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza was involved in a sexual harassment case"... this isnt Herman Cain saying this, its his staff (gives him an out, when its proven true) Nonetheless, it states that Herman Cain WAS NOT involved in a "sexual harrassment case". A simple "splitting of a hair", but its the course they chose to go.

Secondly, the statement said "saying the allegations are “questionable.”... Now what does this mean? Does it mean the allegations of sexual harrassment themselves are questionable, but how can they be questionable if Herman Cain wasnt involved in a sexual harrassment case in the first place?

Mark Block, a man of the highest INTEGRITY, said the allegations are false! Oh wait, this is the same Mark Block who lied in Wisconsin, got caught cheating in elections, and was banned from the state of Wisconsin for his lack of integrity.

To bad so sad for the GOP's first Black candidate, looks like the operatives behind the scenes decided to torpedo CAIN before he gains too much momentum!

CAIN, has layed the groundwork for his excuse making by saying this earlier:

"Back in May, Cain told the Washington Examiner, “They’re going to come after me more viciously than they would a white candidate.”

Oh i get it, now he's black.

Cains explanation on FOXED SPEWS this morning was a joke. He didnt deny having to RESIGN because of this, which is the biggest lie, and he admits claims were made against him, but he is innocent. He stepped in the poop pile when he acknowledged an investigation took place and that opens the door to LETS SEE THE INVESTIGATION REPORTS!

Funny how two women who say they were sexually harrassed by Cain in hotels at conferences were paid money to let the investigation go, and were forced to sign CONFIDENTIALITY agreeements to protect CAIN. Oh thats right, the C9 will say the money wasnt hush money, it was go away money.

If CAIN has nothing to hide, then release the REPORT of the INVESTIGATION.

Poor Cain, he actually looks like he thought the white GOP has his back, but like I said, he will now have to spend the next few weeks trying to take the GOP knife out of his back.

And for those who will try to say the DNC is behind this, dont make me laugh, the DNC would welcome CAINS nomination to the GOP.


Any proof that the GOP is involved with the release of this information? Didn't think so.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yet no stories like this can be found about bhos , rather strange that no women have come forth to even claim that they dated once.
If I had ever dated him, I wouldnt admit it either. Not on my worst night..............

Two women felt uncomfortable and angry............Shoot, that describes me every morning !!!
Gee, didn't know a 5 yr old could type!!
it also perfectly describes Michele............

And Bill Clinton, but wait.....Cain hasn't lied to Congress, under oath. Cain hasn't tried to get those women to lie, under oath, to congress.
Well of course not, remember its different if you are a democrat.
"I have never sexually harassed anyone, let's say that. Secondly, I've never sexually harassed anyone, and yes, I was falsely accused while I was at the National Restaurant Association, and I say falsely, because it turned out, after the investigation, to be baseless. The people mentioned in that article were the ones who would be aware of any misdoings, and they have attested to my integrity and my character. It is totally baseless, and totally false, never have I committed any sort of sexual harassment,"

Case closed!
I think I see this sliding down the wall as I type. Wonder what he has to deflect next. I heard bits and pieces going through airports on the way home this am, and I just listened and eavesdropped, and there are a whole lot of business people on the Cain train. Think I will donate twice this week, and as I heard someone say, write "because of the POLITICO on the check".
All the free media he gets more than makes up for his so called underfunded war chest. And anyone with an open mind knows what "there were no subtle sexual suggestions, but it made them angry and uncomfortable" means. It means he didnt rape, grab, fondle or say "fill in the blanks".

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You are correct just as it's also true for 04', 00', 96', 92', 88', 84'..........gee, notice a pattern here?

Yeah, we get the pattern. In your eyes every president elected is and was a clown. So, who is your ideal candidate - past or present? Somehow I probably should eliminate "ideal". I am not sure anyone meets your standard. Dare to step out and say?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
What a joker!----The Democratic party cannot STAND the fact that the GOP has a black conservative or any other minority in a place of leadership. Marco Rubio, a Republican Hispanic Senator from Florida is facing the same baseless attacks. You and your STUPID race bating, low life, destroy America party are running scared because we all know that if Cain were to go up against Obama the contrast of someone with leadership abilities ready to move this country forward posed against a community organizer who doesn’t have a clue would be overwhelming…………A crushing defeat of Obama is in the cards and it is driving the loony left bonkers----

I really don't understand why the the left wing loons really care? They won't be voting for any Republican. No sane Republican will vote for the idiot that will be their candidate. I personally won't throw more fuel on the fire by quoting a left wing loon. If we ignore them, it is hard for them to keep up with the inane arguments. Don't get me wrong, it is ok to have an intelligent conversation with a respectful Democrat, I strongly believe we need diversity in our political system. It is what made this country strong.


Staff member
I really don't understand why the the left wing loons really care? They won't be voting for any Republican. No sane Republican will vote for the idiot that will be their candidate. I personally won't throw more fuel on the fire by quoting a left wing loon. If we ignore them, it is hard for them to keep up with the inane arguments. Don't get me wrong, it is ok to have an intelligent conversation with a respectful Democrat, I strongly believe we need diversity in our political system. It is what made this country strong.
they paid the women off. In legal speech it is called "buying the peace" and while it gets him out of legal jeopardy, the political field is not always so forgiving.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
they paid the women off. In legal speech it is called "buying the peace" and while it gets him out of legal jeopardy, the political field is not always so forgiving.
This political field is forgiving that he was a targeted man, a black man, who was being accused wrongly. Go Herman!


Nine Lives
It seems like the Democrats don't take too kindly when an oppressed person wanders off the Liberal Plantation. They expose themselves to be what they really are - closet racists. Anytime one of their protected assets wanders off the plantation and does well without the Liberal handouts and dependency programs, they are amazed and don't believe it was based on that person's ability and drive.

The Democrats think they own Cain's race and are out with their high-tech lynching party to make him pay for escaping from the plantation.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The NRA took care of it......after Herman Cain was already gone. Herman said , I hope they weren't paid very much because the claim was baseless.

Claims get paid off all the time because court is so costly....UPS pays all the time.........it isn't an admission of guilt, it's a way to make a pest nuisance go away.

Remember the 2 people in ?? were "angry & uncomfortable". If you were sexually harrassed, the words would be more like "demeaning" ,"embarrassed", "Humiliated"........etc!

Again, you take the bait from the FOXED SPIN ROOM and run with it. First of all, CAIN was the chairman of the board, and NO SETTLEMENTS can be made without his being INVOLVED. No executive board can make monetary decisions without the inclusion of the chairman of the board. This was ANOTHER LIE by Cain.

The truth is simple. He made several sexual advances towards two women, they complained, an investigation took place, the executive board asked CAIN to resign over it, and the women were then compensated and required to sign non disclosure agreements.

Corporations dont pay money to LIARS who were proven to have LIED in an investigation. According to CAIN, the investigation proved his innocence, OK, lets see the investigation and back up his claim.

If theres nothing to hide, and he is innocent of the charges, then produce the documents. Secondly, show us the minutes of the executive board who authorized the PAYOUTS and see if CAIN was still employed as Chairman or if he had already resigned over the charges.

CAIN spoke A R O U N D the facts and did not address the KEY components of the charges. He did not address the charge that he was forced to resign over the charges, he didnt confirm that settlements were in fact paid and non disclosure contracts signed. He did not address how TWO women could make such charges against him without merit. CAIN is trying to save himself by only talking about the surface issues instead of dealing with the hard facts that are going to be pressed against him.

Later this afternoon, CAIN was interviewed by GRETA VAN MANSTERN and he contradicted himself. In the morning, he said he didnt know about the women or the settlements, however, With Greta, he explained specific details about one settlement and the charges.

Now, he either knows or doesnt know. Why in the AM did he say he didnt know about settlements and stated that any settlements were done after he left, but later in the day, he sits with MANstern on the FOXED SPIN CHANNEL and explains with great detail the woman, the act and the settlement implying that he was STILL on the board when the settlements were made.

The more CAIN speaks on this subject, the worse its going to get for him. He called the two women liars, and in this political climate, all it will take is some political organization to pay the women what they were paid initially and BREAK the contract and speak out. Now that they have been called LIARS ( which is what CAIN called them) lets see if they come out of the woodwork.

Those non disclosure contracts include a provision that if the women break their silence, they would have to repay the money. Lets say thats 50 grand and according to CAIN, it was somewhere around that number, so they come forward, speak their minds and MAKE MILLIONS! Talking to newspeople, magazines, and investigative reporters. All those people PAY MONEY for those stories.

50 grand would be chump change.

Either way, CAINs lead will dissappear and we will get to watch him crash and burn all the way down to the ground!
