Herman Cain


Sorry Im not jumping off the Cain train. I might have had more respect if she had shown up with Mark Furman or Jose Baez. I would not have to read a statement if I were accosted. I could look him in the eye, or the audience, not having my fake blonde tresses falling across my face and boob job, and say Come clean Mr. Cain. Of course I would have done it 14 yrs ago or shut the hell up and get on with my snivvely little life.
Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
Anger (why is this happening to me?)
Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
Depression (I don't care anymore)
Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)


Strength through joy
“If all of these allegations ... are true, then I for one am disgusted at Mr. Cain’s serial sexual harassment of women,” Allred said at Monday’s press conference with Bialek. “Mr. Cain ...while running for president, is actively lying to Americans ... it is time to hold politicians to a higher standard ... we need to know the truth about those who are running for office.”

I couldn't agree with her any less, it's time for both parties to come clean.
So how about it, bhos will you be opening up your records ?
Let's here about who really wrote your books ?
Why some members of your Chicago church suddenly died ?
Why did the Secret Service raid a Bath House and remove all the records that you frequented ?
Why did you surrender your law license ?
And why was your wife under a court order to do the same ?
Why haven't any women come forward to brag about your sexual activities ?
Why can't any media reporters film your golf games ?


Is this the way people fight drug addiction? Did you get this from AA?
Did you think this post through? :peaceful:
hopefully you will come to terms with your boy losing favour within the mainstream and taking a bullet. Herman Cain was and is not a serious candidate. He may be a great capitalist, marketeer, author?, but he isn't to be taken seriously on the political front. The hysteria of late is centered around his narcissist CEO mentality of maintaining the spotlight and selling his book.
It's time to move into the depression/acceptance stage. After all, time's ticking and the Rs still have a few more "top tier" candidates to cycle through.
One thing I can't get for the life of me is how people blindly get caught up with the hype and hysteria. It's a great example of the mass duping the mainstream can deliver.


golden ticket member
Monday, November 7, 2011 @ 11:26 pm | [h=2]Cain To Hold Press Conference Tuesday To Address Sexual Harassment Allegations…[/h]

Stay tuned, we’ll try and post a live-feed/open thread tomorrow.
(CNN) - Republican presidential contender Herman Cain will address the latest sexual harassment allegations against him at a Tuesday afternoon news conference, his campaign announced late Monday.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Monday, November 7, 2011 @ 11:26 pm | Cain To Hold Press Conference Tuesday To Address Sexual Harassment Allegations…


Stay tuned, we’ll try and post a live-feed/open thread tomorrow.
(CNN) - Republican presidential contender Herman Cain will address the latest sexual harassment allegations against him at a Tuesday afternoon news conference, his campaign announced late Monday.
CAIN would be better off discussing his withdrawal from the race. Even the GOP elite are giving him the black flag.

The money dries up next, except for the nickels and dimes he's getting from the die hard fans.

Has he not learned anything in these last 10 days? Keep your mouth shut! But heck, I am sure this press conference will be fun filled with mis statements and name calling and by the end of the week, more women will come out of the woodworks!



Well-Known Member

much more to come. gloria would not have allowed the info on the upgraded hotel room to be reported if it was not already verified.

Neck and neck in the polls does not matter. I believe Herman has not been honest with us.
Sorry still getting used to this IPad.


bella amicizia
I fear that island1fox is correct about Herman. When I first got on the Cain Train, I reserved the right to flip-flop. I am getting off at the nearest depot. I am not sure what is going on, but I think something is. I have no idea who I want to vote for, now.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

much more to come. gloria would not have allowed the info on the upgraded hotel room to be reported if it was not already verified.

Neck and neck in the polls does not matter. I believe Herman has not been honest with us.
Sorry still getting used to this IPad.

Irrespective of Cains troubles, he presents a larger problem for he GOP, and thats DISTRACTION.

As long as this story festers, it takes away from the republican message and that hurts all the candidates. If anyone one of the candidates has any chance of success, Herman Cains previous history has to be put to bed and out of the news cycle as quickly as possible.

Distraction helps Obama, and as long as the GOP is torpedoing each other, OBAMA WINS!



CAIN would be better off discussing his withdrawal from the race. Even the GOP elite are giving him the black flag.

The money dries up next, except for the nickels and dimes he's getting from the die hard fans.

Has he not learned anything in these last 10 days? Keep your mouth shut! But heck, I am sure this press conference will be fun filled with mis statements and name calling and by the end of the week, more women will come out of the woodworks!

If you think about it, keeping mouth shut may have been the greatest downfall- instead of embracing his past within the public and media prior to the forthcoming accusers. However since this was made-for-tv and entertainment only, it is irrelevant


Nine Lives
We'll see how this works out. Cain is yet to reach anything like Clinton was accused of back in 1992 and Slick Willy did OK. It would be a shame if Cain misses his chance to be Americas first Black president.


Staff member
We'll see how this works out. Cain is yet to reach anything like Clinton was accused of back in 1992 and Slick Willy did OK. It would be a shame if Cain misses his chance to be Americas first Black president.
I dunno, pretty much everything Clinton was accused of (and it was quite a bit) was consensual. Harassment is a little different. I agree with Sleeve that Cain was never a serious candidate and I'm a little bemused at all the people who have fallen for him.
I dunno, pretty much everything Clinton was accused of (and it was quite a bit) was consensual. Harassment is a little different. I agree with Sleeve that Cain was never a serious candidate and I'm a little bemused at all the people who have fallen for him.

I'm still waiting for the final results before I decide to throw Cain under the train. I'm not now any closer to deciding who I might vote for in the primary election. Perry is about the only one I have ruled out in my mind.

The fact is, Clinton was accused of harassment by more than one woman but no official charges that I remember. Lewinsky was not the only one. Harassment , like rape, is pretty easy to claim and the whole truth may never come out because of the differences in opinion of what is actually harassment. Is an uninvited request for sex truly harassment? If so tens of thousands women and men both are sexually harassed everyday. IMO, it isn't harassment until it happens repeatedly between the same two people. Worse case scenario here, with current accusations and proof, is that Cain is a horn dog and a liar. If those are candidate eliminating factors, there will be no election. (I know mac & sleeve both would be delighted)

Gloria Allred? Puuleeez.....lawyers lie all the time about what evidence they have to prove .....well whatever.... I believe her to be the queen of liars.


Well-Known Member

much more to come. gloria would not have allowed the info on the upgraded hotel room to be reported if it was not already verified.

Neck and neck in the polls does not matter. I believe Herman has not been honest with us.
Sorry still getting used to this IPad.

I fear that island1fox is correct about Herman. When I first got on the Cain Train, I reserved the right to flip-flop. I am getting off at the nearest depot. I am not sure what is going on, but I think something is. I have no idea who I want to vote for, now.

This is not over, and I'd imagine Herman will come out of this at some point and will continue to run for President. I cannot say he will be the nominee for sure, but the campaign is still in its early stages, and a lot takes place between now and election day next year. Saying Herman is down for the count is premature because we simply don't know that yet. Lets see what is said at his press conference. Lets also see what comes out about this latest "accuser" because my money is that she and Gloria are not on the up and up. Don't allow some inside the beltway media blitz meant to smear the reputation of a good, honest, and hard working man change your opinion based on anonymous accusations and vague allegations that cannot be verified. This will pass and Herman will still be standing when the dust clears. Just give the man a chance to say his piece and I think we all will see a future President or Vice President in the making.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Did you think this post through? :peaceful:
hopefully you will come to terms with your boy losing favour within the mainstream and taking a bullet. Herman Cain was and is not a serious candidate. He may be a great capitalist, marketeer, author?, but he isn't to be taken seriously on the political front. The hysteria of late is centered around his narcissist CEO mentality of maintaining the spotlight and selling his book.
It's time to move into the depression/acceptance stage. After all, time's ticking and the Rs still have a few more "top tier" candidates to cycle through.
One thing I can't get for the life of me is how people blindly get caught up with the hype and hysteria. It's a great example of the mass duping the mainstream can deliver.
(Excuse me while I wipe up my coffee I just choked on when I read this last line.)
Yeah, never understood that part myself. Hos someone with absolutely nothing to offer beccame your nominee and your president.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
This is not over, and I'd imagine Herman will come out of this at some point and will continue to run for President. I cannot say he will be the nominee for sure, but the campaign is still in its early stages, and a lot takes place between now and election day next year. Saying Herman is down for the count is premature because we simply don't know that yet. Lets see what is said at his press conference. Lets also see what comes out about this latest "accuser" because my money is that she and Gloria are not on the up and up. Don't allow some inside the beltway media blitz meant to smear the reputation of a good, honest, and hard working man change your opinion based on anonymous accusations and vague allegations that cannot be verified. This will pass and Herman will still be standing when the dust clears. Just give the man a chance to say his piece and I think we all will see a future President or Vice President in the making.
I am not jumping the train yet. I can easily switch to another candidate. And would be far superior to the lamebrain we have. To say Herman was never a serious candidate, is ludicrous. I thought the same thing when they ran Obama. I thought this has to be a joke. And no it is a nightmare.


I am not jumping the train yet. I can easily switch to another candidate. And would be far superior to the lamebrain we have. To say Herman was never a serious candidate, is ludicrous. I thought the same thing when they ran Obama. I thought this has to be a joke. And no it is a nightmare.
You are right, Obama was another corporate sponsored mass media duping. Cain is just the "other parties" version of Obama.

(Excuse me while I wipe up my coffee I just choked on when I read this last line.)
Yeah, never understood that part myself. Hos someone with absolutely nothing to offer beccame your nominee and your president.
Me? I dislike Obama and the majority of dems as much as any candidate with an R next to their name. Can't say that enough


golden ticket member
I'm waiting to see what Cain is announcing at his press conference today.

Being "stuck with Buck" is not an option with me. At least we have a few to choose from. No options on the other side. My perfect scenario would be some super sleuth to trace the greed, the money and find that the Obama camp provided Gloria Allred with her stooge/client.