Herman Cain


golden ticket member
At this rate, there will be a story that Herman Cain slept with Dr. Conrad Murray!!



Concerning the accusations, they may be true or not - but it's not the type of thing that every person is going to just come out with at the time.
"Bialek said she had come forward "to give a face to those women who cannot, and on behalf of all women who are harrassed and don't come forward out of fear." She said she did not file a complaint at the time because she was not employed."

Chicago Woman Claims Herman Cain Wanted Her to Trade Sex for Job - ABC News


Well-Known Member
:dissapointed: I know that this will piss some people off but from everything that has been reported and Herman Cain's reaction to those accusations I personally believe it is time for him to drop out of the race.


Retired 23 years
What a dumb women. She should have waited to see if by slim chance he had gotten elected President. There would have been more money to be made. I was almost in tears listening to her tragic tail of woe. I'm to the point I don't believe anything that is "news" anymore. Was her boyfriend her pimp? Sounded like it to me.


Engorged Member
:dissapointed: I know that this will piss some people off but from everything that has been reported and Herman Cain's reaction to those accusations I personally believe it is time for him to drop out of the race.

I can solve the problem with Accuser #4. Mr. Cain was simply making a business proposition to Ms. Bialek in regard to opening a new restaurant chain named "Herman's Hot Dog Stand". He was simply inviting her to be the first customer. Hold the mustard.


Für Meno :)
:dissapointed: I know that this will piss some people off but from everything that has been reported and Herman Cain's reaction to those accusations I personally believe it is time for him to drop out of the race.

I disagree, this is too much fun - don't be a party-pooper !
The Show Must Go On ! :)


Engorged Member
I disagree, this is too much fun - don't be a party-pooper !
The Show Must Go On ! :)

So true. It just gets better all the time. The penny on the "Cain Train" tracks has turned into at least a quarter by now. Next thing you know, Herman will have been pulling the train. Or maybe he was the caboose.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
:dissapointed: I know that this will piss some people off but from everything that has been reported and Herman Cain's reaction to those accusations I personally believe it is time for him to drop out of the race.

I agree, Herman Cain was sabotaged by his own party, and someone who had "deep" knowledge of Cains past used this to destroy CAIN. Its not the medias fault, its CAINs fault. He knew these allegations were out there and he KNEW there were settlements made on his behalf to make women "go away".

This woman has nothing to gain from coming forward. There is no financial reward for her in speaking her mind. She is a registered republican and there can be no claim that she is politically motivated. Politics is a dirty game, and Herman Cain is finding out the hard way how dirty it is.

You all want to blame the media, but you should blame your own party for throwing blood in the water! What did you expect? Did you think the media sharks wouldnt smell the blood that the GOP chummed the water with?

Only someone with "deep internal" familiarity with Herman Cains past could get this ball rolling so early in the campaign. The damage is done. Its a one way trip down for CAIN and to stay in the race and further embarrass himself is really silly. Just today, his popularity polling shows his favorability rating dropping by double digits and its only been 2 weeks.

He can only make a bigger fool out of himself by denying the charges or making excuses that he has to change later in the week.

It was a great job of sabotage. Its unfortunate for the republicans first "recognized" black candidate to be destroyed by his own party.

Like I said a week ago, All we needed to see was Gloria Allred step out with a woman and that would complete the fiasco. Its happened. Game Over.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I think a woman who keeps quiet about such a thing for 14 years, should continue to keep quiet. having been single pretty much all my life, you run into a lotta jerks out there. Not saying he is guilty of it, but something seems "fishy"
Just imagine what we would have done had John Kerry and John Edwards been elected...................A man who had a baby with another woman while his wife was home dying of cancer. Yeah he was a good one to run.
Island why would someone drop out when they are neck and neck in the polls? If it turns out to be true, then yes, but right now its only he said she said.


Engorged Member
I think a woman who keeps quiet about such a thing for 14 years, should continue to keep quiet. having been single pretty much all my life, you run into a lotta jerks out there. Not saying he is guilty of it, but something seems "fishy"
Just imagine what we would have done had John Kerry and John Edwards been elected...................A man who had a baby with another woman while his wife was home dying of cancer. Yeah he was a good one to run.
Island why would someone drop out when they are neck and neck in the polls? If it turns out to be true, then yes, but right now its only he said she said.

Nothing but allegations so far, but it's getting deep for Cain. Edwards is pure scum, but so are many politicians of both parties.


Staff member
The way things are going for Cain Rielle Hunter will be showing up with his lovechild by the end of the week.


Well-Known Member
Any more, every post of yours makes no sense. It's like you are speaking a different language.

This is what I read from you...."And you can grind the beans yourself and have great dollars to buy peanut butter for your watch lottery. So that's good for you, you bet, you just wait!"

I'm pretty sure I heard Sarah Palin say those exact words.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Sorry Im not jumping off the Cain train. I might have had more respect if she had shown up with Mark Furman or Jose Baez. I would not have to read a statement if I were accosted. I could look him in the eye, or the audience, not having my fake blonde tresses falling across my face and boob job, and say Come clean Mr. Cain. Of course I would have done it 14 yrs ago or shut the hell up and get on with my snivvely little life.