Herman Cain



I think Cain is toast. Where there's smoke, there is fire. Too many contradictory stories from him in one day about what he knew and when he knew it.

And if these allegations are indeed false, then Cain did a crumby job readying himself for the possibility that these allegations and payoffs would become public.


Für Meno :)
Why don't you just give Moreluck some credit, she's a woman herself - and she knows women can't be trusted, period !

(being very, very sarcastic)


golden ticket member
I think Cain is toast. Where there's smoke, there is fire. Too many contradictory stories from him in one day about what he knew and when he knew it.

And if these allegations are indeed false, then Cain did a crumby job readying himself for the possibility that these allegations and payoffs would become public.
How do you ready yourself for sexual harrassment allegations if you never sexually harrassed anybody?


Nine Lives
How do you ready yourself for sexual harrassment allegations if you never sexually harrassed anybody?

Obviously you never worked at UPS More ... you must be ready for everything because after the fact, someone will be asking you why didn't you know about this, why did you let it happen?

Ask Bob.


golden ticket member
I don't know if Cain will be able to shake all this off or not. Either way, the GOP has options.
True or not, this distraction takes away from the message. If Cain can't get the message across,
there are others who can.

And, these women can go try and find another patsy!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I dont know if he can shake off the sleezettes either. but until it is proven to me he is guilty, Im sticking with him. I dislike politicians also, thats why I like him. He agreed to a lie detector test, will they?


Nine Lives
I don't know if Cain will be able to shake all this off or not. Either way, the GOP has options.
True or not, this distraction takes away from the message. If Cain can't get the message across,
there are others who can.

And, these women can go try and find another patsy!!

More like pasties. :wink2:


How do you ready yourself for sexual harrassment allegations if you never sexually harrassed anybody?

Well, he certainly knew of the allegations and the settlements, how about a consistent response to an issue that he knew might rear its ugly head?


I dont know if he can shake off the sleezettes either. but until it is proven to me he is guilty, Im sticking with him. I dislike politicians also, thats why I like him. He agreed to a lie detector test, will they?
That makes zero sense to me, tooner. You do realize Cains past history?


Fifth woman raises questions about Cain's behavior

A former employee of the United States Agency for International Development says Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain asked her to help arrange a dinner date for him with a female audience member following a speech he delivered nine years ago. Donna Donella, 40, of Arlington, said the USAID paid Cain to deliver a speech to businessmen and women in Egypt in 2002, during which an Egyptian businesswoman in her 30s asked Cain a question.

"And after the seminar was over," Donella told The Washington Examiner, "Cain came over to me and a colleague and said, 'Could you put me in touch with that lovely young lady who asked the question, so I can give her a more thorough answer over dinner?'"

Donella, who no longer works for USAID, said they were suspicious of Cain's motives and declined to set up the date. Cain responded, "Then you and I can have dinner." That's when two female colleagues intervened and suggested they all go to dinner together, Donella said.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, Cain effectively DOUBLED DOWN on the allegations today by saying he didnt know the latest woman to come forward with Gloria Allred. He threw the gauntlet down for himself, and now its a matter of time before all the women come forward and blast CAIN.

Why he would do this to himself or his wife is beyond belief.

His poor wife must be feeling horrible despite his claims that she is handling it very well. Why was CAIN always looking to be out with other women while his wife was at home? Why did he put himself in many situations that ended up with "misunderstandngs" of his intentions?

How many more women need to come forward in order for his supporters to start to be suspicious?

Cmon already.



Well-Known Member
I dont know if he can shake off the sleezettes either. but until it is proven to me he is guilty, Im sticking with him. I dislike politicians also, thats why I like him. He agreed to a lie detector test, will they?

Thats it attack the victims -"sleezettes"?? Real good. Anyway you say you dislike pols so you therefore like Cain?? WHat do you think he has been doing all those years?? By being the head of the Restaurant Assoc , he was a highly paid LOBBYIST!! Of course he dosnt like the way Washington works. Because when Washington works correctly, it causes him and his ilk to have less profits in their pockets.

Again you say you hate pols but this idiot is acting just like a few pols we know: Clinton, Spitzer,etc.

I agree with the "Cain is toast" line


WHat do you think he has been doing all those years?? By being the head of the Restaurant Assoc , he was a highly paid LOBBYIST!! Of course he dosnt like the way Washington works. Because when Washington works correctly, it causes him and his ilk to have less profits in their pockets.
I like pizza because I dislike Italian food. That is the equivalent of liking Herman Cain because of dislike for politicians. :knockedout:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I do not have to answer to any of you. I have a right to choose who I want. If I end up wrong, so what. Trust me, I am a big girl. I go my own way. I am loyal to my friends. I dont need my big brothers steering me in the right direction, but thanks anyway.


Nine Lives
I like pizza because I dislike Italian food. That is the equivalent of liking Herman Cain because of dislike for politicians. :knockedout:

Actually the bungling way in which Cain has handled this shows he is not yet a politician. Slick Willy would have slimed right through this with little or no trouble. He is the ultimate politician.