Herman Cain


Staff member
I'm waiting to see what Cain is announcing at his press conference today.

Being "stuck with Buck" is not an option with me. At least we have a few to choose from. No options on the other side. My perfect scenario would be some super sleuth to trace the greed, the money and find that the Obama camp provided Gloria Allred with her stooge/client.
You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if anyone stands to benefit from Cain going down it's his primary opponents, not Obama. Perry is probably the one with the most to gain and that's why the Cain camp fingered him for the leak.


golden ticket member
You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but if anyone stands to benefit from Cain going down it's his primary opponents, not Obama. Perry is probably the one with the most to gain and that's why the Cain camp fingered him for the leak.
I can dream, can't I ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
We'll see how this works out. Cain is yet to reach anything like Clinton was accused of back in 1992 and Slick Willy did OK. It would be a shame if Cain misses his chance to be Americas first Black president.

HAHAHA,....believe me, CAIN is no slick willy.... he may be slick, but thats only slime your touching!


Lue C Fur

Evil member
If its true that Cain did what he is accused of then he should step down. But a few things that some might not know about the current accuser:

Filed for Bankruptcy...twice.
The paternity lawsuit her former husband filed against her shortly after their child was born
Obama,s little buddy David Axlerod lived in the same building as her.
This woman does not rule out being paid for her story to the highest bidder.
She was terminated by the National Restaurant Association a month before the alleged actions by Cain took place.

Just some things to ponder while we wait to see how things pan out.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Doesn't matter how you want to cut it, Slick Willy was nothing but slime.

You dont see me defending him do you? Slick willy was a womanizer, like lots of washington politicians, just ask Newt Gingrich!

With Herman Cain, the pattern is clear. With this latest woman, the record clearly establishes that she is telling the truth. The hotel records have been verified and Herman Cain did in fact UPGRADE her room to a suite.

Why would a married man do this? Why would a married man take another woman out for drinks and then an expensive dinner? To CAIN, this appears to be a date , and he had other intentions on how this "date" would end.

It goes to his character, and thats important in a race for the white house. If you are saying that a person without character can make a legitimate run for the white house, then you have to then allow every womanizer in this country run for office and then keep your mouths shut.

Arnold the terminator was caught in an ugly mess he hid for years and now people dont respect him, yet, CAIN, with now 4 women making similiar accusations ( and probably more to come) you all want to give a free pass to him.

I dont get it.

With Gary Hart, the GOP condemned him, With Clinton, the GOP condemned him, With Weiner, the GOP condemned him, but with CAIN, you all say "well, im going to wait to pass judgement on him", or "theres no proof that he really did anything, and women cant be believed".

It doesnt matter what the actual details are. The fact of the matter is simple. CAIN placed himself into a situation at the national restaurant assn that required the Eboard to resolve the matter with a cash settlement.

Who cares what happened? His character put him in a place where OTHER CEO's dont go. Not all corporations have to pay women to shut up when the CEO makes inappropriate advances on them.

This happened TWICE under CAINS leadership. Two payoffs. TWO CONTRACTS. TWO allegations of sexual harrassment. Now a third says she experienced similiar things but never said anything, and a fourth came out and put her face on national television.

No matter what you think of the women, or how you try to dimish the claims of working women in the workplace, CAIN STILL PUT HIMSELF IN THOSE SITUATIONS and he had to be BAILED out of them.

Thats a person with BAD CHARACTER.

If you want a person with bad character as your nominee, then I say WOOOOHOOOO! GO for it!



Well-Known Member
You dont see me defending him do you? Slick willy was a womanizer, like lots of washington politicians, just ask Newt Gingrich!

With Herman Cain, the pattern is clear. With this latest woman, the record clearly establishes that she is telling the truth. The hotel records have been verified and Herman Cain did in fact UPGRADE her room to a suite.

Why would a married man do this? Why would a married man take another woman out for drinks and then an expensive dinner? To CAIN, this appears to be a date , and he had other intentions on how this "date" would end.

It goes to his character, and thats important in a race for the white house. If you are saying that a person without character can make a legitimate run for the white house, then you have to then allow every womanizer in this country run for office and then keep your mouths shut.

Arnold the terminator was caught in an ugly mess he hid for years and now people dont respect him, yet, CAIN, with now 4 women making similiar accusations ( and probably more to come) you all want to give a free pass to him.

I dont get it.

With Gary Hart, the GOP condemned him, With Clinton, the GOP condemned him, With Weiner, the GOP condemned him, but with CAIN, you all say "well, im going to wait to pass judgement on him", or "theres no proof that he really did anything, and women cant be believed".

It doesnt matter what the actual details are. The fact of the matter is simple. CAIN placed himself into a situation at the national restaurant assn that required the Eboard to resolve the matter with a cash settlement.

Who cares what happened? His character put him in a place where OTHER CEO's dont go. Not all corporations have to pay women to shut up when the CEO makes inappropriate advances on them.

This happened TWICE under CAINS leadership. Two payoffs. TWO CONTRACTS. TWO allegations of sexual harrassment. Now a third says she experienced similiar things but never said anything, and a fourth came out and put her face on national television.

No matter what you think of the women, or how you try to dimish the claims of working women in the workplace, CAIN STILL PUT HIMSELF IN THOSE SITUATIONS and he had to be BAILED out of them.

Thats a person with BAD CHARACTER.

If you want a person with bad character as your nominee, then I say WOOOOHOOOO! GO for it!


Care to back up your claim in bold with a link? Remember I believe nothing that you state as you have stated nothing but lies in the past. Still looking forward to Cain's press conference. My gut feeling is this woman is a fraud and will be exposed as one. Its only a matter of when she is exposed.
You dont see me defending him do you? Slick willy was a womanizer, like lots of washington politicians, just ask Newt Gingrich!

With Herman Cain, the pattern is clear. With this latest woman, the record clearly establishes that she is telling the truth. The hotel records have been verified and Herman Cain did in fact UPGRADE her room to a suite.

Why would a married man do this? Why would a married man take another woman out for drinks and then an expensive dinner? To CAIN, this appears to be a date , and he had other intentions on how this "date" would end.

It goes to his character, and thats important in a race for the white house. If you are saying that a person without character can make a legitimate run for the white house, then you have to then allow every womanizer in this country run for office and then keep your mouths shut.

Arnold the terminator was caught in an ugly mess he hid for years and now people dont respect him, yet, CAIN, with now 4 women making similiar accusations ( and probably more to come) you all want to give a free pass to him.

I dont get it.

With Gary Hart, the GOP condemned him, With Clinton, the GOP condemned him, With Weiner, the GOP condemned him, but with CAIN, you all say "well, im going to wait to pass judgement on him", or "theres no proof that he really did anything, and women cant be believed".

It doesnt matter what the actual details are. The fact of the matter is simple. CAIN placed himself into a situation at the national restaurant assn that required the Eboard to resolve the matter with a cash settlement.

Who cares what happened? His character put him in a place where OTHER CEO's dont go. Not all corporations have to pay women to shut up when the CEO makes inappropriate advances on them.

This happened TWICE under CAINS leadership. Two payoffs. TWO CONTRACTS. TWO allegations of sexual harrassment. Now a third says she experienced similiar things but never said anything, and a fourth came out and put her face on national television.

No matter what you think of the women, or how you try to dimish the claims of working women in the workplace, CAIN STILL PUT HIMSELF IN THOSE SITUATIONS and he had to be BAILED out of them.

Thats a person with BAD CHARACTER.

If you want a person with bad character as your nominee, then I say WOOOOHOOOO! GO for it!

I'm not giving Cain a pass. I said I would wait till real evidence came out. I don't know that it has been verified that Cain upgraded her room, all I know about that has came from you.


golden ticket member
I believe him. He said he's never seen that one with Allred and the name did not even sound familiar.

I think it's like a witch hunt and he said he thought it was Democrat based.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Care to back up your claim in bold with a link? Remember I believe nothing that you state as you have stated nothing but lies in the past. Still looking forward to Cain's press conference. My gut feeling is this woman is a fraud and will be exposed as one. Its only a matter of when she is exposed.

Maybe while TOS is getting the link/proof you requested he will tell everyone what my other screen name is. In addition, maybe TOS will come out with proof on his Laura Bush drunk driving murder story. Or like usual...TOS will run and hide.


golden ticket member
, November 8, 2011 @ 4:44 pm | Woman Who Accused Herman Cain of Sexual Harassment Now Works For . . . Barack Obama

Not exactly doing her credibility any favors.
(NY Post) — GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain argues that he’s no sexual harasser — but friends and family members of one accuser were only trying to right a wrong no woman should suffer in the workplace.

Karen Kraushaar, a 55-year-old former journalist who currently works for the Obama administration, was outed today as one of the three women who had filed sexual harassment complaints against Cain.

“She wouldn’t be the type to make false allegations,” brother-in-law Ned Kraushaar, a Georgia software consultant, told The Daily. “This happened [more than] 10 years ago. It’s not like she wanted to try and hurt the Republican Party.”

Until now, three of the four women who had lodged complaints against Cain had remained anonymous.

Kraushaar now serves as a communications director at the Inspector General’s Office of the Treasury Department, a position she has held since 2010.


, November 8, 2011 @ 4:44 pm | Woman Who Accused Herman Cain of Sexual Harassment Now Works For . . . Barack Obama

Not exactly doing her credibility any favors.
(NY Post) — GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain argues that he’s no sexual harasser — but friends and family members of one accuser were only trying to right a wrong no woman should suffer in the workplace.

Karen Kraushaar, a 55-year-old former journalist who currently works for the Obama administration, was outed today as one of the three women who had filed sexual harassment complaints against Cain.

“She wouldn’t be the type to make false allegations,” brother-in-law Ned Kraushaar, a Georgia software consultant, told The Daily. “This happened [more than] 10 years ago. It’s not like she wanted to try and hurt the Republican Party.”

Until now, three of the four women who had lodged complaints against Cain had remained anonymous.

Kraushaar now serves as a communications director at the Inspector General’s Office of the Treasury Department, a position she has held since 2010.

Yes it is all clear, this woman works for Obama. After getting awarded the job from Obama, she went back in time 10 years to counsel her younger self to file a sexual harrassment claim against Herman Cain. Yes, it is so clear.