Herman Cain

Another angle to watch for and i want to be out in front of the curve on it, and that is to look out for another woman to come forward and make complaints, get on TV, get air time with wild claims, then in a week, come out and say she lied for publicity.

This woman would be hired by the CAIN camp and paid by supporters whos money cant be traced back to CAIN.

Once this happens, CAIN will come out and say "SEE, another false accusation" ... "women will lie!"

Dont put anything past Herman Cains camp.

Hmmm this post sure resembles the one about Wienner being "framed". We all know how that went. Eventually all curves turn into straightaways.
You know, I had the same thoughts earlier today.

Women lie, Cain "takes" bogus test and proves to be telling truth!

Then we have a heroic black man who told the truth and is made out to be some type of savior and saint.

Koch would fund this made for TV production, correct?
I thought you said you weren't a conspiracy theorist? LOL


golden ticket member
ZIP | Wednesday, November 9, 2011 @ 9:40 am |
AP Report: Woman Who Accused Cain of Sexual Harassment Filed Complaint In Next Job…

The boy woman who cried wolf?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A woman who settled a sexual harassment complaint against GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain in 1999 complained three years later at her next job about unfair treatment, saying she should be allowed to work from home after a serious car accident and accusing a manager of circulating a sexually charged email, The Associated Press has learned.

Karen Kraushaar, 55, filed the complaint while working as a spokeswoman at the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Justice Department in late 2002 or early 2003, with the assistance of her lawyer, Joel Bennett, who also handled her earlier sexual harassment complaint against Cain in 1999. Three former supervisors familiar with Kraushaar’s complaint, which did not include a claim of sexual harassment, described it for the AP under condition of anonymity because the matter was handled internally by the agency and was not public.

To settle the complaint at the immigration service, Kraushaar initially demanded thousands of dollars in payment, a reinstatement of leave she used after the accident earlier in 2002, promotion on the federal pay scale and a one-year fellowship to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, according to a former supervisor familiar with the complaint. The promotion itself would have increased her annual salary between $12,000 and $16,000, according to salary tables in 2002 from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management


Für Meno :)
It's just a shame the 9% National Sales Tax isn't in place, yet. With Black-Friday cooming up and Xmas, the US government could earn some serious , much needed, bucks !


golden ticket member
It's just a shame the 9% National Sales Tax isn't in place, yet. With Black-Friday cooming up and Xmas, the US government could earn some serious , much needed, bucks !
Don't feel sorry for us because Obamas is putting a 15% tax on all fresh Christmas trees. I'm calling mine a holiday tree and fighting that tax !!
Happy Frickin' Holidays !!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Just recently I stated Cain should step down. I cited that the upgraded room should be easy to prove or disprove . Tos stated that it was investigated but I have not found this information .

Also two other "disturbing" true facts have been reported by the media.

The fact that one of the accusers lives in Axelrods apartment building. !!!! Very strange.
The fact that one of the accusers works in the Obama administration and has filed other complaints at other jobs.

Cain has said he will take a polygraph test --Will the accusers agree also ??

I am starting to believe I came to judgement a little too soon . Tooner You were right ---lets see how this whole thing plays out.

Imagine that Obama was accused by a woman of harrasement and then it was discovered that she worked in the Bush administration and lived in Karl Roves building --the left would go nuts !!!!!:wink2:

Im glad you are holding your opinion til the facts come out. When I am shown proof, I will jump the train also.
I had a conversation with a sup today, and we discussed this.
Say there are 5 female workers, who have close proximity to a male sup all day.
Say those five are mad coz they got written up, or coz they were thwarted if they made an advance, or got suspended or fired because of an observation.
The first thing they could do is gang up.
1. He rode with me and made me uncomfortable because he watched me walk.
2. When showing me how to lift and lower he put emphasis on spreading my feet apart, and I felt that was a sexual suggestion , saying I should spread my legs.
3. 3 times today when he was in the back of the truck with me, he brushed against my breast 3 times.
4. One time when he walked by me he touched my butt. I felt it was on purpose.

5. He told me I looked like I lost weight. Why should he notice, after all I am just a machine. Does that mean he has been ogling me and noticed my butt was smaller. Why would he notice that? Made me extremely uncomfortable.
Corporate gets this complaint, who gets the grief? Not me, Im home safe. I have just ruined this guys career, hurt his family, his name and his livelihood.
Ever see that happen at UPS? Yup thought so.
So until I see proof, Im standing down.


bella amicizia
I am second guessing myself since hearing about this Axelrod stuff. I am going to wait and see. Whatever occurs, it sure is interesting.


Nine Lives
While I like Cain ... I'll be for the candidate that has the best chance of beating Obama.

That's the target and the goal ... don't take your eye off the target.


Staff member
David Axelrod is from Chicago! There's the connection! Or wait...maybe it was Oprah. She's from Chicago too. Lovie Smith? Rahm? Or maybe, just maybe...Blago? Brian Urlacher?


golden ticket member
David Axelrod is from Chicago! There's the connection! Or wait...maybe it was Oprah. She's from Chicago too. Lovie Smith? Rahm? Or maybe, just maybe...Blago? Brian Urlacher?
I pick Rahm...........and Bill Murray......a non Canadian comic a truly rare find...together with Jesse Jackson a real sabotage team!! All Chicagoans.


Well-Known Member
David Axelrod is from Chicago! There's the connection! Or wait...maybe it was Oprah. She's from Chicago too. Lovie Smith? Rahm? Or maybe, just maybe...Blago? Brian Urlacher?


Wow!! Do all of those people live in the same apartment building ???