Herman Cain


Actually the bungling way in which Cain has handled this shows he is not yet a politician. Slick Willy would have slimed right through this with little or no trouble. He is the ultimate politician.
I think you are arguing "quintessential politician" vs politician, that does have merit. Correct me if I'm wrong. He may or may not be seasoned but that's partially due to previous failures such as '00 and '04. Knowing his history plus his long term ties to Koch, he's a politician.


Für Meno :)
I'm starting to wonder how many "stop payments" are now in place of those latest donation checks sent to the Cain campaign ?
After all, who wants to pay for a (Cain-) train ride that ends up in a wreck ?


I do not have to answer to any of you. I have a right to choose who I want. If I end up wrong, so what. Trust me, I am a big girl. I go my own way. I am loyal to my friends. I dont need my big brothers steering me in the right direction, but thanks anyway.
no one's twisting your arm, especially me.. It is your choice of course (and anyone elses) whether to embrace it or deflect other viewpoints. You do admit that no one is steering you in the wrong direction so that is good. ;)


Well-Known Member
I do not have to answer to any of you. I have a right to choose who I want. If I end up wrong, so what. Trust me, I am a big girl. I go my own way. I am loyal to my friends. I dont need my big brothers steering me in the right direction, but thanks anyway.


You do have a right to choose your own way and yes if you are wrong, you have to live with it. In this case however, your choice will be a part of a collective group and if you are wrong and thus if the group is wrong, the nation if you will has to live with the impact of that wrong choice. This is not a judgement about Cain but a reality about the entire process and the effects of the majority's choice in any given election.

I've heard several PR people talk about this whole matter (the allegations and Cain's response) from it's start and it was there that this whole thing could have gone away. It's clear IMO that the initial reports were not a result of one of the alleged victims coming forward but rather someone who went digging into the past. The initial alleged victim (make note I'm saying alleged here) stated through her lawyer that she only came forward as a result of Cain's dismissive "It never happened" and this caused a cascade effect. As has been noted here, as that day wore on, the story changed and Cain himself dug the hole deeper but had his campaign sat back and prepared a statement, he could have done so without admitting guilt while making no negative judgement of the claims of the victim or in otherwords, honor the non-disclosure agreement and thus keeping the alleged victim(s) bound by their's.

Maybe the thing would have been a 24 or 48 hour news cycle at the most and by now it would be long forgotten. I don't care for Cain because to be honest I find him a false conservative although my idea of a conservative is from a much older ideal. I don't think Cain is of the limited gov't ideal but rather like a Newt Gingrich mold who believes you can just better manage the Leviathan. For 70 years, republicans have been singing that song and dance and in the process of just making FDRism work more efficient, the State and our communities in general have gotten worse and the ill effects appear to be suffered onto the shoulders of generations to come. IMO Cain is just a Carny midway sideshow used to distract decent folk in order to pick their pockets of what little of their lives they have left. Obama, Cain and the rest are nothing but vultures who are picking the bones of a dying carcass and as H.L. Mencken once said,

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.


Well-Known Member
At this point, it's hard to prove or disprove the allegations against Cain and where this goes, it's unclear IMO. However, there is one thing I think can give a pretty good indication of where this thing could go. Watch the actions of the wife!

If she bolts, look out!


Strength through joy
Actually the bungling way in which Cain has handled this shows he is not yet a politician. Slick Willy would have slimed right through this with little or no trouble. He is the ultimate politician.

And it really helps to have the corrupt media on your side.
At this point, it's hard to prove or disprove the allegations against Cain and where this goes, it's unclear IMO. However, there is one thing I think can give a pretty good indication of where this thing could go. Watch the actions of the wife!

If she bolts, look out!
I agree 100 %.


Für Meno :)
And it really helps to have the corrupt media on your side.

Corrupt Media ?
Cain is doing that to himself, and yes he makes Canadian news, too.

3 weeks ago he said, being black will not set you back in todays America (his own words).
Now, it's a racist issue (he own words).

Also, first he layed the blame on high-tech democrats.
Then on Perry.
Then he blamed the media.
As of this week, he blames the racist democrats !

He's doing it all on his own !


For an innocent guy he does seem a bit quick to fire back and liberal with the blame. I would like to think a man with integrity would return one simple, dignified response and move on. That wasn't it.

Still, not sure how much of this is genuine.

We'll see.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Like I said a week ago. As Cain tried to blame the women by calling them liars, golddiggers and stuff, it would only be a matter of time before ALL THE WOMEN got together and came forward to speak about Cains actions.

This morning, its about to come true. CAIN doubled down in his last press conference and the women are about to "CALL HIS HAND". An attorney for one of the women who STANDS by her written complaints against CAIN when he was at the NRA has said that all the women are joining to do a combined press conference to DETAIL their original written complaints against Herman Cain.

IN addition, they will discuss the terms of their settlements with the NRA.

This group of women together will SINK Herman Cain. Not only is he a LIAR, but he demonstrates that he will continue with bad advice from his handlers.

This is NOT the making of a good leader. If he is willing to take bad advice and act on it, how can he manage a nation?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Another angle to watch for and i want to be out in front of the curve on it, and that is to look out for another woman to come forward and make complaints, get on TV, get air time with wild claims, then in a week, come out and say she lied for publicity.

This woman would be hired by the CAIN camp and paid by supporters whos money cant be traced back to CAIN.

Once this happens, CAIN will come out and say "SEE, another false accusation" ... "women will lie!"

Dont put anything past Herman Cains camp.



Well-Known Member
In 2008 during a campaign stop here in So Cal, Sara Palin blew me a kiss. I Knew her intentions weren't good.
One has to wonder about this lady making this accusation against Cain but is said to have hugged him during a recent Tea Party rally. The subsequent actions of the spouse whose husband has been accused by women of sexual allegation isn't a good indicator, hence Hillary Clinton.
This is called selective moral outrage, how quick we forget about Bill's actions in the White House and the quote "kiss it" statement. When its our guy then we let it go and say it was a lapse in judgement but if involves someone from across the isle then we're morally outraged.


golden ticket member
In 2008 during a campaign stop here in So Cal, Sara Palin blew me a kiss. I Knew her intentions weren't good.
One has to wonder about this lady making this accusation against Cain but is said to have hugged him during a recent Tea Party rally. The subsequent actions of the spouse whose husband has been accused by women of sexual allegation isn't a good indicator, hence Hillary Clinton.
This is called selective moral outrage, how quick we forget about Bill's actions in the White House and the quote "kiss it" statement. When its our guy then we let it go and say it was a lapse in judgement but if involves someone from across the isle then we're morally outraged.

Just in case we forgot........

Bill Clinton: I Did Not, Have, Sexual, Relations, with THAT Woman, Monica Lewinsky - YouTube


Well-Known Member
Just recently I stated Cain should step down. I cited that the upgraded room should be easy to prove or disprove . Tos stated that it was investigated but I have not found this information .

Also two other "disturbing" true facts have been reported by the media.

The fact that one of the accusers lives in Axelrods apartment building. !!!! Very strange.
The fact that one of the accusers works in the Obama administration and has filed other complaints at other jobs.

Cain has said he will take a polygraph test --Will the accusers agree also ??

I am starting to believe I came to judgement a little too soon . Tooner You were right ---lets see how this whole thing plays out.

Imagine that Obama was accused by a woman of harrasement and then it was discovered that she worked in the Bush administration and lived in Karl Roves building --the left would go nuts !!!!!:wink2:


Another angle to watch for and i want to be out in front of the curve on it, and that is to look out for another woman to come forward and make complaints, get on TV, get air time with wild claims, then in a week, come out and say she lied for publicity.

This woman would be hired by the CAIN camp and paid by supporters whos money cant be traced back to CAIN.

Once this happens, CAIN will come out and say "SEE, another false accusation" ... "women will lie!"

Dont put anything past Herman Cains camp.

You know, I had the same thoughts earlier today.

Women lie, Cain "takes" bogus test and proves to be telling truth!

Then we have a heroic black man who told the truth and is made out to be some type of savior and saint.

Koch would fund this made for TV production, correct?


Für Meno :)
I just entered a Chef-Boyadee fb contest. Had to post a pic of myself eating it... (no problem).. but guess what's in the rules ? Something Cain should learn from! :

Entries cannot promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), promote any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous, or promote any particular political agenda or message.


In 2008 during a campaign stop here in So Cal, Sara Palin blew me a kiss. I Knew her intentions weren't good.
One has to wonder about this lady making this accusation against Cain but is said to have hugged him during a recent Tea Party rally. The subsequent actions of the spouse whose husband has been accused by women of sexual allegation isn't a good indicator, hence Hillary Clinton.
This is called selective moral outrage, how quick we forget about Bill's actions in the White House and the quote "kiss it" statement. When its our guy then we let it go and say it was a lapse in judgement but if involves someone from across the isle then we're morally outraged.
That "picture" to my knowledge was only on a Fox article, the woman was NOT an accuser but in fine print was labeled 'taken on night of the accusation'

You may want to be more careful in what you are reading.


Für Meno :)
You do realize Cain took back his lie-dedector statement almost as soon as he said it.
It came with a big "BUT"....., wasn't it : "but, only if it's neccesary".

He won't do it. The women should on the other hand....they are fed up now, and have gone wild... watch out what you say Cain !