Herman Cain


Well-Known Member

Darn you moreluck I was going to post a link to that!

While it is written by Ann Coulter which will cause some hand wringing among some of our less informed liberal friends on here she makes some good points. All these accusations are coming from a city that Herman has not lived in nor worked in, yet who has strong ties to Chicago and a history of using these same tactics to destroy his past political opponents? That would be our leader, and to some savior, Barry Obama. After all is said and done we have 5 accusations, 3 of which the women refuse to show their face or give their names. Of the remaining two we have one who is described by her own family as a gold digger, and another who has a history of making complaints over minor or seemingly innocent occurrences and is described by her own superiors at the INS as having a poor work ethic. I'm sorry but there is nothing there worth abandoning this man over. Herman Cain is still in this race and still a contender for the Presidency. Its those on the left who have a real reason to fear him, not the current GOP establishment even if he isn't their chosen one. Once this passes Herman will still be standing and the Chicago way will hopefully begin to fail for those political thugs who think its perfectly reasonable to use on a national level.


bella amicizia
This whole story stinks worse than a draft beer fart. All of it. The scenario itself, if true. The attempt to smear, if not.
Sadly, either story has the potential of being true. If you can't beat someone fairly based on ideology, why not just attack their character and create a enough of a hint of corruptness and lewdness that would turn most people off because of the potential of truth. Sad state of politics when you can't really be sure of what is occurring.


Well-Known Member
This is a bit off topic but when I was stationed in Texas we had civilians working in the office that I worked in. There was one particular civilian (black woman) who we quickly learned not to joke around with as she was looking for anything and anyone to file harassment claims against. I'm not saying that this is the case with Cain but it most certainly could be a possibility.


golden ticket member
This whole story stinks worse than a draft beer fart. All of it. The scenario itself, if true. The attempt to smear, if not.
Sadly, either story has the potential of being true. If you can't beat someone fairly based on ideology, why not just attack their character and create a enough of a hint of corruptness and lewdness that would turn most people off because of the potential of truth. Sad state of politics when you can't really be sure of what is occurring.
The 'sad state' is that the press can persecute a candidate on anonymous allegations, yet they can't make connections of some 'facts' and make trouble for these coincidently Democrat persons.


Staff member
This is a bit off topic but when I was stationed in Texas we had civilians working in the office that I worked in. There was one particular civilian (black woman) who we quickly learned not to joke around with as she was looking for anything and anyone to file harassment claims against. I'm not saying that this is the case with Cain but it most certainly could be a possibility.
Do you really consider Politico so slanted as to run with this story without following the evidence first? They are hardly a tabloid. There's real fire here.


golden ticket member
Do you really consider Politico so slanted as to run with this story without following the evidence first? They are hardly a tabloid. There's real fire here.
Unnamed accusers, anonymous accusers, a named accuser who proceede on to another job and pulled the same stuff there., if that's fire, your food will always be raw!


Staff member
Unnamed accusers, anonymous accusers, a named accuser who proceede on to another job and pulled the same stuff there., if that's fire, your food will always be raw!
Unnamed recipients of cash settlements. Someone thought the accusers had a case.


golden ticket member
Unnamed recipients of cash settlements. Someone thought the accusers had a case.
Settlements could also be called pest payments....I'll bet 80% of settlements are just to get rid of a pest and avoid the high cost of litigation. Corporations do it all the time.
Originally Posted by bbsam

Unnamed recipients of cash settlements. Someone thought the accusers had a case.

Settlements could also be called pest payments....I'll bet 80% of settlements are just to get rid of a pest and avoid the high cost of litigation. Corporations do it all the time.

This is true Moreluck. I personally know of a couple of cases that UPS settled on just to get them out of the way. There weren't sexual harassment cases, but the company mentality is the same. The cost and time of litigation (keeping the company lawyers tied up) creates out of court settlements.

The fact that there were settlements don't anymore prove guilt than it does innocence.


Für Meno :)
Mike Tyson
Greatest Herman Cain Impersonator Ever

Herman Cain sings "Imagine There's No Pizza" from Mike Tyson
Herman Cain (Mike Tyson) sings John Lennon's classic 'Imagine There's No Pizza' like only Herman Cain can.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
This is true Moreluck. I personally know of a couple of cases that UPS settled on just to get them out of the way. There weren't sexual harassment cases, but the company mentality is the same. The cost and time of litigation (keeping the company lawyers tied up) creates out of court settlements.

The fact that there were settlements don't anymore prove guilt than it does innocence.

I have been unable to chime in because I have been closing out my California house FINALLY. This thread moves faster than any in recent history that I have read!
1. I personally apologized to wkmac for jumping to conclusions about ignoring a request. As this story has unfolded, many have jumped to conclusions without any proof. Based on unsubstantiated accusations from people who have waited 15 to 20 years to come forward.
Ask yourself what would you do if someone sexually harrassed you?
Have you been on both sides of the fence? (Harrassed and a harrassor [sp check])
You might react differently if you were a harrassor... OR provoked that reaction in someone by flirting etc.)
How are you going to prove that you are telling the truth?

How can an investigator prove who is lying or telling the truth? Is there video? Is there a child? Is there any physical evidence? Is there a confession? If the answers are no, all the rest is hear-say.

This leads me into a personal story as an accused manager at UPS. I have to preface this with this statement. I have been faithful to my wife since the day I met her 41 years ago. 1991 - The term sexual harrassment was just starting to poke it's head into the workplace. There were no guideline how to handle cases that came up. I was one of the first to be accused in this new frontier! I was building a case against a female driver who had high claims and extremely poor DR methods. Next thing I know my division manager told me about the accusation. He also told me that I was going to have to be interviewed by HR at the district office. My reaction as an innocent person was this. "What time do you want me and my wife there?" He had a puzzled look on his face. I further explained in a pissed off tone "If you are going to accuse me of something I did not do then you will tell it directly to my wife's face because I WILL NOT go home and tell her what happened in this meeting. So what time do you want us there? My division manager backed off and said I will get back to you. No meeting ever happened. But HR came to the center and interviewed at lenght every female employee and interviewed others as well to try and substantiate a pattern of behavior. My division manager started testing me by commenting on some of the women clerks in a very provacative manner to see how I reacted.
To make a long story short, they could not find any pattern of even minor flirting. The person accusing me, seeing that nothing was happening, started making the story worse and accusing me of running my hand up her thigh and grabbing her in the crotch. I know that all of this was false BUT I could not prove it. My best vindication was that I remained the center manager in this center for another 3 years! After this incident, I did not trust anyone. Everytime I met with any women there was a supervisor or shop steward present PERIOD. I kept building a case on this driver but in a non-vindictive way. She won also, she did not see any further discipline but she did start using good DR methods!

I have no idea what kind of rumors were floating around during that time.

We formulate the way we think and act based on our life experiences and the personality traits we are born with. Because of this personal incident, I look at things differently and give people the benefit of the doubt.


Staff member
Settlements could also be called pest payments....I'll bet 80% of settlements are just to get rid of a pest and avoid the high cost of litigation. Corporations do it all the time.
Not if the corporation can fight the payment. If the case had no merit, they would tell the accusers to go pound sand. We aren't talking 5about grand a piece here. What would it say to anyone on the way out the door? File a harrassment charge and collect a check on the way out. Not the precedent a company wants to set.


golden ticket member
Not if the corporation can fight the payment. If the case had no merit, they would tell the accusers to go pound sand. We aren't talking 5about grand a piece here. What would it say to anyone on the way out the door? File a harrassment charge and collect a check on the way out. Not the precedent a company wants to set.
What's the official......settlement or severance?