Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
Do you really consider Politico so slanted as to run with this story without following the evidence first? They are hardly a tabloid. There's real fire here.


Unnamed recipients of cash settlements. Someone thought the accusers had a case.

The average cost to fight a case like this for a company, win or lose, is around $250,000. Doesn't matter if the company wins or not they are out of that $250,000 or more. Even at $35k-$40k a pop the company saves a significant amount of money and makes it all go away. Doesn't mean there is a case, it just means the company did a cost benefit analysis of the situation and found it was cheaper to pay these women to go away rather than spend a whole lot more money to make fools out of them in a court.


Staff member

The average cost to fight a case like this for a company, win or lose, is around $250,000. Doesn't matter if the company wins or not they are out of that $250,000 or more. Even at $35k-$40k a pop the company saves a significant amount of money and makes it all go away. Doesn't mean there is a case, it just means the company did a cost benefit analysis of the situation and found it was cheaper to pay these women to go away rather than spend a whole lot more money to make fools out of them in a court.
I'd be interested in where you found those numbers.


The last I checked CEOs are known to possess narcissistic qualities such as lack of remorse and empathy. You don't think someone who's living a dream of objects at his their disposal could feel comfortable enough to lie and believe it? Guys like Romney and Cain come off more as CEO psychopaths than anything "normal down to earth middle America".

Having said that, he could certainly be completely innocent. I don't know but it is fun to speculate.


Well-Known Member
The last I checked CEOs are known to possess narcissistic qualities such as lack of remorse and empathy. You don't think someone who's living a dream of objects at his their disposal could feel comfortable enough to lie and believe it? Guys like Romney and Cain come off more as CEO psychopaths than anything "normal down to earth middle America".

Having said that, he could certainly be completely innocent. I don't know but it is fun to speculate.
Do you have any studies to show that CEO's possess such qualities? I could say the same for Marxists such as yourself where you believe the world would be better with less free enterprise and more government, but that doesn't necessarily make it true. The P.I. in the story even stated that the software is more accurate than a standard polygraph test so the chances of Cain slipping by it are much lower, and then you add in the fact that his accuser failed it miserably and you have enough evidence to prove him innocent.


Well-Known Member
This is a bit off topic but when I was stationed in Texas we had civilians working in the office that I worked in. There was one particular civilian (black woman) who we quickly learned not to joke around with as she was looking for anything and anyone to file harassment claims against. I'm not saying that this is the case with Cain but it most certainly could be a possibility.
What are you saying??


Für Meno :)
Another Mike Tyson Cain video ! :)

You’ve got to hand it to Funny or Die: They decided to make a Herman Cain video spoof, and the first thing they said was “We’ve got to get Mike Tyson.” That wouldn’t have been my first thought. But in a weird way, it works. Enjoy the video linked below.

Herman Cain’s Campaign Promises with Mike Tyson from Mike Tyson, Scott Gairdner, Danny Jelinek, Funny Or Die, Joel Church Cooper, Kat Bardot, BoTown Sound, Ally Hord, Alex Richanbach, Anna Wenger, Erin Cantelo, and TLopezCepero


Do you have any studies to show that CEO's possess such qualities? I could say the same for Marxists such as yourself where you believe the world would be better with less free enterprise and more government, but that doesn't necessarily make it true. The P.I. in the story even stated that the software is more accurate than a standard polygraph test so the chances of Cain slipping by it are much lower, and then you add in the fact that his accuser failed it miserably and you have enough evidence to prove him innocent.



Für Meno :)
The P.I. in the story even stated that the software is more accurate than a standard polygraph test so the chances of Cain slipping by it are much lower, and then you add in the fact that his accuser failed it miserably and you have enough evidence to prove him innocent.

Voice-Analysis: How Reliable?
But questions have been raised in the past about how reliable voice-analysis software really is as a lie detector.
Proponents say it is more accurate than traditional polygraph tests, which look at physiological traits like blood pressure, pulse and respiration rather than voice qualities. According to Ward, the software he uses -- "layered voice analysis," or LVA, which is manufactured by Nemesysco in Israel and distributed in the United States by the Wisconsin-based Voice Analysis Technologies -- is 95 percent accurate and employed by 70 law enforcement agencies around the country.
Another Type of Analysis: CVSA
However, another type of voice-analysis software -- the National Institute for Truth Verification's "computer voice stress analyzer," or CVSA, which claims a 98 percent accuracy rate -- came under fire in 2006 when ABC News reported that it had falsely implicated several people in crimes they did not commit.
The United States military used to use the CVSA software when interrogating suspected terrorists in the Guantánamo Bay detention center in Cuba, but the Pentagon banned it after a study showed it was no more reliable than a coin flip.
Additionally, when the family of a man who was falsely accused of murder based on the results of a CVSA test sued the manufacturer, a psychologist who tested the software for the Michigan State Police Department testified under oath that it did not actually work, ABC News reported.
"This device is nothing more than a prop," the psychologist, John Palmatier, said. "You could not accurately discriminate between truthful and deceptive subjects using that device." He said police mostly used it as a "scare tactic" to get suspects to confess.


golden ticket member
Voice-Analysis: How Reliable?
But questions have been raised in the past about how reliable voice-analysis software really is as a lie detector.
Proponents say it is more accurate than traditional polygraph tests, which look at physiological traits like blood pressure, pulse and respiration rather than voice qualities. According to Ward, the software he uses -- "layered voice analysis," or LVA, which is manufactured by Nemesysco in Israel and distributed in the United States by the Wisconsin-based Voice Analysis Technologies -- is 95 percent accurate and employed by 70 law enforcement agencies around the country.
Another Type of Analysis: CVSA
However, another type of voice-analysis software -- the National Institute for Truth Verification's "computer voice stress analyzer," or CVSA, which claims a 98 percent accuracy rate -- came under fire in 2006 when ABC News reported that it had falsely implicated several people in crimes they did not commit.
The United States military used to use the CVSA software when interrogating suspected terrorists in the Guantánamo Bay detention center in Cuba, but the Pentagon banned it after a study showed it was no more reliable than a coin flip.
Additionally, when the family of a man who was falsely accused of murder based on the results of a CVSA test sued the manufacturer, a psychologist who tested the software for the Michigan State Police Department testified under oath that it did not actually work, ABC News reported.
"This device is nothing more than a prop," the psychologist, John Palmatier, said. "You could not accurately discriminate between truthful and deceptive subjects using that device." He said police mostly used it as a "scare tactic" to get suspects to confess.
None of that crap is admissible in our courts...no lie detector, none of that.


Well-Known Member
bbsam:899730 said:
So why point ro it as proof of innocence?

It's scientifically verifiable evidence that Herman Cain is telling the truth and his "accusers" are not.
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Well-Known Member
No. But they probably all know someone who does live in that complex. That kind of money and power doesn't mix too thoroughly throughout the city.


I do not understand the point you are making.
Are you including the accusor among the celebrities and the power and money ?
Are you saying that the millions of people in Chicago all know each other ?

Or are you saying it is strange that the Gloria Allred accusor lives in the same building as Axelrod ?:happy-very:

Like I stated earlier if a Woman came forward and accused Obama of sexual harrassement lived in Karl Rove's building and worked in the Bush administration all hell would be breaking loose.


golden ticket member

I do not understand the point you are making.
Are you including the accusor among the celebrities and the power and money ?
Are you saying that the millions of people in Chicago all know each other ?

Or are you saying it is strange that the Gloria Allred accusor lives in the same building as Axelrod ?:happy-very:

Like I stated earlier if a Woman came forward and accused Obama of sexual harrassement lived in Karl Rove's building and worked in the Bush administration all hell would be breaking loose.

BBSam's response is in connection with my post #1465 and the David Axelrod and Chicago connection. Start at #1465 and read a couple posts and then the response will make sense.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any studies to show that CEO's possess such qualities? I could say the same for Marxists such as yourself where you believe the world would be better with less free enterprise and more government, but that doesn't necessarily make it true. The P.I. in the story even stated that the software is more accurate than a standard polygraph test so the chances of Cain slipping by it are much lower, and then you add in the fact that his accuser failed it miserably and you have enough evidence to prove him innocent.


I realize that you cannot compete with me toe to toe when it comes to intellect, but must you post pictured of places you want to visit on vacation when I leave you speechless?