Herman Cain


Staff member

I do not understand the point you are making.
Are you including the accusor among the celebrities and the power and money ?
Are you saying that the millions of people in Chicago all know each other ?

Or are you saying it is strange that the Gloria Allred accusor lives in the same building as Axelrod ?:happy-very:

Like I stated earlier if a Woman came forward and accused Obama of sexual harrassement lived in Karl Rove's building and worked in the Bush administration all hell would be breaking loose.
I'm toying with the idea that the rich and powerful in Chicago probably can't find a full "six degrees of separation".


Well-Known Member
According to Klein's post, the pentagon disagrees with that assessment.

As soon as you stated what I highlighted in bold you immediately lost the argument. Keep in mind the software in the article is a $15,000 piece of software. It is no joke and is in use actively by both authorities here in this country and around the world. Its obvious Herman is innocent as this has more weight than some nameless, faceless bimbos who only wish to smear the reputation of an honest, hard working man.


Staff member
As soon as you stated what I highlighted in bold you immediately lost the argument. Keep in mind the software in the article is a $15,000 piece of software. It is no joke and is in use actively by both authorities here in this country and around the world. Its obvious Herman is innocent as this has more weight than some nameless, faceless bimbos who only wish to smear the reputation of an honest, hard working man.
Of course. If the facts are not on your side, attack Klein. You can source "authorities here in this country and around the world" but you also have to take into consideration the not so rosy critiques, don't you. If the Pentagon finds it less than credible, does that say nothing?
Of course. If the facts are not on your side, attack Klein. You can source "authorities here in this country and around the world" but you also have to take into consideration the not so rosy critiques, don't you. If the Pentagon finds it less than credible, does that say nothing?
Y'all are talking about two different systems, one is said to be accurate by 95% the other is being called worthless. How actually honest either is, I don't know nor does anyone else. I'm not ready to bet my life on either system nor a traditional lie detector.
Ever take a lie detector test? I can assure you they aren't always correct and are not that hard to fool.
I can also safely say that parties on both sides of that argument can find an "expert" that will testify their side is right.


Für Meno :)
In a year or 2 , bett636 can probably buy his own lie detector software for $29.95, then he can judge his entire family upon it, day by day....
It was also pretty convienent the person taking that test didn't take it earlier (or maybe he did ???), when Cain saild he knew NOTHING about any allegations or payoffs.

And why not use it on more important things, like the Anthoney Casey case, or Conrad Murray ?
Oh yeah, that's right, it's soo accurate, it's not admissenable in court.

Maybe once and for all he could have settled Obama's birthplace, too ?


Nine Lives
In a year or 2 , bett636 can probably buy his own lie detector software for $29.95, then he can judge his entire family upon it, day by day....
It was also pretty convienent the person taking that test didn't take it earlier (or maybe he did ???), when Cain saild he knew NOTHING about any allegations or payoffs.

And why not use it on more important things, like the Anthoney Casey case, or Conrad Murray ?
Oh yeah, that's right, it's soo accurate, it's not admissenable in court.

Maybe once and for all he could have settled Obama's birthplace, too ?

They use it in West European Socialist countries already klein so it obviously is a perfect system and the best thing in the world.


Für Meno :)
You mean like Italy ? So, why didn't they do it on that US girl and her b/friend that were just recently found not guilty after spending a few years in jail there, for being accused of killing their English roomate ?

Humbug 95 or 99% acurrate !


golden ticket member
According to Klein's post, the pentagon disagrees with that assessment.
There's a multi-paged grand jury report on the Penn State thing.....where is the Grand Jury report from these women under oath and testifying what happened to them?
Gloria Allred was with Hannity last night and hinting there's more to come. She's a media whore. These women are suppose to be having a joint news conference and can't even decide when or where to have it.....conflicting hair appointments?

If you have accusations against this man, why let it slow-drip out to the media? Just spill it all because it's not fair to keep interferring into Cain's life. Slow leaks to me means Allred wants to be the hot topic in the media and slow leaks makes it last longer for her.


Strength through joy
The device known as a lie detector is highly inaccurate and not useable within our court systems.
So why was Herman Cain even asked to take one and the women weren't ?
I too saw that interview and she was dancing all around his questions, meaning she's got nothing more.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There's a multi-paged grand jury report on the Penn State thing.....where is the Grand Jury report from these women under oath and testifying what happened to them?
Gloria Allred was with Hannity last night and hinting there's more to come. She's a media whore. These women are suppose to be having a joint news conference and can't even decide when or where to have it.....conflicting hair appointments?

If you have accusations against this man, why let it slow-drip out to the media? Just spill it all because it's not fair to keep interferring into Cain's life. Slow leaks to me means Allred wants to be the hot topic in the media and slow leaks makes it last longer for her.

The more CAIN talks, the more "INVESTIGATING" that has to be done. You think Gloria Allred just walks around talking without "FACTS". Believe me, shes got investigators all over the place gathering information.

Who gives a Crud what hannity thinks, sure, he would like to have it all on the table now, so he can spin it, and the word doctors that come on his show can put a good spin on the subject and it will pass, but it aint gonna happen that way.

Allred has a team of investigators validating all the claims, one of them is the reciept and record of CAINS upgrading the hotel where her client stayed. Everything will come out in time. This started with CAIN calling the women liars and golddiggers.

Then, the FOXED SPEWS side of the story started calling these women names like you have and the others.

Did you really believe the women would stay silent after that?

Why would you suggest CAIN has the only voice on the subject? Why would you suggest that CAINS position is the only legitimate position?

Each woman has a voice and a story to tell. It takes time to fact check and gather all the needed validations. The NRA is cool with releasing the two women from their non disclosure agreements and one of the women has 5 WRITTEN COMPLAINTS against Herman Cain while she worked there.

That means moreluck, that whatever she said back then is MEMORIALIZED in print. Her attorney intends on READING those original 5 WRITTEN COMPLAINTS at the press conference. Her attorney states that she STANDS BY HER WORDS.

How do you propose that CAIN survive that? By calling her a liar? She got a cash settlement to end her complaint process instead of taking it further to an outside agency for remedy.

You all want to believe that the NRA paid these two women for lies just to make them go away, instead of just terminating them and kicking them out the door.. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Talk about being naive.

Once all the attorneys involved gather whatever evidence they have, brief their clients on public speaking, and coordinate with one another, they will come out. It may not be fast enough for you that live in denial, but it will happen close to the end of the month and that will SINK Cain.

Too bad, soo sad.



golden ticket member
Would women stay silent ???? They did for 14 or 15 years.
They've done their damage. Cain probably won't recover......both Newt & Romney are able to beat Obama. And Obama can sure 'screw up' over the next year...his history supports that.

The women are suppose to have a joint press conference........I hope they have it during the Penn State -Nebraska game.......Major exposure for Allred!!

(Yadda yadda yadda)

You all want to believe that the NRA paid these two women for lies just to make them go away, instead of just terminating them and kicking them out the door.. HAHAHAHAHAHA

(Yadda yadda yadda)

I don't recall anyone saying, "the NRA paid these two women for lies just to make them go away, instead of just terminating them", but that's a cute attempt at spinning what was said.
Several have said that often companies pay complainants( true complaints or not) rather than go through the added expense for them to go away. You know this is true as does everyone else.
As far as I know, Cain may be guilty of the complaints, but on the other hand, as far as you KNOW, he could be innocent.
What I find really funny about this is that if the names were changed from Cain to 0bama, you would be saying the same things that some of us have been saying.


golden ticket member
I don't recall anyone saying, "the NRA paid these two women for lies just to make them go away, instead of just terminating them", but that's a cute attempt at spinning what was said.
Several have said that often companies pay complainants( true complaints or not) rather than go through the added expense for them to go away. You know this is true as does everyone else.
As far as I know, Cain may be guilty of the complaints, but on the other hand, as far as you KNOW, he could be innocent.
What I find really funny about this is that if the names were changed from Cain to 0bama, you would be saying the same things that some of us have been saying.
If names were changed, we wouldn't be talking about a few women.


Well-Known Member

Pretty strong post. I wonder what your reaction would have been if the accused was on the left ? Did you condemn Bill Clinton as harshly or at all ? Weiner ?

This point does not just apply to TOS.
A great example is the Penn State fiasco ---All know that by not doing everything possible and not notifying the police was wrong. But many will set aside their principles because of partianship and become blinded by what is right or what is wrong. When it is very clear that many children have been sexually abused How can you be upset over a discharge of a football coach ??

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Would women stay silent ???? They did for 14 or 15 years.
They've done their damage. Cain probably won't recover......both Newt & Romney are able to beat Obama. And Obama can sure 'screw up' over the next year...his history supports that.

The women are suppose to have a joint press conference........I hope they have it during the Penn State -Nebraska game.......Major exposure for Allred!!


The media and the operatives havent even started on NEWT. He's been on the back burner because he's traiing in the polls, but once the collaspe of the others in complete and NEWT rises towards 1st or 2nd, the media will have a field day on him. Believe me, there is enough DIRT on NEWT out there. Even his original staff knew enough to bail off the ship.

AS for Romney, well, no worries there. Even the republicans dont like him. He's got RUSH LIMBAUGH dogging him everyday on the radio and others calling him "not conservative" enough. He wont pull enough votes to win. He will get close, but wont be able to beat OBAMA.

Got any other suggestions?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I don't recall anyone saying, "the NRA paid these two women for lies just to make them go away, instead of just terminating them", but that's a cute attempt at spinning what was said.
Several have said that often companies pay complainants( true complaints or not) rather than go through the added expense for them to go away. You know this is true as does everyone else.
As far as I know, Cain may be guilty of the complaints, but on the other hand, as far as you KNOW, he could be innocent.
What I find really funny about this is that if the names were changed from Cain to 0bama, you would be saying the same things that some of us have been saying.

Not true. I was just as outrage by Clinton for his indiscretions while in office. As each claim against him came forward, I was disappointed and lost respect for him. While I believe he was good for the country at the time economically, I believe he was bad for the morality of our country as a leader.

With CAIN, theres more to the story than the one he's telling. Think about it. There are alot of resources being poured into the story and that doesnt happen with B.S. cases. What you and I dont know, is what is contained in the written complaints against Herman Cain and we will find out shortly.

Having those complaints memorialized back in the mid 90's is a game changer for CAIN. He's already tried the "I DONT REMEMBER" what happened angle, and when those complaints are read, YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASH he will remember.

Then, it will be another completely different story coming out of his mouth.

Its all a game for him. He's narcissistic enough to believe he can win this battle. Unfortunately, that little ego problem will be his downfall.

Lets just stay tuned and see how it plays out.
