Herman Cain

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

Pretty strong post. I wonder what your reaction would have been if the accused was on the left ? Did you condemn Bill Clinton as harshly or at all ? Weiner ?

This point does not just apply to TOS.
A great example is the Penn State fiasco ---All know that by not doing everything possible and not notifying the police was wrong. But many will set aside their principles because of partianship and become blinded by what is right or what is wrong. When it is very clear that many children have been sexually abused How can you be upset over a discharge of a football coach ??

Based on my limited knowledge of Penn State's policy on sexual harrassment, it sounds like Joe Pa did what he was supposed to do. The person who actually saw the incident in the shower was obligated to go to the police as an eye witness. If Joe Pa went to the police, what he had to say was hear-say.

At UPS, and I can talk about this as an expert, I was told to take this info to the next level or HR. I was also told at that point - the info was highly confidential and not to discuss it with anyone else.

If I personally saw the incident and it was something the police should be involved in, I would absolutely take it to them without hesitation. In almost all cases, what people bring to you is hear-say. Follow the proper process and let the people who are specifically trained to handle these investigations do their job.
I probably had people bring me around 5 incidents of sexual harrassment a year. But you should not know what is going on because it is highly confidential.

Joe Pa has a good case IF he followed the proper process and was dismissed for second hand knowledge.


Y'all are talking about two different systems, one is said to be accurate by 95% the other is being called worthless. How actually honest either is, I don't know nor does anyone else. I'm not ready to bet my life on either system nor a traditional lie detector.
Ever take a lie detector test? I can assure you they aren't always correct and are not that hard to fool.
I can also safely say that parties on both sides of that argument can find an "expert" that will testify their side is right.
Didn't you read earlier in the thread? the "pundit" has already spoken on the issue: the tests are 100% with verification and Cain proved to be telling the truth. We can all let the subject rest now. Whew.
Didn't you read earlier in the thread? the "pundit" has already spoken on the issue: the tests are 100% with verification and Cain proved to be telling the truth. We can all let the subject rest now. Whew.

What makes you think I listen to him as a final authority, than I do you? Until I see some conclusive proof or hear Cain himself say he did what he was accused of, I will consider the matter as alleged. You know, innocent until PROVEN guilty. Sound familiar?

and BTW, any participation on any thread here by you is purely voluntary.


golden ticket member

The media and the operatives havent even started on NEWT. He's been on the back burner because he's traiing in the polls, but once the collaspe of the others in complete and NEWT rises towards 1st or 2nd, the media will have a field day on him. Believe me, there is enough DIRT on NEWT out there. Even his original staff knew enough to bail off the ship.

AS for Romney, well, no worries there. Even the republicans dont like him. He's got RUSH LIMBAUGH dogging him everyday on the radio and others calling him "not conservative" enough. He wont pull enough votes to win. He will get close, but wont be able to beat OBAMA.

Got any other suggestions?

Newt has already addressed what he will say if and when he's in first place........did you miss it? It was on FOX yesterday.


What makes you think I listen to him as a final authority, than I do you? Until I see some conclusive proof or hear Cain himself say he did what he was accused of, I will consider the matter as alleged. You know, innocent until PROVEN guilty. Sound familiar?

and BTW, any participation on any thread here by you is purely voluntary.
bad mood today? Most reasonable, honest people have been saying for days that it's 100% speculation either way, no one really knows and we may never know; so we agree. I'll remember not to use sarcasm in the future.


Engorged Member
bad mood today? Most reasonable, honest people have been saying for days that it's 100% speculation either way, no one really knows and we may never know; so we agree. I'll remember not to use sarcasm in the future.

On The Daily Show they showed a clip of Cain offering to take a lie detector test, and then back-pedaling away from it in the very next sentence. Why not just take the test? Geraldo Rivera could monitor it, and create an even bigger media circus. My speculation is that he did it, but that all of the "victims" have hyper-inflated their stories to make it sound much worse than it probably was. I also think that he was probably set-up by his own GOP competitors.


On The Daily Show they showed a clip of Cain offering to take a lie detector test, and then back-pedaling away from it in the very next sentence. Why not just take the test? Geraldo Rivera could monitor it, and create an even bigger media circus. My speculation is that he did it, but that all of the "victims" have hyper-inflated their stories to make it sound much worse than it probably was. I also think that he was probably set-up by his own GOP competitors.
Yeah, the most reasonable solution is that he was an "elite CEO" trying to get in the pants of women at the least excuse imaginable. The women are likely, as you said, inflating for hysteria. Room for error, of course, but that in theory sounds reasonable.


golden ticket member
On The Daily Show they showed a clip of Cain offering to take a lie detector test, and then back-pedaling away from it in the very next sentence. Why not just take the test? Geraldo Rivera could monitor it, and create an even bigger media circus. My speculation is that he did it, but that all of the "victims" have hyper-inflated their stories to make it sound much worse than it probably was. I also think that he was probably set-up by his own GOP competitors.
Your idea is half the way there. Line up the women and Cain and plug them all in for a lie detector test. Goose/Gander. Then we'd have some readings to decipher about who is telling the truth.


Well-Known Member
Of course. If the facts are not on your side, attack Klein. You can source "authorities here in this country and around the world" but you also have to take into consideration the not so rosy critiques, don't you. If the Pentagon finds it less than credible, does that say nothing?

The facts are in the article I posted. Are you so afraid of the truth that you avoid reading it when it is put right in front of you?


Well-Known Member
On The Daily Show they showed a clip of Cain offering to take a lie detector test, and then back-pedaling away from it in the very next sentence. Why not just take the test? Geraldo Rivera could monitor it, and create an even bigger media circus. My speculation is that he did it, but that all of the "victims" have hyper-inflated their stories to make it sound much worse than it probably was. I also think that he was probably set-up by his own GOP competitors.

I have already posted an article on a much more accurate lie detection system and that is voice analysis. Cain's speech at his press conference was run through such an analysis and it came out that he was telling the truth. His accusers press conference was run through the same analysis and was found to be a lie. This voice analysis has been found to be 95% accurate in lie detection and is used by police departments here and abroad. Cain is telling the truth, and his accusers are not. Case closed!


Staff member
Case closed? Probably not. This is public opinion. Nothing could please Obama more than to see Cain staying strong in the polls. What happens if the Right keeps pouring energy into this defenimse? His popularity grows. He looks to be a victim. But not to the swing voters. Imagine making him so attractive that he wins the nomination and repulses the important swing voters? Anger and hate consume themselves and that is why Obama will be re-elected.


golden ticket member
Case closed? Probably not. This is public opinion. Nothing could please Obama more than to see Cain staying strong in the polls. What happens if the Right keeps pouring energy into this defenimse? His popularity grows. He looks to be a victim. But not to the swing voters. Imagine making him so attractive that he wins the nomination and repulses the important swing voters? Anger and hate consume themselves and that is why Obama will be re-elected.
He's already mentioned (after meeting with him) perhaps being on a Romney ticket. Romney/Cain. We'll see what happens.


Hmmmm.. in regards to the software, it analyzed recordings stored on a computer. Was the audio compressed? If so, was there a loss of fidelity in the compressing and decompressing? But I got an idea. Why doesn't the investigator use his software to determine which of these statements in the video below(statements made by Cain between 1:35 and 2:13) were lies??? They can't all be true because each statement conflicts with the others. I would be very curious about what conclusions he comes to. But I don't need $15,000 software to know that Cain has been lying about his knowledge of the cases and how they were settled. Whether or not the allegations are true are beside the point, he has been lying about other aspects of the cases.

Liar , Liar, campaign on fire.

Herman Cain lying according to sexual harrasment accuser - YouTube

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I have already posted an article on a much more accurate lie detection system and that is voice analysis. Cain's speech at his press conference was run through such an analysis and it came out that he was telling the truth. His accusers press conference was run through the same analysis and was found to be a lie. This voice analysis has been found to be 95% accurate in lie detection and is used by police departments here and abroad. Cain is telling the truth, and his accusers are not. Case closed!

OH BROTHER! IMA have to send you a copy of the cd with "STAND BY YOUR MAN" on it!

Sheesh... talk about denial.



Well-Known Member
Case closed? Probably not. This is public opinion. Nothing could please Obama more than to see Cain staying strong in the polls. What happens if the Right keeps pouring energy into this defenimse? His popularity grows. He looks to be a victim. But not to the swing voters. Imagine making him so attractive that he wins the nomination and repulses the important swing voters? Anger and hate consume themselves and that is why Obama will be re-elected.

You just keep hoping this is the case. Even though we know Herman Cain is completely innocent of these allegations that doesn't mean Obama wouldn't use it against him if he becomes the nominee. It is what Obama does since he has a poor record that won't draw in voters he has to tear down his opponent through false accusations in order to have a shot at a 2nd term. Don't you think its quite sad when your ideals won't win you an election and your only hope is the demonizing of your opponent?

Hmmmm.. in regards to the software, it analyzed recordings stored on a computer. Was the audio compressed? If so, was there a loss of fidelity in the compressing and decompressing? But I got an idea. Why doesn't the investigator use his software to determine which of these statements in the video below(statements made by Cain between 1:35 and 2:13) were lies??? They can't all be true because each statement conflicts with the others. I would be very curious about what conclusions he comes to. But I don't need $15,000 software to know that Cain has been lying about his knowledge of the cases and how they were settled. Whether or not the allegations are true are beside the point, he has been lying about other aspects of the cases.

Liar , Liar, campaign on fire.

Herman Cain lying according to sexual harrasment accuser - YouTube

Lets step back a moment and look at the situation in its entirety. These were events that took place over a decade ago. If I dug into your past and pulled out a warning letter you received in the late 90s would you be able to tell me exactly who, when, and why the situation took place on the spot? I thought not. Remember that Herman recused himself from the situation meaning he left the negotiating and the final decision up to the lawyers rather than up to him. He was not apart of any agreement so him not being able to recall a detail from an agreement that he was not a party too from over 12 years ago is perfectly acceptable and only highlights his humanity.

As far as the audio quality of the recordings I don't see as a real issue. Compressing audio and video files to the point their quality suffers is hardly an issue anymore. With computer hard drive space being cheaper than it ever has been and computing power not being an issue for audio and video playback even on the most basic computers today I don't see why it would matter.

Still waiting for the joint news conference......when's the date & time ??? Ladies???

Now that Herman has a well known defamation lawyer watching all this they have to be very careful how they approach this. Lin Wood has won many defamation cases with some high profile clients and I'm sure these two bozos can't come up with the millions they would owe if they screwed up and went too far.
Case closed? Probably not. This is public opinion. Nothing could please Obama more than to see Cain staying strong in the polls. What happens if the Right keeps pouring energy into this defenimse? His popularity grows. He looks to be a victim. But not to the swing voters. Imagine making him so attractive that he wins the nomination and repulses the important swing voters? Anger and hate consume themselves and that is why Obama will be re-elected.

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