Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
It is truly amazing how committed you regressives are to your candidate. I bet you believed to the end that Reagan didnt know about Iran Contra too. LOL I bet some of you still believe Iraq had "WMD"s!! LOL Im sure most of you think Bush jr actually won Florida in 2000. LOL Denial is an awful place to be but eventually you have to move on. You all can debate about Cain all you want but it is a waste of time.
A matter of fact this thread is mislabelled because he is no longer a "current event". Herman Cain will not be president folks. He is in the past!!

As for moving on to Newt?? LOL We truly live in the United States of Amnesia!!

Get used to Obama v Romney!!


bella amicizia
Newt would be a joy to talk to. He is so intelligent. He has no morals, but he knows so much about the constitution.

i think he'd make a good judge, somewhere in the south.

i just can't get over the divorce papers


golden ticket member
It is truly amazing how committed you regressives are to your candidate. I bet you believed to the end that Reagan didnt know about Iran Contra too. LOL I bet some of you still believe Iraq had "WMD"s!! LOL Im sure most of you think Bush jr actually won Florida in 2000. LOL Denial is an awful place to be but eventually you have to move on. You all can debate about Cain all you want but it is a waste of time.
A matter of fact this thread is mislabelled because he is no longer a "current event". Herman Cain will not be president folks. He is in the past!!

As for moving on to Newt?? LOL We truly live in the United States of Amnesia!!

Get used to Obama v Romney!!
Oh, and you're not committed to Obama??


Well-Known Member
It is truly amazing how committed you regressives are to your candidate. I bet you believed to the end that Reagan didnt know about Iran Contra too. LOL I bet some of you still believe Iraq had "WMD"s!! LOL Im sure most of you think Bush jr actually won Florida in 2000. LOL Denial is an awful place to be but eventually you have to move on. You all can debate about Cain all you want but it is a waste of time.
A matter of fact this thread is mislabelled because he is no longer a "current event". Herman Cain will not be president folks. He is in the past!!

As for moving on to Newt?? LOL We truly live in the United States of Amnesia!!

Get used to Obama v Romney!!


Lets not re-write history Bush was President. Also you talk about moving on yet you obviously are stuck in the past. I believe Reagan actually has been dead for a number of years.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
No I am not committed to anyone at this point. But I certainly will not go from "Hope and change " to GROPE and change!!

Hope and change? What has changed? The 1% 'ers are doing well. We have free money. Is it true that the top 1% make 20% of the money and pay 40% of the taxes? Ask yourself, why are board of directors sitting on cash a increasing dividends? Their job is to create value to shareholders.


golden ticket member
Gloria needed the spotlight to promote her new show.....IMO

Did Gloria Allred smear Herman Cain to promote new trial court show? :: Naked DC


golden ticket member
So, the anvil wants to know the answer to the question in post #1566 or are both you gentlemen going to go on putting me down. I asked a simple question. Upstate snickers, but he gave no answer!!

Where would the blacksmith be without the anvil ? The wild west's horses would be walking around unshod.....not healthy for the hoof.


Engorged Member
So, the anvil wants to know the answer to the question in post #1566 or are both you gentlemen going to go on putting me down. I asked a simple question. Upstate snickers, but he gave no answer!!

Where would the blacksmith be without the anvil ? The wild west's horses would be walking around unshod.....not healthy for the hoof.

I think you are confused. Maybe you're an Advil, not an anvil. The GOP has lots of anvils (in high places).


Well-Known Member