Herman Cain


Engorged Member
Ill take Gingrich but I still like Herman Cain when was the last time infidelity ruined a politician? (Bill Clinton?) NO, so why should it matter with Cain if it's even true. Cain has the best economic plan changing the tax system to 999 which will lead to the Americans For Fair Taxation: Americans For Fair Taxation

Cain's 999 Plan has already been picked apart as unworkable. Even Cain cannot fully explain it, and it's already been modified to the 909 format, which is just as ignorant. The big difference between Republicans and Democrats concerning infidelity is that the GOP, which is inseparably linked with the Religious Right, considers infidelity a huge deal. Guess what? Republican politicians toe the line that the Religious Right draws.

I could care less about a President's fidelity or lack thereof, as long as they do a good job in office. It's a deal breaker for the religious nuts, so Cain is in hot water with them and that's where he has lost support.

Funny how you mention Gingrich and then say that infidelity isn't a real issue. His wandering Johnson will also cost him the Religious Right vote.


golden ticket member
Time to move on - Cain drops 11 percentage points !


You know, it's a whole year away? McCain got picked as the candidate, but a year away from the election he was not in the first 3 places. You can't write off anybody yet. Hell, you can't even be sure Obama will be the Democratic candidate.


Well-Known Member
Now just to show with a comparison of how ready for the job Cain is, let's compare an obvious nutty and kooky position taken by someone who can't even carry Cain's water!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Sad. He's not even qualified to be interviewed.

I laugh in the face of anyone who has said that CAIN could beat OBAMA in a debate!

He cant even provide a simple right wing talking point about foreign policy. He tries to remember how he was coached ,but ends up sounding like a maroon, oh wait, i didnt mean to offend morons!



Well-Known Member
I laugh in the face of anyone who has said that CAIN could beat OBAMA in a debate!

He cant even provide a simple right wing talking point about foreign policy. He tries to remember how he was coached ,but ends up sounding like a maroon, oh wait, i didnt mean to offend morons!


Herman Cain debates Bill Clinton - YouTube

I know you can't be looking forward to the presidential debates because your man has no real record to debate with. You can't sit in a debate and disparage your opponent without having something positive to say about your own accomplisments as an incumbent president. The above video shows Cain making mince meat of Clinton, and Clinton was much quicker on his feet than Barry "uh" Obama could ever hope to be.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Thought the spot on Greta last night where we got to see his family was wonderful! What a classy first lady she would be.
A Very confidant woman, successful herself.
A beautifula family, and down to earth. Act like the people next door. Nothing haughty about any of them.
1606 posts about a guy who never had a chance. Amazing isnt it:surprised:


golden ticket member
I thought it was a great interview. I loved the story of their courtship too. Wait a few mins. and someone will come along and swear Mrs Cain was a hooker on Main St. when Herman met her.

Great looking family.


Engorged Member
Careful now, your racist ideals are starting to show through. ;)

Nothing to do with race. Cain just isn't up to the job. He keeps proving it over and over again. The Libya interview is just the latest example, but he will be giving us more. You just can't stop stupid.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The best part of Gloria Cain is that she is a democrat. Her voting record has been with the democrats and this kinda sheds some light on how Herman Cain sold out his family to "pretend" to be a republican.



golden ticket member
Nothing to do with race. Cain just isn't up to the job. He keeps proving it over and over again. The Libya interview is just the latest example, but he will be giving us more. You just can't stop stupid.
Hundreds of you tubes showing the leader stumbling in talking all the time. He only 'reads' well. He can't speak off the cuff.


Engorged Member
Thought the spot on Greta last night where we got to see his family was wonderful! What a classy first lady she would be.
A Very confidant woman, successful herself.
A beautifula family, and down to earth. Act like the people next door. Nothing haughty about any of them.
1606 posts about a guy who never had a chance. Amazing isnt it:surprised:

Of course it was wonderful. Maybe she's a great lady, and I'm sure he has a super family. Herman Cain seems like a really nice guy, but he isn't up for the job. His answers on foreign policy prove that. Being a successful CEO doesn't qualify anyone to be President, nor do simplistic plans like 999, which sound great on the surface, but are shown to be unworkable given a bit of research.

I don't suppose that this love story was intentionally designed to snuff-out all of the rumors, and carefully crafted to paint Cain in the best possible light? Nah, couldn't be.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hundreds of you tubes showing the leader stumbling in talking all the time. He only 'reads' well. He can't speak off the cuff.

Maybe the GOP can adopt Sarah Palins version of a non teleprompter and have all the GOP candidates write everything on their hands?!


Gaffe city GOP! Looks like a traveling circus instead of a GOP primary.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
He did admit a little later, that he does remember the settlement(s).

I am looking at this as IF he was innocent not if he remembers. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has done nothing wrong, you have no defense so answers will not be prepared they will sound like you have something to hide because you are shooting from the hip. People who don't have a prepared answer often times, studder, pause say "ah" a lot. It could sound like you are trying to make up something when in fact you may just be answering questions as they are asked.

Everything is an allegation at this time and it is a shame that people just jump to conclusions based on preconceived biases. I guess that is human nature and part of the psychology of politics.


Engorged Member
I am looking at this as IF he was innocent not if he remembers. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has done nothing wrong, you have no defense so answers will not be prepared they will sound like you have something to hide because you are shooting from the hip. People who don't have a prepared answer often times, studder, pause say "ah" a lot. It could sound like you are trying to make up something when in fact you may just be answering questions as they are asked.

Everything is an allegation at this time and it is a shame that people just jump to conclusions based on preconceived biases. I guess that is human nature and part of the psychology of politics.

True, they are only allegations, but I think you are missing the point here. Cain is being eaten by his own, and that would be the Religious Right. Herman hasn't done himself any favors by being evasive, "remembering" when it suits him, and switching back and forth over the details of the settlements.

The accusers have some pretty specific information, and that lends credence to their stories, even if that _itch Gloria Allred is involved. It may be only circumstantial, but Cain's protestations have not been all that convincing, as evidenced by his drop in the polls. If there are other accusers in the woodwork, and they haven't been paid-off or have concrete facts, Cain is a dead man walking.

All of this hoopla is probably actually in Cain's favor, because it diverts attention from his inability to answer even the simplest questions on the issues, on which he is unquestionably weak and faltering.