Herman Cain

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Mr FedEx,
I am not missing the point... I agree about the Religous Right is eating their own. As far as lending credence, I had an accuser that had very specific details of her complete fabrication. ...and the details became even more detailed as people didn't buy it (probably not the case with Cain). I try to give people the benefit of the doubt because of what I experienced. Until there is absolute proof or Cain admits he did something, I will stay neutral. Again, I just feel it is a shame that we are so predictable as a species both sides...left and right.

People that want to find him guilty will and those that want to find him innocent will also.


golden ticket member
The difference between you, Lifer, and Mc Cain is, that you remember ! Cain couldn't ! (at first).
Remember those silly girls with bare chests and you were touching boobies........well they could come back and accuse you of all sorts of charges of misbehavior and sexual harrassment.

Yeah, everybody was drunk havin' a good time............that won't fly. They could crucify you. How would you feel? You admitted it here on BC and that would be evidence against you. Gloria Allred would have your balls!!


Well-Known Member
I am looking at this as IF he was innocent not if he remembers. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has done nothing wrong, you have no defense so answers will not be prepared they will sound like you have something to hide because you are shooting from the hip. People who don't have a prepared answer often times, studder, pause say "ah" a lot. It could sound like you are trying to make up something when in fact you may just be answering questions as they are asked.

Everything is an allegation at this time and it is a shame that people just jump to conclusions based on preconceived biases. I guess that is human nature and part of the psychology of politics.

Are you consistent and hold that same principle (and I agree with you completely) for those who got thrown into Gitmo? What about someone found innocent and yet the gov't sez they will still not be released and could even face a life sentence yet still having been found innocent? If you agree with the govt's position, then I find it hard to accept your plea on Cain's behalf as genuine to the traditions of innocent until proven guilty.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to do with race. Cain just isn't up to the job. He keeps proving it over and over again. The Libya interview is just the latest example, but he will be giving us more. You just can't stop stupid.

Obama is guilty of much worse gaffes than that and you give him a pass probably because he is half white and raised by a white family. Herman Cain is as black as one can get and that you cannot accept.


Well-Known Member
Are you consistent and hold that same principle (and I agree with you completely) for those who got thrown into Gitmo? What about someone found innocent and yet the gov't sez they will still not be released and could even face a life sentence yet still having been found innocent? If you agree with the govt's position, then I find it hard to accept your plea on Cain's behalf as genuine to the traditions of innocent until proven guilty.

Innocent till proven guilty only applies to American citizens within the United States and nobody else. You are becoming as bad as Klein changing subjects in threads to something completely unrelated.


golden ticket member
Obama is guilty of much worse gaffes than that and you give him a pass probably because he is half white and raised by a white family. Herman Cain is as black as one can get and that you cannot accept.
Obama's gaffe today in Ko'Olina Hawaii saying it's in Asia....brain fart!!
Innocent till proven guilty only applies to American citizens within the United States and nobody else. You are becoming as bad as Klein changing subjects in threads to something completely unrelated.
Maybe you want to research this one a little....thinking the 14th amendment.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you want to research this one a little....thinking the 14th amendment.

Good point but the tradition of innocent until proven guilty go back to Anglo-Saxon Common Law traditions as well as old Roman Law. I guess from Brett's perspective I can just murder anyone I want who is a non-citizen and I answer to no one as those non-persons have no right to life.

Right? BTW: The Declaration of Independence was before there was a US citizen so then who did all those rights listed apply too?

Brett, had you lived 250 years ago, the Crown would no doubt in you have a most loyal subject!


Engorged Member
Obama is guilty of much worse gaffes than that and you give him a pass probably because he is half white and raised by a white family. Herman Cain is as black as one can get and that you cannot accept.

Hmmm. I always thought that the individual gets to identify the ethnic group they belong to if they are mixed race. I have several mixed race friends, who all identify as black because that's how society identified them. Also, please explain how Cain is "as black as one can get". Sounds like he's one of the "good blacks" that Anne Coulter talked about. I can't accept Cain because he's an idiot. It has nothing to do with race. Where did you get that one? Please produce a qualified black candidate who isn't spouting GOP crazy talk, and I'll happily endorse them (like Barack Obama).

Interesting how you race experts do everything but call the President a half-breed. You skirt the edges, but you won't fully commit to the term. What difference does it make what race he is?

Barack Obama...does that sound like a black name to you? As in a real African name?


golden ticket member
Hmmm. I always thought that the individual gets to identify the ethnic group they belong to if they are mixed race. I have several mixed race friends, who all identify as black because that's how society identified them. Also, please explain how Cain is "as black as one can get". Sounds like he's one of the "good blacks" that Anne Coulter talked about. I can't accept Cain because he's an idiot. It has nothing to do with race. Where did you get that one? Please produce a qualified black candidate who isn't spouting GOP crazy talk, and I'll happily endorse them (like Barack Obama).

Interesting how you race experts do everything but call the President a half-breed. You skirt the edges, but you won't fully commit to the term. What difference does it make what race he is?

Barack Obama...does that sound like a black name to you? As in a real African name?

Oh, that's where you're wrong.....I've called him a half breed!
Barack Obama sounds muslim from the get go!!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I always thought that the individual gets to identify the ethnic group they belong to if they are mixed race. I have several mixed race friends, who all identify as black because that's how society identified them. Also, please explain how Cain is "as black as one can get". Sounds like he's one of the "good blacks" that Anne Coulter talked about. I can't accept Cain because he's an idiot. It has nothing to do with race. Where did you get that one? Please produce a qualified black candidate who isn't spouting GOP crazy talk, and I'll happily endorse them (like Barack Obama).

Interesting how you race experts do everything but call the President a half-breed. You skirt the edges, but you won't fully commit to the term. What difference does it make what race he is?

Barack Obama...does that sound like a black name to you? As in a real African name?

So the individuals get to decide based on what society has identified them as.
Is it hard to keep from drooling when you are talking out of both sides of your mouth?
Hmmm. I always thought that the individual gets to identify the ethnic group they belong to if they are mixed race. I have several mixed race friends, who all identify as black because that's how society identified them. Also, please explain how Cain is "as black as one can get". Sounds like he's one of the "good blacks" that Anne Coulter talked about. I can't accept Cain because he's an idiot. It has nothing to do with race. Where did you get that one? Please produce a qualified black candidate who isn't spouting GOP crazy talk, and I'll happily endorse them (like Barack Obama).

Interesting how you race experts do everything but call the President a half-breed. You skirt the edges, but you won't fully commit to the term. What difference does it make what race he is?

Barack Obama...does that sound like a black name to you? As in a real African name?

You are kind of contradicting yourself; " I always thought that the individual gets to identify the ethnic group they belong to if they are mixed race. I have several mixed race friends, who all identify as black because that's how society identified them." .

Ya see, I don't care what race zer0 is, it would not change my mind about him if he was all white, all black, all muslim or all christian. I would still think him to be a lying maroon that doesn't care about our country. Now that, that is settled I know a few "half breed" B/W, but have never asked them how they ID themselves, it really isn't my business. However, I know a LOT of "halfbreed" hispanic/whites and 90% have said they ID themselves as hispanic because that puts them into a minority group and is sometimes advantageous to them. The real funny thing is, they don't ID themselves with hispanic enough to learn spanish too.

No idea what heritage the name Obama comes from, never heard it until zer0 popped up. Hussein is (if I am not mistaken) arabic. Obama sounds like it could be of african heritage. But I wanna know what difference all that makes?

BTW, the majority of ranting about zer0's "blackness" has come from left rhetoric, it seems to me it makes them more difference than it does folks on the right.


Engorged Member
So the individuals get to decide based on what society has identified them as.
Is it hard to keep from drooling when you are talking out of both sides of your mouth?

No contradiction at all. My friend has a black father and a white mother, so he is mixed race. He looks black, not white. From a very early age, he was labeled "black", so society had already determined he was "black". Individually, he could have chosen to identify as either, but he eventually chose black because he was treated as such. If he had identified as white, he would have had some real issues beyond those he already faced in terms of racism.

Here's a napkin, so you can wipe your mouth. Ask your mixed race friends (if you have any) what I'm talking about, perhaps they will explain it to you in a simple way you can understand.

Simple is usually better for Republicans.


Engorged Member
You are kind of contradicting yourself; " I always thought that the individual gets to identify the ethnic group they belong to if they are mixed race. I have several mixed race friends, who all identify as black because that's how society identified them." .

Ya see, I don't care what race zer0 is, it would not change my mind about him if he was all white, all black, all muslim or all christian. I would still think him to be a lying maroon that doesn't care about our country. Now that, that is settled I know a few "half breed" B/W, but have never asked them how they ID themselves, it really isn't my business. However, I know a LOT of "halfbreed" hispanic/whites and 90% have said they ID themselves as hispanic because that puts them into a minority group and is sometimes advantageous to them. The real funny thing is, they don't ID themselves with hispanic enough to learn spanish too.

No idea what heritage the name Obama comes from, never heard it until zer0 popped up. Hussein is (if I am not mistaken) arabic. Obama sounds like it could be of african heritage. But I wanna know what difference all that makes?

BTW, the majority of ranting about zer0's "blackness" has come from left rhetoric, it seems to me it makes them more difference than it does folks on the right.

I really don't care either, but a lot of people on the Right do. "Hussein" is Arabic, and Obama is African. IMO, it's whatever works for you. I have Hispanic friends just like you do, who look white, but declare themselves Hispanic. I think it's different if you are African-American, because there is more labeling, both within and without the culture.

BHO is black because he identifies as such.