Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
The point is that they are not "deciding", if they are going with what society has "identified" them as. They are going with a decision that has been made for them.

I agree that the choice is up the the individual and should never trump the label "human being".

I would love nothing more than to be able to cheer our President on and be proud of his accomplishments. Unfortunately, he won't allow me to do so.


golden ticket member
The more I think about it, I concede that a decision not made is actually a decision in itself- for that I apologize.
I'm going to apply that thinking to Obama's indecision on the pipeline.......so he doesn't want jobs for Americans!! Yep, that fits.
I really don't care either, but a lot of people on the Right do. "Hussein" is Arabic, and Obama is African. IMO, it's whatever works for you. I have Hispanic friends just like you do, who look white, but declare themselves Hispanic. I think it's different if you are African-American, because there is more labeling, both within and without the culture.

BHO is black because he identifies as such.
I'm sure there are people on the right that do care about the president's race. Racism is alive and well, but I don't believe that it relects the feelings of the majority. I personally know a couple of life long democrats that voted against zer0 because he is black. These people told me themselves, I guess because they knew I had also voted against him and thought I too was a racist. Boy, were they wrong.


golden ticket member
I'm sure there are people on the right that do care about the president's race. Racism is alive and well, but I don't believe that it relects the feelings of the majority. I personally know a couple of life long democrats that voted against zer0 because he is black. These people told me themselves, I guess because they knew I had also voted against him and thought I too was a racist. Boy, were they wrong.
I voted against inexperience too!


Für Meno :)
I'm going to apply that thinking to Obama's indecision on the pipeline.......so he doesn't want jobs for Americans!! Yep, that fits.

A little update for you : After Keystone annouced yesterday it would move the pipeline 60-70km away from the original route in Nebraska, now Nebraska wants the pipeline project to be put on fast-track ! ( I guess they want the jobs) !!! - Oh yeah, and probably the oil, before it heads off to China !


Well-Known Member
A little update for you : After Keystone annouced yesterday it would move the pipeline 60-70km away from the original route in Nebraska, now Nebraska wants the pipeline project to be put on fast-track ! ( I guess they want the jobs) !!! - Oh yeah, and probably the oil, before it heads off to China !

The governor of Nebraska opposed it in august, and advised the proposal to be blocked, because it was planned to go over an aquifer that supplies water to about 2 mil. people. Now they plan to move it maybe he can advise the powers to be to now support it.


Für Meno :)
Just watching my Canadian Newschannel, has everything in it, love it ! Cain and his Libya disaster answer, and now the pipeline and before OWS in NY.
I guess Canada doesn't have enough news to fill a half hr....LOL

Should watch it yourself now and then : globalnews.ca, you might even remember Dawna Friessen as the News Anchor, she worked most of her life in the US (latest job with NBC, I believe).

But sure is pretty odd they want it fast tracked now, right after the APEC meeting , when Harper threaten Obama with take it or the oil it goes to China.
Nevertheless, we are in talks with China now. APEC was that golden opportunity to do so.


golden ticket member
You couldn't pay me to watch Canada TV News. Technically, you aren't watching it either....you're seeing USA News. When you see the moose stuck in the frozen lake you are probably seeing Canadian news. Keep your eyes peeled!
Oh yeah, Dawna....we kicked her ass out !!!


Für Meno :)
You couldn't pay me to watch Canada TV News. Technically, you aren't watching it either....you're seeing USA News. When you see the moose stuck in the frozen lake you are probably seeing Canadian news. Keep your eyes peeled!
Oh yeah, Dawna....we kicked her ass out !!!

Oh, I know you couldn't watch any news other than Fox. Neutral news just sucks, doesn't it ?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to apply that thinking to Obama's indecision on the pipeline.......so he doesn't want jobs for Americans!! Yep, that fits.

There has been a concession on the pipeline---they are going to go around the sensitive area in Nebraska. It will add 40-50 miles of pipe and a few pumps but the oil will be going to Texas, not Beijing.


Well-Known Member
You couldn't pay me to watch Canada TV News. Technically, you aren't watching it either....you're seeing USA News. When you see the moose stuck in the frozen lake you are probably seeing Canadian news. Keep your eyes peeled!
Oh yeah, Dawna....we kicked her ass out !!!

We get a few Canadian channels here and I have found there news to be much less biased than ours.

On a side note, I really like the hats that Cain wears. Very stylish.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Of course it was wonderful. Maybe she's a great lady, and I'm sure he has a super family. Herman Cain seems like a really nice guy, but he isn't up for the job. His answers on foreign policy prove that. Being a successful CEO doesn't qualify anyone to be President, nor do simplistic plans like 999, which sound great on the surface, but are shown to be unworkable given a bit of research.

I don't suppose that this love story was intentionally designed to snuff-out all of the rumors, and carefully crafted to paint Cain in the best possible light? Nah, couldn't be.

Ok, if you want to go with that, and I will also concede Obamas girls are beautiful......
How is hope and change a workable selling point, yet it worked. Why did it work?
If being a successsful CEO isnt a qualifying point, why was being a community organizer? Please, the guy never worked a day in his life!
And then he says we all have gotten lazy and soft. Give me a break. I bet I worked more this year, than he has in his life.
Ill bet if you break down hope and change and yes we can you would find it all less workable than 999.
Break down "hope and change", what do you get? break down "yes we can" what do you get? At least 999 has a point.
I guess I am missing something because if Herman Cain is not fit to be president because of his experience, why was Obama as a community organizer?
If Herman Cain isnt fit to be president because he had an 11 second pause, then Obamas 38 second Um, ha, Oops I lost my train of thought moment, should be much more telling.

I have come to the conclusion and I am not alone. Call me racist if you will. Obama won since he got 98% of the black vote. That is racist.
The deomocrats are scared to death of Herman Cain as he will pull some of that vote.
VP, Pres it dont matter.

Any person smart enough to type a post can see he was not qualified to be president anymore than I am.


Engorged Member
Ok, if you want to go with that, and I will also concede Obamas girls are beautiful......
How is hope and change a workable selling point, yet it worked. Why did it work?
If being a successsful CEO isnt a qualifying point, why was being a community organizer? Please, the guy never worked a day in his life!
And then he says we all have gotten lazy and soft. Give me a break. I bet I worked more this year, than he has in his life.
Ill bet if you break down hope and change and yes we can you would find it all less workable than 999.
Break down "hope and change", what do you get? break down "yes we can" what do you get? At least 999 has a point.
I guess I am missing something because if Herman Cain is not fit to be president because of his experience, why was Obama as a community organizer?
If Herman Cain isnt fit to be president because he had an 11 second pause, then Obamas 38 second Um, ha, Oops I lost my train of thought moment, should be much more telling.

I have come to the conclusion and I am not alone. Call me racist if you will. Obama won since he got 98% of the black vote. That is racist.
The deomocrats are scared to death of Herman Cain as he will pull some of that vote.
VP, Pres it dont matter.

Any person smart enough to type a post can see he was not qualified to be president anymore than I am.

Amazing. I'm sure Obama is trembling at the prospect of losing votes to Cain. The only problem is that Cain won't even be there in November, 2012.