Herman Cain


Dude, there is no reasoning with you on Cain. You can believe in the Pizza Fairy all day long if you want, but he isn't real.
I really think everyone should consider stopping posting in this thread (aside the usual suspects) and Herman Cain hysteria will just wet blanket itself. There is no substance or intellect behind him, he's a product of big money and a outside shot to replace Obama and unfortunately, most of the hysteria and attention is based around something as judgmental and shallow as color of skin. ( as well as catchy, easy to remember but fundamentally shallow tax plans that benefit big money)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
CAIN goes all in on Michele Bachmans "gay" husband!

In a recent interview, the man who speaks before he thinks said this :

Devin Gordon: Let me ask you about your rivals. Recently, in response to a question about you being the new "flavor of the month," you said you weren't a flavor of the month, you were Häagen-Dazs black walnut, which "tastes good all the time." If Mitt Romney was an ice cream flavor, what flavor would he be?
Herman Cain: Oh, just plain vanilla. [laughs] Are you guys really going to print this? I have learned that with my new status in the polls, any- and every thing that I say will show up somewhere. Do you guys really want to do this ice cream analogy?
Devin Gordon: We do. Rick Perry?
Herman Cain: Rick Perry: rocky road.
Devin Gordon: Michele Bachmann?
Herman Cain: Michele Bachmann ... I'm not going to say it. I'm not going to say it.
Devin Gordon: Oh, come on!
Herman Cain: Tutti-frutti. I know I'm going to get in trouble!
Chris Heath: Ron Paul…
Herman Cain: I just don't have a good description for Ron Paul, because he's just not an ice cream flavor.

The entire article can be read here:
Herman Cain: If Bachmann were an ice cream, she’d be ‘tutti-frutti’ | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

I guess CAIN went with Tutti Frutti to make fun of Bachmans gay husband! How else can it be explained?

What a maroon!



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I really think everyone should consider stopping posting in this thread (aside the usual suspects) and Herman Cain hysteria will just wet blanket itself. There is no substance or intellect behind him, he's a product of big money and a outside shot to replace Obama and unfortunately, most of the hysteria and attention is based around something as judgmental and shallow as color of skin. ( as well as catchy, easy to remember but fundamentally shallow tax plans that benefit big money)

Please do consider stopping posting in this thread!
Go post on your Obama thread, for your candidate with no substance, intellect, who was elected because of hysteria . Go follow him to all 57 states to campaign with our dollars, call us lazy, and soft. Speaking of maroon.

OBAMA= one big ass mistake America
Glad I can get under your skin. Have a great day!!


golden ticket member
Tutti Frutti ....in America (Italian origin) 1875.........This is "how else it can be explained"...... It is an actual flavor and not a secret code for homosexual!!


 /ˈtutiˈfruti/ [too-tee-froo-tee]
noun 1. a preserve of chopped mixed fruits, often with brandy

2. a confection, especially ice cream, flavored with a variety of fruits, usually candied and minced.

I doubt very much that it was used to describe homosexuals back then. Back then, "sodomite" was used. Then Little Richard came along...Tutti Frutti, oh, Rudy!!

What's the difference.....Baba Wawa used to ask people....If you were a tree, what kind would you be?


Staff member
Tutti Frutti ....in America (Italian origin) 1875.........This is "how else it can be explained"...... It is an actual flavor and not a secret code for homosexual!!


 /ˈtutiˈfruti/ [too-tee-froo-tee]
noun 1. a preserve of chopped mixed fruits, often with brandy syrup.

2. a confection, especially ice cream, flavored with a variety of fruits, usually candied and minced.

I doubt very much that it was used to describe homosexuals back then. Back then, "sodomite" was used. Then Little Richard came along...Tutti Frutti, oh, Rudy!!

What's the difference.....Baba Wawa used to ask people....If you were a tree, what kind would you be?
And you don't think Cain was referencing Mr. Bachman's less than manly demeanor?
that flavor would be hazelnut/banana.
Whatever..... I have heard tutti frutti to describe someone a little on the nutzo side and, IMO, that fits Mrs. Bachmann. My question would be why would Cain comment of the flavor of Mr. B, he isn't a candidate and that wasn't the question asked of him?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The term FRUTTI has and is a term used to describe a homosexual person without saying the word "ferret".


Steve: hey bob, you know that guy larry?
Bob: Ya, i know him, why
steve: does he seem a little frutti to you?
Bob: ya, my friends told me hes a fruit.

The use of the word frutti is a clear reference to bachmans gay husband, By usng Tutti Frutti, CAIN can be assigning TUTTI to Michele, and FRUTTI to her husband.

Either way, it was dumb as everything else he says.



Well-Known Member
I really think everyone should consider stopping posting in this thread (aside the usual suspects) and Herman Cain hysteria will just wet blanket itself. There is no substance or intellect behind him, he's a product of big money and a outside shot to replace Obama and unfortunately, most of the hysteria and attention is based around something as judgmental and shallow as color of skin. ( as well as catchy, easy to remember but fundamentally shallow tax plans that benefit big money)

Appears your post had the effect of waving the green flag for the Daytona 500. :happy-very:

Then again, with all the ice cream comparisons, maybe it started silly season!