Herman Cain

We call them chimney cleaners here
What do chimney sweeps *what most of the world calls them* have to do with this thread? If you are comparing the hats, you fail again. The hats that Cain wears are called Fedoras and look nothing like the Sweep's top hats.


Engorged Member
See, here ya go telling another lie. The tea party doesn't hate blacks because they are black. Simply not true.

Maybe not for you, but I've heard enough Tea Party rhetoric to know how many (not all) skirt the edges of race-baiting and racism in general. Listen to enough Right Wing radio and it's pretty easy to see the technique in action, which essentially consists of the host talking around the subject while his callers zero-in on target. That way, the host cannot be called racist.

Limbaugh is generally good at it, but sometimes he slips-up and says something overt. His local copies usually follow Rush's lead. I personally don't think that you or many other conservatives are racist, but some of your leaders sure are.


Für Meno :)
Tea Party came with a new budget plan that will discontinue student loans.
Only the rich will be able to get a college/university degree under that plan.

What do you expect from a bunch of hillbillies, anyways ? Farming is good enough for anyone.
Tea Party came with a new budget plan that will discontinue student loans.
Only the rich will be able to get a college/university degree under that plan.

What do you expect from a bunch of hillbillies, anyways ? Farming is good enough for anyone.
Not true. It won't be easy to get a degree without a loan but it is possible. My ex-wife and I both obtained degrees and never borrowed a dime in student loans.
Most farmers kids I know( and that is a a LOT of people) manage to go to college, get degrees and find jobs. To assume that farmers are uneducated is just stupid.
Worse case scenario is little johnny doesn't have a degree to drive a truck for UPS, the horror of it all.
Actually the worse case would be if they managed to get , not one but two degrees, and end up selling hot dogs out of a cart.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not for you, but I've heard enough Tea Party rhetoric to know how many (not all) skirt the edges of race-baiting and racism in general. Listen to enough Right Wing radio and it's pretty easy to see the technique in action, which essentially consists of the host talking around the subject while his callers zero-in on target. That way, the host cannot be called racist.

Limbaugh is generally good at it, but sometimes he slips-up and says something overt. His local copies usually follow Rush's lead. I personally don't think that you or many other conservatives are racist, but some of your leaders sure are.

You obviously do not know who Mr. Sneardley is. :happy-very:


Für Meno :)
Nothing wrong with hotdogs ! I had the best summer of my life ! It was full of entertainment and filled with lots of money.
I loved it, even told my brothers and my mother the same thing - Best Summer Ever !
So much fun at a job. I never had that ever before.
I don't think I ever did crack $2000 net for myself per day, but close. (got to pay staff, fees, propane, ice, etc extra).

The money was just an added bonus... it was the fun ! I would do it for $100 a day, if I had to work for someone else.

Next year, I'll start right from Spring time, until September. If I work 30 days, I'll earn more than most people would working 250 days !

It sure helped me out, I get to take another winter off and visit Cuba again, soon.
Money is still a bit tight, but I did learn from last year (and got late into it - July), and it will be better this summer.

Nothing wrong with what I do. Because I never had a job paying me more than $1000 per day net pay.


golden ticket member
Tea Party came with a new budget plan that will discontinue student loans.
Only the rich will be able to get a college/university degree under that plan.

What do you expect from a bunch of hillbillies, anyways ? Farming is good enough for anyone.

Who are you calling hillbillies?


golden ticket member
Maybe not for you, but I've heard enough Tea Party rhetoric to know how many (not all) skirt the edges of race-baiting and racism in general. Listen to enough Right Wing radio and it's pretty easy to see the technique in action, which essentially consists of the host talking around the subject while his callers zero-in on target. That way, the host cannot be called racist.

Limbaugh is generally good at it, but sometimes he slips-up and says something overt. His local copies usually follow Rush's lead. I personally don't think that you or many other conservatives are racist, but some of your leaders sure are.

When I hear the word, 'racist', the first image that pops in my mind is the trio of Al,Jessie and Louis !! Go figure.


golden ticket member
Not true. It won't be easy to get a degree without a loan but it is possible. My ex-wife and I both obtained degrees and never borrowed a dime in student loans.
Most farmers kids I know( and that is a a LOT of people) manage to go to college, get degrees and find jobs. To assume that farmers are uneducated is just stupid.
Worse case scenario is little johnny doesn't have a degree to drive a truck for UPS, the horror of it all.
Actually the worse case would be if they managed to get , not one but two degrees, and end up selling hot dogs out of a cart.
I think I remember it was 3 !!
Nothing wrong with hotdogs ! I had the best summer of my life ! It was full of entertainment and filled with lots of money.
I loved it, even told my brothers and my mother the same thing - Best Summer Ever !
So much fun at a job. I never had that ever before.
I don't think I ever did crack $2000 net for myself per day, but close. (got to pay staff, fees, propane, ice, etc extra).

The money was just an added bonus... it was the fun ! I would do it for $100 a day, if I had to work for someone else.

Next year, I'll start right from Spring time, until September. If I work 30 days, I'll earn more than most people would working 250 days !

It sure helped me out, I get to take another winter off and visit Cuba again, soon.
Money is still a bit tight, but I did learn from last year (and got late into it - July), and it will be better this summer.

Nothing wrong with what I do. Because I never had a job paying me more than $1000 per day net pay.

I think you missed the point. As far as selling hot dogs for a living...if it is as much fun as you say, I say goferit and I am happy for you. Nothing wrong at all with that career. The point is, you don't need a college degree incumbered with loans and wasted money and years in school to sell hot dogs. Everyone does not need a college education.

side note: before you compare my post here to what you tried to do with moreluck earlier in the GM thread is that I tied the unrelated hot dog industry to the topic of college education.


Für Meno :)
There are many, many people out there with college degrees that are no longer using it.
I sort of lost mine when I left Germany, because it's really not here acknowledged.
Didn't get the job I wanted here right from the beginning, but wanted to stay here anyways, even though I did have some very serious thoughts about goiung back to Germany and work with less muscle, more brain, and earn more money.

But, I'm still here, and trying. That won't change now, since I have grown older mostly here now.

ON the brighter side, the college degree did help me get into Union Dairy work that was reserved for family members only. I almost moved to Vancouver Island too, because I have that German Dairy Specialist degree which is very welcomed around the world, but doesn't get me into management here. I did get close, but that's a different story.

Anyways, the better the education the more likely you'll be hired. Simple as that. (Unless you apply at low paying jobs - then be prepared to be rejected as over quailified) !

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Are you consistent and hold that same principle (and I agree with you completely) for those who got thrown into Gitmo? What about someone found innocent and yet the gov't sez they will still not be released and could even face a life sentence yet still having been found innocent? If you agree with the govt's position, then I find it hard to accept your plea on Cain's behalf as genuine to the traditions of innocent until proven guilty.

If any individual is found innocent even in Gitmo... they should be released back to their country.
There are many, many people out there with college degrees that are no longer using it.
I sort of lost mine when I left Germany, because it's really not here acknowledged.
Didn't get the job I wanted here right from the beginning, but wanted to stay here anyways, even though I did have some very serious thoughts about goiung back to Germany and work with less muscle, more brain, and earn more money.

But, I'm still here, and trying. That won't change now, since I have grown older mostly here now.

ON the brighter side, the college degree did help me get into Union Dairy work that was reserved for family members only. I almost moved to Vancouver Island too, because I have that German Dairy Specialist degree which is very welcomed around the world, but doesn't get me into management here. I did get close, but that's a different story.

Anyways, the better the education the more likely you'll be hired. Simple as that. (Unless you apply at low paying jobs - then be prepared to be rejected as over quailified) !

There are many many people out there that have never used their degrees for almost as many reasons. The point is, college degrees do not create automatic jobs. Specially jobs that will provide enough money to pa back the school loans. I have to wonder how many young people just out of high school really research the careers they think they want to do, the pay scales where they want to live, the cost of living there and the amount of payback on the loans before signing the agreement. I can tell you my oldest grandson has no idea, despite my best efforts. I blame his Mother and Dad.

Back to the main point, sometimes not allowing a student loan is actually better for the student.


Well-Known Member
If any individual is found innocent even in Gitmo... they should be released back to their country.

Agreed. Maybe I don't like the results but the principle of justice is far more important than our individual bias.

If we allow injustice to one, we risk an injustice too all. Para-phrasing MLK on that one and he was dead on right too!


Für Meno :)
Cain already knows how to spend government money, as of today he's the first GOP candidate to receive Secret Service Protection.
(normally candidates don't receive protection until 4 months before the election).

What's he afraid of ? That he burns his hands in a pizza oven ?


golden ticket member
Cain already knows how to spend government money, as of today he's the first GOP candidate to receive Secret Service Protection.
(normally candidates don't receive protection until 4 months before the election).

What's he afraid of ? That he burns his hands in a pizza oven ?
He left there 15 years ago.....what you say isn't even timely!

Presidential candidate Herman Cain will receive protection from the U.S. Secret Service, a source in federal law enforcement and two other sources told CNN.
Cain will be the first candidate in the race for the Republican presidential nomination in the 2012 election cycle to be placed under the protection of the federal law enforcement agency. The reason was not yet clear.
While early, it is not unprecedented for the Secret Service to take over the security of a presidential candidate. In May 2007, then-Sen. Barack Obama, who was running for the Democratic nomination, was placed under Secret Service protection.
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