Herman Cain


Engorged Member
He left there 15 years ago.....what you say isn't even timely!

Presidential candidate Herman Cain will receive protection from the U.S. Secret Service, a source in federal law enforcement and two other sources told CNN.
Cain will be the first candidate in the race for the Republican presidential nomination in the 2012 election cycle to be placed under the protection of the federal law enforcement agency. The reason was not yet clear.
While early, it is not unprecedented for the Secret Service to take over the security of a presidential candidate. In May 2007, then-Sen. Barack Obama, who was running for the Democratic nomination, was placed under Secret Service protection.

GOVERNMENT HANDOUT!!!, GOVERNMENT HANDOUT!!!. What is Cain doing accepting government assistance? He should provide his own security. Why should the taxpayers be protecting Mr. Cain? It was his decision to run for President and he should take personal responsiblity for his actions. More Big Government intruding into Cain's affairs (pun intended). If you get attacked while running for President, BLAME YOURSELF!!


Staff member
GOVERNMENT HANDOUT!!!, GOVERNMENT HANDOUT!!!. What is Cain doing accepting government assistance? He should provide his own security. Why should the taxpayers be protecting Mr. Cain? It was his decision to run for President and he should take personal responsiblity for his actions. More Big Government intruding into Cain's affairs (pun intended). If you get attacked while running for President, BLAME YOURSELF!!
How about putting him in the Witness Protection Program? Or protective custody in the correctional facility in Thompson, Il. To good for Gitmo detainees, should be perfect for Cain.


Engorged Member
How about putting him in the Witness Protection Program? Or protective custody in the correctional facility in Thompson, Il. To good for Gitmo detainees, should be perfect for Cain.

They need to put hs mouth in protective custody. That's the real "danger" to Mr. Cain.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Tea Party came with a new budget plan that will discontinue student loans.
Only the rich will be able to get a college/university degree under that plan.

What do you expect from a bunch of hillbillies, anyways ? Farming is good enough for anyone.
Hey hot shot Mr know it all from the great white north. Where would you be without farmers? Are you aware hot dogs, unless made from seaweed or kelp, come from a farmer who raised a hog. Obviously much smarter than you since you buy from him. You are the ultimate weiner. I dont listent to Michael Savage much any more, BUT, I am coming to believe that liberalism is a mental disease, and there is no help for you.


Staff member
Hey hot shot Mr know it all from the great white north. Where would you be without farmers? Are you aware hot dogs, unless made from seaweed or kelp, come from a farmer who raised a hog. Obviously much smarter than you since you buy from him. You are the ultimate weiner. I dont listent to Michael Savage much any more, BUT, I am coming to believe that liberalism is a mental disease, and there is no help for you.
If you are finished attacking Klein, what do you think of ending student loans?


Engorged Member
Hey hot shot Mr know it all from the great white north. Where would you be without farmers? Are you aware hot dogs, unless made from seaweed or kelp, come from a farmer who raised a hog. Obviously much smarter than you since you buy from him. You are the ultimate weiner. I dont listent to Michael Savage much any more, BUT, I am coming to believe that liberalism is a mental disease, and there is no help for you.

Gee, who says that "Liberalism is a mental disease"? Why, that would be Rush Limbaugh, wouldn't it? This is the same Rush that advocated the death penalty for drug addicts until he became one. What kind of "disease" is it when a fat, pompous, draft-dodging drug-addicted pigboy gets on the radio and spews lies and hate? Sounds like Conservatism has worse symptoms.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I have a degree, I had student loans, and I never expected anyone to pay them back but me. I got mine from a bank, not from the government. My mother had to co sign. I did get pell grants, and have more than paid back the small amount I got both from my state and the government. it took me 12 yrs, and I tried harder, as my life depended on it. I have a degree I am proud of, it is not in the field i work now, but I did it paid for it and am proud of it. And I might add did it with two kids, a full time job, sometimes two part times, and no healthcare,
I think student loans will flourish when put back in the private sector, not authorized or handled by the government. As far as attacking Klein please take off your blinders, he attacks anyone who disagrees with him with his talking points and endless jabble.
And where do weiners come from, was I wrong?
Maybe someone who doesnt have a degree? Some people dont need a degree, some are better with their God Given abilities and can create great things.
Bill Gates ring any bells.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Gee, who says that "Liberalism is a mental disease"? Why, that would be Rush Limbaugh, wouldn't it? This is the same Rush that advocated the death penalty for drug addicts until he became one. What kind of "disease" is it when a fat, pompous, draft-dodging drug-addicted pigboy gets on the radio and spews lies and hate? Sounds like Conservatism has worse symptoms.
No it would be Michael SAVAGE. And guess what, if people dont want to listen to Rush, they can turn the channel. Obviously people want to hear him. And he is not fat. And he has money, and it was because people want his message unlike AIR America.


Für Meno :)
It sure is funny when these oldtimers say they didn't need a student loan, but back in those days they didn't need a loan of a house to get a degree !

Hey, whats wrong with paying a fair price for the value, like us up north ? A jug of milk for $4.00 or hotdogs for double the price then in the US ?
If you want to call that liberalisum, so be it, but I call it fair market practise.

We don't have cheap (illegal) mexican labor picking our fruits or doing farm work, either.


Engorged Member
I have a degree, I had student loans, and I never expected anyone to pay them back but me. I got mine from a bank, not from the government. My mother had to co sign. I did get pell grants, and have more than paid back the small amount I got both from my state and the government. it took me 12 yrs, and I tried harder, as my life depended on it. I have a degree I am proud of, it is not in the field i work now, but I did it paid for it and am proud of it. And I might add did it with two kids, a full time job, sometimes two part times, and no healthcare,
I think student loans will flourish when put back in the private sector, not authorized or handled by the government. As far as attacking Klein please take off your blinders, he attacks anyone who disagrees with him with his talking points and endless jabble.
And where do weiners come from, was I wrong?
Maybe someone who doesnt have a degree? Some people dont need a degree, some are better with their God Given abilities and can create great things.
Bill Gates ring any bells.

Same here. But I did get a loan (from the government), and I paid them back..on time.


Engorged Member
No it would be Michael SAVAGE. And guess what, if people dont want to listen to Rush, they can turn the channel. Obviously people want to hear him. And he is not fat. And he has money, and it was because people want his message unlike AIR America.

Rush says essentially the same thing. Last time I saw him, he was still kind of chubby, and he used to be a real porker. He's just as mean-spirited as that punk Michael (Weiner) Savage.


Staff member
I have a degree, I had student loans, and I never expected anyone to pay them back but me. I got mine from a bank, not from the government. My mother had to co sign. I did get pell grants, and have more than paid back the small amount I got both from my state and the government. it took me 12 yrs, and I tried harder, as my life depended on it. I have a degree I am proud of, it is not in the field i work now, but I did it paid for it and am proud of it. And I might add did it with two kids, a full time job, sometimes two part times, and no healthcare,
I think student loans will flourish when put back in the private sector, not authorized or handled by the government. As far as attacking Klein please take off your blinders, he attacks anyone who disagrees with him with his talking points and endless jabble.
And where do weiners come from, was I wrong?
Maybe someone who doesnt have a degree? Some people dont need a degree, some are better with their God Given abilities and can create great things.
Bill Gates ring any bells.
I think most weiners come from beef and pork. So we've had student loans and paid them back. I think the loans are in the private sector but guaranteed by the government, aren't they? It's been a while since I paid mine back. But why end a program if it's helping education? If I remember correctly, alot of the loans not paid back were taken by folks who could best afford to pay them back. Doctors, lawyers, etc. And if the private sector isn't loaning to businesses, they aren't going to loan Jenny $100,000 as an 18 year old coming out of high school.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Same here. But I did get a loan (from the government), and I paid them back..on time.
And I commend you.
I know it was hard, and I only had like 30 k in the loans, yes backed by the govt last, first my mom. But you could never get out of them, and I remember the bank telling me. These loans will not be forgiven, for any reason.
So why do people now, think they should just be forgiven?
Well if you are Jennie, looking for a 100,000 dollar loan, you need to be paying it back as you are borrowing. its called work study, or a job, in addition to full time studies. You need to maintain a 3.5 or better. You do not borrow it all at once.


Well-Known Member
Hey hot shot Mr know it all from the great white north. Where would you be without farmers? Are you aware hot dogs, unless made from seaweed or kelp, come from a farmer who raised a hog. Obviously much smarter than you since you buy from him. You are the ultimate weiner. I dont listent to Michael Savage much any more, BUT, I am coming to believe that liberalism is a mental disease, and there is no help for you.
If you are finished attacking Klein, what do you think of ending student loans?[/QUOTE]

Student loans is a major reason formal education costs so much. When you have a seemingly unlimited supply of money for a service, in this case education, the cost of that service will rise indefinitely. If schools found dwindling enrollment based on cost of the schooling prices would start to hold steady if not drop to whatever level people could begin affording it once more.


golden ticket member
GOVERNMENT HANDOUT!!!, GOVERNMENT HANDOUT!!!. What is Cain doing accepting government assistance? He should provide his own security. Why should the taxpayers be protecting Mr. Cain? It was his decision to run for President and he should take personal responsiblity for his actions. More Big Government intruding into Cain's affairs (pun intended). If you get attacked while running for President, BLAME YOURSELF!!
Did you notice that Obama had the same "early" protection.....apparently only the black men get protected, eh?


golden ticket member
It sure is funny when these oldtimers say they didn't need a student loan, but back in those days they didn't need a loan of a house to get a degree!

Hey, whats wrong with paying a fair price for the value, like us up north ? A jug of milk for $4.00 or hotdogs for double the price then in the US ?
If you want to call that liberalisum, so be it, but I call it fair market practise.

We don't have cheap (illegal) mexican labor picking our fruits or doing farm work, either.
What the hell does that even mean.........how much have you had to drink?