Herman Cain


Nine Lives
Herman could have refused and saved the taxpayers the bill. Better yet, he and his backers could offer to reimburse Big Government. Sorry, he's a hypocrite feeding at the government trough.

There were a lot of threats from racist Democrats that didn't like Cain because he is Black.


Engorged Member
There were a lot of threats from racist Democrats that didn't like Cain because he is Black.

Right. My comments are tongue firmly planted in cheek because Cain undoubtedly needs protection,, but I'd bet the threats (if any) aren't coming from Democrats. Please explain why I'm a racist, and why I "hate" Cain because he's Black. I don't hate the man, but I think his policies are dumb, and if he were white, I'd think they were dumb too. He's like a Black Steve Forbes, and I thought Forbes was an idiot as well. Neither has good ideas, and neither is, was, or will ever be qualified to be President. Both of their plans protect(ed) rich men like themselves at the expense of the rest of us who aren't wealthy.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Actually the worse case would be if they managed to get , not one but two degrees, and end up selling hot dogs out of a cart.

LMAO!!!! You would think that a person with a few degrees would not get fired for drinking on the job....maybe they have a drinking problem.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I am coming to believe that liberalism is a mental disease, and there is no help for you.


Lue C Fur

Evil member
We don't have cheap (illegal) mexican labor picking our fruits or doing farm work, either.

That is because its to friggin cold and Canada sucks...oh and you dont hand out free education, housing, healthcare to illegals, and have sanctuary cities, thanks to the Dimocrats here in America.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Herman could have refused and saved the taxpayers the bill. Better yet, he and his backers could offer to reimburse Big Government. Sorry, he's a hypocrite feeding at the government trough.[/QUOTE

Your Messiah could refuse to take so many damn vacations with his family and save tax payers money too...talking about feeding from the govt trough...your piggy is full.


Well-Known Member
So, if people would use less UPS deliveries, we would all get cheaper delivery prices soon - good to know !

Its become apparent to me with each post you make that they don't teach rudimentary macro economics overseas. Its a simple supply and demand problem. When the housing boom was in full swing housing prices were going through the roof in some places mainly because there was a seemingly endless supply of money to borrow to buy homes. When that dried up home prices dropped back down to a level most normal people could afford. Its no different with higher education and student loans. As long as students have access to an endless supply of money to finance their education the colleges have no reason to drop prices or even maintain them at the same level year after year because their customers, ie students, will always have the money to continue attending. Its not the schools problem that these kids graduate with an amount of debt equal to a mortgage payment. If the amount of money the kids had access too began to dwindle or disappear altogether college prices would begin to drop because these schools have a desire to maintain their enrollment numbers.


Staff member
Its become apparent to me with each post you make that they don't teach rudimentary macro economics overseas. Its a simple supply and demand problem. When the housing boom was in full swing housing prices were going through the roof in some places mainly because there was a seemingly endless supply of money to borrow to buy homes. When that dried up home prices dropped back down to a level most normal people could afford. Its no different with higher education and student loans. As long as students have access to an endless supply of money to finance their education the colleges have no reason to drop prices or even maintain them at the same level year after year because their customers, ie students, will always have the money to continue attending. Its not the schools problem that these kids graduate with an amount of debt equal to a mortgage payment. If the amount of money the kids had access too began to dwindle or disappear altogether college prices would begin to drop because these schools have a desire to maintain their enrollment numbers.
brett, that's not "supply and demand", that's "boom and bust" in the housing market.


Well-Known Member
brett, that's not "supply and demand", that's "boom and bust" in the housing market.

The demand couldn't be satisfied by the supply so the price rose. Same with education, demand is continuous and steadily rising so the price rises with it. Demand drops when the money dries up so the price also drops. It is a supply and demand problem.


Engorged Member
Herman could have refused and saved the taxpayers the bill. Better yet, he and his backers could offer to reimburse Big Government. Sorry, he's a hypocrite feeding at the government trough.[/QUOTE

Your Messiah could refuse to take so many damn vacations with his family and save tax payers money too...talking about feeding from the govt trough...your piggy is full.

BHO has had way less vacation time than most Presidents, especially Dubya and Reagan. So your post is nonsense.


Staff member
The demand couldn't be satisfied by the supply so the price rose. Same with education, demand is continuous and steadily rising so the price rises with it. Demand drops when the money dries up so the price also drops. It is a supply and demand problem.
and we ending up with an evecn less educated public? And that's a good thing? Will the republican candidate make that argument? Really?


Staff member
Liberals should like him then.:funny:
Doesn't matter if liberals like him. Can conservatives get past his pro-choice comments, his questionable past with women, his complete lack of knowledge of whether or not he agreed with Obama on Libya, and his comlete un-electability? In the joke that has become republican politics, yes, I think they can.:happy2:


Für Meno :)
I don't take anything Cain says as what he means anymore , period !
In the past his famous quote was : "I don't have the facts"

Now his new famous quote is : "I didn't say that!"

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Herman Cain has showed his presidential credentials by saying that "a president doesnt have to know everything about everything"...


Then he goes on to say that he believes a president is "elected to lead not to read."


The simpsons had the same idea in an episode!
I was elected to lead - YouTube

Life Imitates Art: Herman Cain’s ‘Leader Not Reader’ Comment Was A Simpsons Reference? | Mediaite

Are the C9 any closer to throwing in the towel on this walking , talking maroon?



golden ticket member
So Obama can go teach a Calculus class in college ??? Since you say a pres. must know everything about everything.
That's why there are specialized advisors to the president........not secretly installed Czars.. A president has military experts, economy experts and so on. This pres. only has lawyers as his advisors........bad choices on his part.