Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
and we ending up with an evecn less educated public? And that's a good thing? Will the republican candidate make that argument? Really?

Not necessarily. One can attain a degree that doesn't have $100k worth of debt attached to it, they just have to attend local community colleges, or certain other public universities in order to get it. Our student loan system makes it easy for someone to dig themselves into a big hole because kids take on huge amounts of debt during a time in their life that they really don't understand just how much of a burden it will be until they start making those payments, and then its too late. If the money were to dry up significantly these kids would be forced to make smarter, cheaper decisions regarding their higher education.


Staff member
Not necessarily. One can attain a degree that doesn't have $100k worth of debt attached to it, they just have to attend local community colleges, or certain other public universities in order to get it. Our student loan system makes it easy for someone to dig themselves into a big hole because kids take on huge amounts of debt during a time in their life that they really don't understand just how much of a burden it will be until they start making those payments, and then its too late. If the money were to dry up significantly these kids would be forced to make smarter, cheaper decisions regarding their higher education.
And you feel secure having the republican party make this case in an era that spawned OWS?


golden ticket member
I may be detached from the college attending years, but can't kids still have jobs and pay for their tuition while living at home?? Or is that not allowed now?


Well-Known Member
And you feel secure having the republican party make this case in an era that spawned OWS?

Considering OWS is all about gimme this and I deserve that I don't expect them to understand it. Thankfully OWS is a rather small portion of the population and one that will have little to no effect on the future of the Republican party. If you want to know what the OWS movement is really about watch this video and become enlightened.

Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Three and a Half Days - YouTube


golden ticket member
I hear people saying they are 'for' the OWS.....but guess what? They didn't participate and went to their jobs everyday. I'm thinking like the 804 union guy. All talk and I wonder how many days he was there demonstrating.


Well-Known Member
I don't take anything Cain says as what he means anymore , period !
In the past his famous quote was : "I don't have the facts"

Now his new famous quote is : "I didn't say that!"

I'm sure he is crushed to hear that; I think he was really counting on YOUR vote.


Staff member
brett, you link to some sanctimonious, 6 figure puke posing for his corporate handlers and suggest I should become "enlightened"? It's not "gimme's" people are looking for, it's opportunity. I've seen first hand how the right-wing "negotiates" and deals from the bottom of the deck. There is nothing "fair" going on with it.


Well-Known Member
brett, you link to some sanctimonious, 6 figure puke posing for his corporate handlers and suggest I should become "enlightened"? It's not "gimme's" people are looking for, it's opportunity. I've seen first hand how the right-wing "negotiates" and deals from the bottom of the deck. There is nothing "fair" going on with it.

Lol, Bill must have really struck a cord. I didn't say you had to accept it, just understand it. You say the OWS movement isn't a "gimme movement" but what do you call when they say "Gimme free healthcare!" and "Gimme free higher education!" and "Gimme a job!". Its all about giving them everything they want rather than requiring them to work for it, and Bill Whittle really strikes at the core of what OWS is really about. Call him a sanctimonious, 6 figure corporate puke if you want, but the man speaks the truth.


golden ticket member
brett, you link to some sanctimonious, 6 figure puke posing for his corporate handlers and suggest I should become "enlightened"? It's not "gimme's" people are looking for, it's opportunity. I've seen first hand how the right-wing "negotiates" and deals from the bottom of the deck. There is nothing "fair" going on with it.
People looking for opportunity? Then why did Obama ignore 200 thousand jobs or the jobs of the pipeline......opportunity denied people by Obama


golden ticket member
Now it's just getting Dumb & Dumber. Even the C9ners are smarter than Cain (I would think) ????

Herman Cain Is Worried The Taliban Is In Libya (???!!!!!wtf???!!!)

Read more: Herman Cain Is Worried The Taliban Is In Libya
What Taliban can't travel ??.......as far as I'm concerned the muslim brotherhood.....Libya's new leaders are radicals & extremists same as taliban and they believe in Shariah Law and the Koran.


Für Meno :)
What Taliban can't travel ??.......as far as I'm concerned the muslim brotherhood.....Libya's new leaders are radicals & extremists same as taliban and they believe in Shariah Law and the Koran.

Oh gee, you officially joined the C9 group.
That's like saying our Native Indians are heading to and taking over England.


golden ticket member
Oh gee, you officially joined the C9 group.
That's like saying our Native Indians are heading to and taking over England.
See, this is what you "it'll never happen to me" people think. The radical muslims will go where they need to go to kill the infidel and that's you!!