Herman Cain


Für Meno :)
Listen, I don't get Fox News, but if I did, I would think they would even report : "OOOPPSSS" Cain has (miss)- spoken , again".

I'll let TOS and Fedex continue, because this is beyond my teaching possibilities for people without any sort of knowledge.

Sorry, I just don't have the patients.

Btw: Your beloved Ronald Reagan supported the Taliban for many years.
And he would be very pleased if not only they (the Taliban) could take over Afghanistan, but also Libya...
atleast in his thoughts and time.
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Engorged Member
Oh gee, you officially joined the C9 group.
That's like saying our Native Indians are heading to and taking over England.

Shhhh!! Don't tell. The Native Americans were going to kick-out the Queen and turn Buckingham Palace into a casino. And now, you've spilled the beans.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
For Cain, it should be " a president doesn't have to know anything about anything". Then, he would be qualified for the job. "Libya?", "Isn't that close to Becki-Beckistan?"
Actually no, its closer to our 55th state, I dont know its name you will have to ask Obama.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Listen, I don't get Fox News, but if I did, I would think they would even report : "OOOPPSSS" Cain has (miss)- spoken , again".

I'll let TOS and Fedex continue, because this is beyond my teaching possibilities for people without any sort of knowledge.

Sorry, I just don't have the patients.

Btw: Your beloved Ronald Reagan supported the Taliban for many years.
And he would be very pleased if not only they (the Taliban) could take over Afghanistan, but also Libya...
atleast in his thoughts and time.

Hey genius, I dont think mispoken has 3 sss's
Im sorry you dont have any patients, you have clientele, you are a hot dog guy, not a doctor.
What does patience mean? definition, meaning and pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary)
patients are seen in alcohol treatment centers and psych wards, and doctors offices, and are sometimes called clients, so I see where you got mixed up.
Patience is something a lot of us have with you. Conversing with you is like drinking a beer in front of your boss, and wondering what was wrong with that. yes you have lotsa learning to do. And most of us dont have the patience either.
Peace....thats what makes it all OK.
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Engorged Member
I fixed it for you. Thank me later.

Changed my quote? Actually, we already have a leader that gets it. That's why he bows when he goes to Japan (respect and cultural knowledge), and why he doesn't step on his Johnson all the time like the GOP folks do when they talk about "the rest of the world". Sooner or later, you'll need to figure out that we live in a world where the US isn't the only country that matters. I know it's tough for you to grasp, but there is such a thing as a global society that we need to understand and sometimes accomodate. Try watching BBC News sometimes or the Chinese CCTV English language feed. They also "get it". You don't.
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Well-Known Member
Changed my quote? Actually, we already have a leader that gets it. That's why he bows when he goes to Japan (respect and cultural knowledge), and why he doesn't step on his Johnson all the time like the GOP folks do when they talk about "the rest of the world". Sooner or later, you'll need to figure out that we live in a world where the US isn't the only country that matters. I know it's tough for you to grasp, but there is such a thing as a global society that we need to understand and sometimes accomodate. Try watching BBC News sometimes or the Chinese CCTV English language feed. They also "get it". You don't.

You're certainly have a right to your opinion, but that does not make it right, or the choice of the majority considering that only 6 or 8 members share your opinion.
While I'm at it let me ask this question: do you think this forum is a fair representation of a cross section of the American public?- remember Klein doesn't count.
If so, can you see the majority of opinions feel that the current administration is on the wrong track and leading this country in the wrong direction?
Is that why you're scared, because you can see the writing on the wall?


Staff member
You're certainly have a right to your opinion, but that does not make it right, or the choice of the majority considering that only 6 or 8 members share your opinion.
While I'm at it let me ask this question: do you think this forum is a fair representation of a cross section of the American public?- remember Klein doesn't count.
If so, can you see the majority of opinions feel that the current administration is on the wrong track and leading this country in the wrong direction?
Is that why you're scared, because you can see the writing on the wall?
I don't. Internet forums, regardless of whether they tilt right or left generally tend to represent the vocal extremes.
Changed my quote? Actually, we already have a leader that gets it. That's why he bows when he goes to Japan (respect and cultural knowledge), and why he doesn't step on his Johnson all the time like the GOP folks do when they talk about "the rest of the world". Sooner or later, you'll need to figure out that we live in a world where the US isn't the only country that matters. I know it's tough for you to grasp, but there is such a thing as a global society that we need to understand and sometimes accomodate. Try watching BBC News sometimes or the Chinese CCTV English language feed. They also "get it". You don't.

Careful now, you have been known to change other people quotes as well.
I don't. Internet forums, regardless of whether they tilt right or left generally tend to represent the vocal extremes.

I gave you a like on this one ( I know that means so much to you, lol )but to me it seems that the balance more effectively reflects the feelings and thoughts of the more vocal, whether extreme or not. I'm fairly vocal but do not consider my self to be extremely right wing. Maybe others think I am, IDK and IDC. I don't consider you as being extreme either, yet your voice is well heard here.


Für Meno :)
If this was a "Big Mac Cafe" then the whole scenrio of people would change here.
Remember, not everyone is lucky enough to work for $30/hr, paid healthcare, and a generous pension plan.
That is not the average American.

The average income of a UPS driver is much more then the average national income, and so are the bennies that come with the job.
Maybe, even if you worked for Fedex for $20/hr and less bennies, some would have a change of opinion, too ?

As far as I know, anyone of you extreme "righters" could be unemployed next year, for any giving reason. Be it downsizing, center closing, sub-contracting, or a mistake.
And when you do find a job, again - you start at the bottom, earning $10-$12 hr, no bennies.
Then I hope you come back to BC and tell us how you like living without healthcare, or how generous it is that you receive $200 a week to live and feed your family.
If this was a "Big Mac Cafe" then the whole scenrio of people would change here.
Remember, not everyone is lucky enough to work for $30/hr, paid healthcare, and a generous pension plan.
That is not the average American.

The average income of a UPS driver is much more then the average national income, and so are the bennies that come with the job.
Maybe, even if you worked for Fedex for $20/hr and less bennies, some would have a change of opinion, too ?

As far as I know, anyone of you extreme "righters" could be unemployed next year, for any giving reason. Be it downsizing, center closing, sub-contracting, or a mistake.
And when you do find a job, again - you start at the bottom, earning $10-$12 hr, no bennies.
Then I hope you come back to BC and tell us how you like living without healthcare, or how generous it is that you receive $200 a week to live and feed your family.

What does any of this have to do with the current drift of this thread? The question was , does the posting on this forum represent the thoughts of the American public. Income levels have nothing to do with it. Really, this part of the forum (current events) is made up from all levels of income, part time, full time, retired..etc.

I'm at a loss as to the point of your post.


golden ticket member
If this was a "Big Mac Cafe" then the whole scenrio of people would change here.
Remember, not everyone is lucky enough to work for $30/hr, paid healthcare, and a generous pension plan.
That is not the average American.

The average income of a UPS driver is much more then the average national income, and so are the bennies that come with the job.
Maybe, even if you worked for Fedex for $20/hr and less bennies, some would have a change of opinion, too ?

As far as I know, anyone of you extreme "righters" could be unemployed next year, for any giving reason. Be it downsizing, center closing, sub-contracting, or a mistake.
And when you do find a job, again - you start at the bottom, earning $10-$12 hr, no bennies.
Then I hope you come back to BC and tell us how you like living without healthcare, or how generous it is that you receive $200 a week to live and feed your family.
So you want everybody on BC to go get a job a McDonalds so they can form a McD cafe so we could all talk to you???? Maybe just go searching....I'm almost positive a forum exists.

It's true, anybody could possibly lose their job....BUT, most don't tempt fate!!


Well-Known Member
What does any of this have to do with the current drift of this thread? The question was , does the posting on this forum represent the thoughts of the American public. Income levels have nothing to do with it. Really, this part of the forum (current events) is made up from all levels of income, part time, full time, retired..etc.

I'm at a loss as to the point of your post.

This is scary but I see the point Klein is trying to make. Income levels do tend to have a bearing on your perspective on issues. Take for example Cain's 9-9-9 plan. When I read it for the first time I did not read it from the perspective of a lower income person who may have taken more of a hit under this plan than I would--I read it as a win for me and for my tax situation. The revised 9-0-9 addressed this inequity.

I deliver to our local welfare office. When I walk in there I see people looking for a handout rather than a hand up. When they see me they see an overpaid union worker living the easy life.

Income is just one of many factors that shape our perspective. The way we were raised and our values/religious beliefs also come in to play.


golden ticket member
OK, now I have to tell my Carl's Jr. story.
One morning, we were hungry for Hardee's breakfast biscuits now being served at Carl's.

When we walked in we noticed that it was "free sausage biscuit" day. Anyone, showing up at the register could get a free biscuit. Great!

So, in walks this guy and he's there for his free biscuit and tells the cashier he's got 4 grandkids in the car too. She says to him...."which car is yours?"
She walks out & looks in his car windows and the car is empty.

Here's a guy already getting something for free and wanting more. He even asked her if he could have 4 more because the kids were home getting ready for school.

This guy , to me, represents about 60% of the people on welfare. They want free handouts and don't want to work for any of it. All he had to do was put forth some effort and put the 4 kids in the car and they all could've eaten.

Which is why I like Newt's idea of training program attendance in trade for your welfare check. That way no one is sitting on their butts and we'll get people trained in a trade so they can get a job.

Anyway, the next day I saw the same guy at the grocery store arguing with the cashier with his receipt and saying she didn't give him enough "game pieces" for what he purchased. It's not the amount, you have to purchase certain items to get the game pieces and if you don't, you get none. Whenever I see this guy again, I'm automatically going to say, there's the freeloader!.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I feel for people who dont make a good wage. It was not fun making minimum wage when I made it, but the difference was I knew I had to do something to make my life more paletable, or accept the money I was making and the handouts that were given to me.
I got food stamps for two months. I needed them. I started going to school, and got a second job, and it was hardly worth it as I paid what I made in my second job to daycare.

But the Gods of goodness were looking down on me and since I was trying, I got UP. When I made so much money I didnt qualify for food stamps, I was ecstatic. I was 19 made mistakes in my life, and was determined to fix them so my children would not suffer. Drove a beater that barely got me to and from work. Winter time in NE OHIO, really sucked.
My favorite memory is I was working in a truck stop. My youngest was in the hospital, having seizures. I had to leave him and go to work. I was assured it was OK, I did not have a choice, I needed that 2.11 per hour plus tips.
The next morning when I left work, my beater was full of toys, teddy bears and a brand new set of tires. And the cash to have them mounted and balanced. I never got any of my customers to admit who did it. I never found out how many of my regulars got the message. To me that meant everything. I also had some toys on lay away in the gift shop, when I went to pay on it, they told me it was paid already. To me that shows the charitable content of the American people.
And one of my favorite things in life is to do something for someone like that, I think its now called pay it forward.
To do something nice for someone who can never repay you.
Im not extreme by any means. some may think so. Im one thankful son of a gun, for the opportunities I have had. And watching my Mom and Dad struggle, and never take a dime from anyone but family. In my case I eliminated family also. That is the point, to do better than your parents did. That to me means you have arrived.


Staff member
This is scary but I see the point Klein is trying to make. Income levels do tend to have a bearing on your perspective on issues. Take for example Cain's 9-9-9 plan. When I read it for the first time I did not read it from the perspective of a lower income person who may have taken more of a hit under this plan than I would--I read it as a win for me and for my tax situation. The revised 9-0-9 addressed this inequity.

I deliver to our local welfare office. When I walk in there I see people looking for a handout rather than a hand up. When they see me they see an overpaid union worker living the easy life.

Income is just one of many factors that shape our perspective. The way we were raised and our values/religious beliefs also come in to play.
I believe Cain's revised "9-0-9" plan was a one time deal meant for a single audience. Recently he has gone back to calling it "9-9-9". On a larger scale though, and kudos for admitting it, what's with the "my tax situation"? You speak of how "we were raised" and yet our generation seems to forget what we were taught. Tax breaks in time of war? Health care provided by an employer? 1% of the nation involved with fighting our battles? I can see 9-9-9 resonating with folks growing up under the Reagan era, but I hardly think that's what the Greatest Generation had in mind when teaching us about duty to God and country.


Für Meno :)
Tooner, Sounds like you were a single mom at 1 time with child(ren). And you probably got the government to pay for your childs healthcare while he was sick.
Now, there are many other young mothers in the same or even worse conditions than you were back then.
Why do you want to deny them healthcare for thier babies ?