Herman Cain


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I never got healthcare given to me. In the US you had to give up your child support, which I rarely got, and quit your job. (All things enforceable by law. Back then they were not as good as now about child support. Now they will put a guy(or gal) in jail, take his/her license) Then you can get everything, help with housing, utilities, food stamps and medical.
All I needed was help with food. Their father and I were responsible for his hospital and doctor bills, because I didnt want to give it all up. I knew I could do better. My ex wanted me to do it, I would not. We paid it. I had to take him to court, but it was our responsibility. The sad thing was my children had insurance. They sent the payments to HIM, and he spent it, on his new and improved family. (in his mind) Because I signed the thing at the hospital he tried, to put it on me. WE ended up paying what was not paid, and he had to pay the rest back , as it should be.
Here is the deal, if you have no insurance they will work with you, and lower your bill. Yes it is sometimes hard, but what does not kill you will make you stronger.
Why is it ok to spend 200 a month or more on a cell bill, internet access, pcs, lotto, booz and smokes> but not towards your life. These are not neccesities, they are amenities.
I guess I am living in the 70s because you are not the only person who disagrees with self reliance, but I lived in it, and I am glad I now work more hours than anyone I know, but I dont expect jack :censored2: from anyone.
Not to say there are not people who need it. There are. But we provide for those. Because I pay lots of taxes, and I would like to see it spent on defense of our country, help for those who need it, even though that is not in our constitution. SS for those who have been forced to pay it, and are now too old to go get a job. And medicare for those citizens also.
funding losing initiatives, (solyndra) for one, and many many other pork programs, Im not in on.
Medicaid yes to an extent.
My husband has 60% of his heart, and a back problem which requires lifetime morphine, and he is not on disability. I see many, many people with less physical problems than him and they are. Why? Because we can survive without it, its called personal responsibility.
And to answer your question, why would I deny them help for their babies, I do not, BUT if you cannot identify the father or mother to help with the child, then your problems are bigger than healthcare, and it cannot be allowed to continue.
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Für Meno :)
You do know internet access and a pc is almost a must these days to get or find a job.
Sure, people can do it the old fashion way and spend a dollar for the weekend paper, but those jobs are by then mostly gone. And if you do need to snail mail in your resume, then it's even worse.

Well, republicans won't budge on taxing the rich in the super commintee meetings it seems.
They just want to slash SS and medicare.

Yet, if you were given the option (which you have) - you vote for the repuplicans.
Meaning you rather have the rich people paying less taxes then in 1929, which they currently do ! And cut medicare.

That morphine can't get pretty expensive, should that program be cut and your wishes become true.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
And if it does we will deal with it. If my private company benefits no longer cover it, then we will find a way. We may have to cut more, but we know how to do that. His health is a neccesity, and if I die before him, I bought a policy which will take care of him. Thats how its done son, thats how its done.
Ps internet access is availale at all local libraries which are usually located within walking distance to most neighborhoods, which tax dollars also pay for. As are vcrs, dvd players, dvds, vcrs tapes, and records. Having one in your home is a nice thing not a neccesity. Also most people on any kind of public assistance get a free lifeline phone with 250 minutes, which taxpayers pay for. More than enough to search for employment.
Its all available now, how much easier should we make it.
The weekend paper can be found at the library also, as can the daily paper, also help with resume writing, as can GED classes, as can a fax machine, what else do we need?
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Für Meno :)
I been to the library, actually in Florida, you get a whooping 30 minutes of time on the pc.
Barely enough time to look at all the jobs (well, in my case it was airline companies for a return ticket).

And every company you would apply for needs a new cover letter.... what is 30 minutes on the comp ? Nothing !
The unemployment office lets you on for 1 hr, I think. Still, 1 hr goes by quick, and you do need to check e-mails, incase you got a response from the previous day.

We don't get free cell phones here, but only call centers that will handle your incomming call. Mine is like 10 miles away.

Without internet and a pc, I would be lost. I would give up TV first, then land line telephone, and lastly internet (already gave up the cell).


golden ticket member
Tooner, Sounds like you were a single mom at 1 time with child(ren). And you probably got the government to pay for your childs healthcare while he was sick.
Now, there are many other young mothers in the same or even worse conditions than you were back then.
Why do you want to deny them healthcare for thier babies ?

My daughter is a single mom and low income......the state covers her son's healthcare!!


golden ticket member
You do know internet access and a pc is almost a must these days to get or find a job.
Sure, people can do it the old fashion way and spend a dollar for the weekend paper, but those jobs are by then mostly gone. And if you do need to snail mail in your resume, then it's even worse.

Well, republicans won't budge on taxing the rich in the super commintee meetings it seems.
They just want to slash SS and medicare.

Yet, if you were given the option (which you have) - you vote for the repuplicans.
Meaning you rather have the rich people paying less taxes then in 1929, which they currently do ! And cut medicare.

That morphine can't get pretty expensive, should that program be cut and your wishes become true.
Internet access & a pc don't seem to be helping you much.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
its not like that here Klein. Sorry to bust your bubble.
We pay for pcs at the library and they are never waiting in line for them. There is no time limit in a job search. There is for web surfing. yes its monitored. I think it is 2 hrs. There is an overabundance of pcs waiting online for anyone.
You can spin it if you like, its here, its reaL ITS AVAILABLE. Fact is the people who should be looking are not.
What gives a woman the right to have six kids and say, I cant work and I have babies that need taken care of?
I wanted 5. I had 2, I couldnt afford anymore.
So as much as I wanted more, I was limited.
Where did personal responsibility go? Republican, democrat, dont give a crap. What the heck. Who ever guaranteed that the American people would pay for your wants and desires? Or bad decisions. Or we will pay for you to get a better apt, if you have more kids.


Für Meno :)
Internet access & a pc don't seem to be helping you much.

It worked terrific ! Got all my hotdog contracts this summer thru the internet.
Bought over $1500 worth of goods on the Safeway E-Auction site, and re-sold them for a profit.
Just this past week alone, I sold my Sharp 3D Aquois DVD player, my diamond pendant, and a Yamaha Surround Sound System.

I'm not even looking for a job currently.... going to Cuba first, but probably not until January now, since the long term weather forecast isn't that bad in my area (just looked it up today - otherwise I would have booked a flight out).

Plus, all the stuff I recenty won online. It's great !


golden ticket member
It worked terrific ! Got all my hotdog contracts this summer thru the internet.
Bought over $1500 worth of goods on the Safeway E-Auction site, and re-sold them for a profit.
Just this past week alone, I sold my Sharp 3D Aquois DVD player, my diamond pendant, and a Yamaha Surround Sound System.

I'm not even looking for a job currently.... going to Cuba first, but probably not until January now, since the long term weather forecast isn't that bad in my area (just looked it up today - otherwise I would have booked a flight out).

Plus, all the stuff I recenty won online. It's great !
If it's all so great, then quit being the gloom and doom deliverer for the U.S. "You just wait and see" "You'll be sorry" Canada Rules...................etc. That kind of talk is from a braggart.


Für Meno :)
Just curious, how are the health benefits and pension from the Klein Weiner Wagon?

Healthcare don't worry about. Pension is taking somewhat of a beating, but it's ok, as far as I know I'm still well over $3000 per mth worth in pensions.
I'm also not planning on retiring in this city, and I'll sell my house (current value ~ $400K and paid in full), and move somewhere cheaper (probably Canada's east coast and get a nice smaller home for 1/4 of the price, plus another residence somewhere south for the winter.


Für Meno :)
Pension over 3k per month. where are you living, I want to go there.

You'll need to work for it first. See, in Germany all the OT goes towards pension, too.
And if I find a few old paystubs from Germany (somewhere boxed up)... most of them had more the 100 OT hrs per month, sometimes 120 or even 150 !
Germany pays monthly pay checks, unlike here, weekly or bi-weekly.

From there I started 1987 with Teamsters in Calgary. Per year service equals around $80 per month.
Then of course I'll get Canada Pension and Canada Old age pension on top of all that.

It's not Canada being credited for my pension, but my hard work and long hrs in life.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I see the CAIN campaign in light of his falling numbers have tried to turn his negatives into positives!



