Herman Cain


golden ticket member
TOS.....John Stewart sums it up for you ??
When you're done worshipping at St. John's (it is Sunday after all) thenyou can watch a regular news show.


Well-Known Member
TOS.....John Stewart sums it up for you ??
When you're done worshipping at St. John's (it is Sunday after all) thenyou can watch a regular news show.

LOL, watch a "regular" news show?? Regular as in owned by a huge and powerful corporation : Newscorp, GE, Viacom, Disney,etc. "This segment BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Exxon Mobil or Shell or ADM or Citibank or GE or GM" Regular as in the regular guests (the washington establishment reporters, pundits and pols) saying the regular things (dems vs repubs, deficits uber ailes, unilateral imperialism vs multilateral imperialism, obama is evil vs obama is great, etc)

At least stewart is able to laugh at this idiocy and make people see the establishment in a different light. I like how he actually asks tough questions on his show. No soft balls and he really challenges them when they come on his show.

For real news not "regular" news you need to turn off the boob tube!!


golden ticket member
LOL, watch a "regular" news show?? Regular as in owned by a huge and powerful corporation : Newscorp, GE, Viacom, Disney,etc. "This segment BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Exxon Mobil or Shell or ADM or Citibank or GE or GM" Regular as in the regular guests (the washington establishment reporters, pundits and pols) saying the regular things (dems vs repubs, deficits uber ailes, unilateral imperialism vs multilateral imperialism, obama is evil vs obama is great, etc)

At least stewart is able to laugh at this idiocy and make people see the establishment in a different light. I like how he actually asks tough questions on his show. No soft balls and he really challenges them when they come on his show.

For real news not "regular" news you need to turn off the boob tube!!

Laughing at the situation is not the answer.........that's what I picture they are doing in that Stupor Committee......either that or trading fried turkey recipes. It's Obama's idea...if it fails.......He can put it on the shelf with his other failures.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
At least stewart is able to laugh at this idiocy and make people see the establishment in a different light. I like how he actually asks tough questions on his show. No soft balls and he really challenges them when they come on his show.
So even though Stewart is a leftwinger and loves Obama...he is not biased. Now thats funny.

For real news not "regular" news you need to turn off the boob tube!!
And get your news from a Comedian or like TOS...from Twitter? Ummmmm...OK.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
A Silver Lining...

Here is a different spin on the situation that really does not come up much...

We are actually lucky (at this point in time) that Buck is at the top (I guess that is what you would call it). In 2008, a Democrat was going to get in office. If Hilary became President, she would have rammed through a public option on healthcare and the bill would probably have been air tight. She is a leader and would have had a second term without a doubt. My feeling is that America would be less divided than it is and moderates and independents would have re-elected her with no problem. She would not have cowered to the ubers and made the moves that would have sparked the economy. She would still have been running a divided legislature but we would be moving in a forward direction.

Granted, this campaigner in-chief who the ubers call president, has not released his stranglehold on the economy, created a spirit of contempt, division, and disfunction not only with the legislative branch but with the American people.

If I compared him to a captain of a ship...

He is the guy being pulled in the rowboat shouting commands with a megaphone over the roar of the propellers and his commands being relayed by word of mouth in a long line from one crew member to the next as so on from the stern to the bridge and blaming everyone but himself for why the ship is not turning away from the storm.

Here is the silver lining... Buck can be defeated. Common sense independents, liberals realize that he does not have the skills or policies to right our economic wows.


Engorged Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Here is a different spin on the situation that really does not come up much...

We are actually lucky (at this point in time) that Buck is at the top (I guess that is what you would call it). In 2008, a Democrat was going to get in office. If Hilary became President, she would have rammed through a public option on healthcare and the bill would probably have been air tight. She is a leader and would have had a second term without a doubt. My feeling is that America would be less divided than it is and moderates and independents would have re-elected her with no problem. She would not have cowered to the ubers and made the moves that would have sparked the economy. She would still have been running a divided legislature but we would be moving in a forward direction.

Granted, this campaigner in-chief who the ubers call president, has not released his stranglehold on the economy, created a spirit of contempt, division, and disfunction not only with the legislative branch but with the American people.

If I compared him to a captain of a ship...

He is the guy being pulled in the rowboat shouting commands with a megaphone over the roar of the propellers and his commands being relayed by word of mouth in a long line from one crew member to the next as so on from the stern to the bridge and blaming everyone but himself for why the ship is not turning away from the storm.

Here is the silver lining... Buck can be defeated. Common sense independents, liberals realize that he does not have the skills or policies to right our economic wows.

Are you calling Obama "buck"? Perhaps you don't even realize it, but that's a racist term for African-American men. Or, more likely, you do realize it, and feign ignorance so you can continue to use the term. Amazing.


Well-Known Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Are you calling Obama "buck"? Perhaps you don't even realize it, but that's a racist term for African-American men. Or, more likely, you do realize it, and feign ignorance so you can continue to use the term. Amazing.

I have to think he is following moreluck's lead on the use of that word as she has been calling him buck for the past few months. I was not aware, nor would I think Lifer or moreluck are, that it is a racist term. Thank you for bringing that to our attention.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: A Silver Lining...

I have to think he is following moreluck's lead on the use of that word as she has been calling him buck for the past few months. I was not aware, nor would I think Lifer or moreluck are, that it is a racist term. Thank you for bringing that to our attention.

They as well as the rest of you know its a racist term.. Like Mr fedx said, claiming ignorance is the claim of the day around here.



Well-Known Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

They as well as the rest of you know its a racist term.. Like Mr fedx said, claiming ignorance is the claim of the day around here.


TOS, I had no idea that buck was a racist term until MFE mentioned. I think I know Lifer well enough to say that he also did not know. I can only hope that moreluck did not know but you never know with her.

You can believe me or not--I don't really care.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

I have to think he is following moreluck's lead on the use of that word as she has been calling him buck for the past few months. I was not aware, nor would I think Lifer or moreluck are, that it is a racist term. Thank you for bringing that to our attention.

With all due respect....
It would take a racist to know a racist term! Take your "racism and stick ... well.... you know where. It comes from Buck O Fama. If I want to say Buck I will say Buck. You can't guilt me into the race card.


golden ticket member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Are you calling Obama "buck"? Perhaps you don't even realize it, but that's a racist term for African-American men. Or, more likely, you do realize it, and feign ignorance so you can continue to use the term. Amazing.
It a letter switch of ****** Obama to Buck Ofama. Not racist.


golden ticket member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Are you calling Obama "buck"? Perhaps you don't even realize it, but that's a racist term for African-American men. Or, more likely, you do realize it, and feign ignorance so you can continue to use the term. Amazing.
What about , "I shot a 10 point buck?? You think everything is racist.....


golden ticket member
A buck converter is a step-down DC to DC converter. Its design is similar to the step-up boost converter, and like the boost converter it is a switched-mode power supply that uses two switches (a transistor and a diode), an inductor and a capacitor.


golden ticket member
Get over it. You don't own the word "BUCK" and you don't get to make it what you want it to mean except when you are using it yourself, Oh keeper of all the words!!.

  • Buck, Pennsylvania, an Unincorporated community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
  • Buck Hill Farm Covered Bridge, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Buck Hill Cone, British Columbia, Canada
  • Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania
  • Buck Township, Hardin County, Ohio
  • Buck Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
Fictional characters:
  • Buck Rogers, a science fiction hero from the 1930s and 1970s