Herman Cain

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Was that directed at me or TOS?

Upstate .... this was not meant for you....

I just think that racism should stay out of these posts. It has no place. I am very jaded by the use of it.

It has been so over used that it means absolutely nothing (to me) anymore. What a shame.

I believe strongly in diversity. Look at my logo for my website Yin & Yang.

I am also very sorry to say that I have very little respect for the "First Couple". I only wish I could feel differently.


golden ticket member
For 3 years now, anytime a liberal Democrat doesn't have a good answer as to why the pres. is a failure, they call the other side racists to shut them up.

Well guess what? It doesn't work anymore, because we don't care if you scream racism. We're not shutting up. Americans deserve a true leader.

Obama is not a leader. Americans deserve a person in charge who isn't afraid to make a decision.........decisions like jobs with that pipeline.

Americans want to have pride in their country and are tired of Buck's apology tour around the world dissing the U.S.A. That's not presidential behavior and he's proven he's not presidential material.


Engorged Member
One, two BUCK-le my shoe............uh,oh, I'm a racist!!

Blueberry BUCK-le.....yum! See how ridiculous you are?

Please head down to your nearest area that has a lot of African-Americans. For you, that's probably Compton/S.Central LA. Please tell all the men there (in a loud voice) that they are "Bucks". See where that goes.


golden ticket member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Yep, the true colors show. Just look for the Confederate flag and trail of beer cans.
Don't drink a drop of anything but Diet Coke and am totally shocked to find out that Ohio was part of the confederacy!! Gee, learn something every day. Gee, racist comments by you!!
Re: A Silver Lining...

Yep, the true colors show. Just look for the Confederate flag and trail of beer cans.

Beer cans are racist now? Boy howdy am I glad I drink mine out of long neck bottles.

TOS just didn't have a reply worth listening to so throws the race card. We're used to that.

Buck Rogers
Buck Owens
Buck Henry
Buck Ewing
Buck Boucher
Buck O'neil

Plus about 6 thousand more Bucks in the USA. Wonder how many are black? Are they all racist?


Engorged Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Beer cans are racist now? Boy howdy am I glad I drink mine out of long neck bottles.

TOS just didn't have a reply worth listening to so throws the race card. We're used to that.

Buck Rogers
Buck Owens
Buck Henry
Buck Ewing
Buck Boucher
Buck O'neil

Plus about 6 thousand more Bucks in the USA. Wonder how many are black? Are they all racist?

Cue "Dueling Banjos" music. Out of all the names you can call the President, where did "Buck" come from? Just a coincidence? Sure. You and More can try and spin this your way all you want. Good luck.
Re: A Silver Lining...

Cue "Dueling Banjos" music. Out of all the names you can call the President, where did "Buck" come from? Just a coincidence? Sure. You and More can try and spin this your way all you want. Good luck.
Go back ^ there, Moreluck explained it pretty well. Buck Ofama.


golden ticket member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Cue "Dueling Banjos" music. Out of all the names you can call the President, where did "Buck" come from? Just a coincidence? Sure. You and More can try and spin this your way all you want. Good luck.

It the same if your name is Dot Kline..........you'd be Klot Dine...................Bill Cooper = Cill Booper...........Larry Hansen = Harry Lanson

****** Obama = Buck Ofama. It's the name game only different...........................Steve Buttz = Beve Stutz. Get it?


Nine Lives
x3, Must be a West Coast thing, I have never heard of it either. I know a few black men who call themselves Buck. They don't seem upset about it at all.

From what info I could find on the term it is an archaic and arcane term that probably has not been used in 80 or more years.

I wonder how the term was first applied to Obama and if the consequent users of the term had any idea of its supposed offensive connotations.

The only thing I could find on Obama and Buck was the "Obama Bucks" which is what stimulus money is called.


Engorged Member
Never heard the term "Buck" applied to a black man or to Obama.

Somethings I am grateful to be ignorant of.

The term was used in this forum. Like I said, what a coincidence that even "Buck Ofama" still gets it in there. If you've never heard it, maybe you need to get out more.


Nine Lives
The term was used in this forum. Like I said, what a coincidence that even "Buck Ofama" still gets it in there. If you've never heard it, maybe you need to get out more.

No one else seems to have heard of it.
It appears you are the racist ... always wondered why you hated Herman Cain so bad.

Mine is bigger than yours.
