Herman Cain


Engorged Member
Not saying you are correct, because you aren't. But how would that differ from you zer0bamaites blindly following him down the toilet?

No difference. Those who follow blindly are always idiots, regardless of party affiliation. I disagree with BHO on a lot of things, but he's a better choice than anything coming from the Right.
you clearly knew what context you were using it in. Lets stop with the charades please.

Nice try, FAIL.

I remember the first time I noticed her using the word "Buck". It was right after posting a cartoon with the words "Buck O'Fama" on it. I can't tell you what thread it was, because I really don't care and didn't at the time either.

Stick that in your smipe and poke it.

translation: stick that in your pipe and smoke it.


Well-Known Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

As to the term buck being used here in this forum within the negative context alleged? Nope! Don't buy that argument for a minute so get over it and move on.
EXACTLY! But what else would a liberal smearing rampage consist of since this is all they have?----Buck, buck, buck, cluck, cluck, cluck, a one term BUCK!---Oh, and the Buck stops here so we can repair the damage and get this country back on a track. :)


golden ticket member
Re: A Silver Lining...

EXACTLY! But what else would a liberal smearing rampage consist of since this is all they have?----Buck, buck, buck, cluck, cluck, cluck, a one term BUCK!---Oh, and the Buck stops here so we can repair the damage and get this country back on a track. :)
Then we can meet at StarBUCKs for a coffee treat!!


Engorged Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Then we can meet at StarBUCKs for a coffee treat!!

Divert, obscure, and deflect. Deny the original intent. BS. "Buck" Obama will kick whatever maroon's ass you people (pun intended) finally decide to run against him. Make sure you keep calling him "Buck" so everybody know it doesn't mean anything. Maybe you can email O'Reilly and he will call Obama "Buck" on national TV. Think anyone would notice? Or maybe Newt will stuff that fat foot in his mouth and say it. Nah, even he's too smart for that.

The problem with Tea Partiers is that they can't tell the difference between something that's offensive or just plain stupid. For one, they just don't care if they offend an "Oriental", "The Blacks", or the "Mexicans" because they aren't bright enough to try and understand other cultures. Rush Limbaugh would be the prime example of this. Maybe of he'd made it to college, he'd have a less ethnocentric outlook on things and would lead you sheep in a more enlightened direction.
Last edited:


golden ticket member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Divert, obscure, and deflect. Deny the original intent. BS. "Buck" Obama will kick whatever maroon's ass you people (pun intended) finally decide to run against him. Make sure you keep calling him "Buck" so everybody know it doesn't mean anything. Maybe you can email O'Reilly and he will call Obama "Buck" on national TV. Think anyone would notice? Or maybe Newt will stuff that fat foot in his mouth and say it. Nah, even he's too smart for that.

The problem with Tea Partiers is that they can't tell the difference between something that's offensive or just plain stupid. For one, they just don't care if they offend an "Oriental", "The Blacks", or the "Mexicans" because they aren't bright enough to try and understand other cultures. Rush Limbaugh would be the prime example of this. Maybe of he'd made it to college, he'd have a less ethnocentric outlook on things and would lead you sheep in a more enlightened direction.
Oh, by the way, get it right. It's Buck Ofama!! You can go study other cultures to your heart's content. Nobody's stopping you.
I'm going to an Oriental household for my Thanksgiving. I don't need to study the people, I happen to like them. There will also be an Oriental actor from Hollywood there.....most likely a Democrat, but I'll pull the wishbone with him. There will also be a native of Prague there....oh, he's just white.

My neighbor and I talked about ski goggles........did you know that there are special Asian ski goggles. We laughed ourselves silly saying they are cheaper because they are little slits. I don't take anything too seriously and I'm not always on the lookout for racial slurs like the true racists are........ala Al & Jesse. Soon they'll be gone and maybe racism will die along with them.


Engorged Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Oh, by the way, get it right. It's Buck Ofama!! You can go study other cultures to your heart's content. Nobody's stopping you.
I'm going to an Oriental household for my Thanksgiving. I don't need to study the people, I happen to like them. There will also be an Oriental actor from Hollywood there.....most likely a Democrat, but I'll pull the wishbone with him. There will also be a native of Prague there....oh, he's just white.

My neighbor and I talked about ski goggles........did you know that there are special Asian ski goggles. We laughed ourselves silly saying they are cheaper because they are little slits. I don't take anything too seriously and I'm not always on the lookout for racial slurs like the true racists are........ala Al & Jesse. Soon they'll be gone and maybe racism will die along with them.

You are truly amazing. I'll let your words speak for themselves.


Staff member
Re: A Silver Lining...

"Peas in a pod" ... that is a common euphemism used by racists to refer to people they hate.
You really should hold back on your use of racist terms on here.
We all see that you are a racist but you don't have to prove it on every post.
You might want to check that entymology. I've never heard it in that context. Of course, I'm not from the deep south....
Re: A Silver Lining...

Divert, obscure, and deflect. Deny the original intent. BS. "Buck" Obama will kick whatever maroon's ass you people (pun intended) finally decide to run against him. Make sure you keep calling him "Buck" so everybody know it doesn't mean anything. Maybe you can email O'Reilly and he will call Obama "Buck" on national TV. Think anyone would notice? Or maybe Newt will stuff that fat foot in his mouth and say it. Nah, even he's too smart for that.

The problem with Tea Partiers is that they can't tell the difference between something that's offensive or just plain stupid. For one, they just don't care if they offend an "Oriental", "The Blacks", or the "Mexicans" because they aren't bright enough to try and understand other cultures. Rush Limbaugh would be the prime example of this. Maybe of he'd made it to college, he'd have a less ethnocentric outlook on things and would lead you sheep in a more enlightened direction.

We've learned the divert and deflect from you and TOS....BTW, that's how we got onto this subject to start with. You had nothing so he punted the race football and here we are reading your self proclaimed "enlightenment" spill. BTW this wasn't your first attempt in several threads to divert and deflect lately. What's wrong, TOS not sharing the democrat emails with you anymore?
Re: A Silver Lining...

You are truly amazing. I'll let your words speak for themselves.

Well see...if you had done this instead of going off on a ridiculous tangent, we would have saved 3 or 4 pages of bandwidth and stayed on topic. But no, you so desperately need to cling to your false claims, for whatever reason you have. You NEED right wingers to say something, anything you can twist into being racist regardless of the meaning or intent. The only reason I can see for you to do that is so you can feel better about the hate you feel for people that disagree with you.


Engorged Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Well see...if you had done this instead of going off on a ridiculous tangent, we would have saved 3 or 4 pages of bandwidth and stayed on topic. But no, you so desperately need to cling to your false claims, for whatever reason you have. You NEED right wingers to say something, anything you can twist into being racist regardless of the meaning or intent. The only reason I can see for you to do that is so you can feel better about the hate you feel for people that disagree with you.

I don't hate you, but I do disagree with you. Right Wingers don't even seem to be aware of what they say. If ignorance is bliss, there are a lot of really happy TPer's out there. I'm starting to understand that TPer's are completely clueless about so many things that it isn't even worth debating them.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: A Silver Lining...

Oh, by the way, get it right. It's Buck Ofama!! You can go study other cultures to your heart's content. Nobody's stopping you.
I'm going to an Oriental household for my Thanksgiving. I don't need to study the people, I happen to like them. There will also be an Oriental actor from Hollywood there.....most likely a Democrat, but I'll pull the wishbone with him. There will also be a native of Prague there....oh, he's just white.

My neighbor and I talked about ski goggles........did you know that there are special Asian ski goggles. We laughed ourselves silly saying they are cheaper because they are little slits. I don't take anything too seriously and I'm not always on the lookout for racial slurs like the true racists are........ala Al & Jesse. Soon they'll be gone and maybe racism will die along with them.

Seriously moreluck? Youre going to an ORIENTAL household and not an ASIAN household? Do you even realize what you say?

I wonder why you chose the word ORIENTAL which is another word that ASIANS have found to be offensive?

What country are ORIENTALS from?

Its peoples mindsets that speak to true racism in this country. Most dont even know they are speaking in an offensive manner mainly because they have been speaking that way for decades. (with an emphasis on decades)

Re: A Silver Lining...

I don't hate you, but I do disagree with you. Right Wingers don't even seem to be aware of what they say. If ignorance is bliss, there are a lot of really happy TPer's out there. I'm starting to understand that TPer's are completely clueless about so many things that it isn't even worth debating them.

I didn't mean you hate me personally you don't even know me, I was talking about right wingers in general. TPers are right wingers, mainstream republicans are also. I'm pretty aware about what I say, and I do say what I think. What I am not acutely aware of is how some people will take what I say as something it is not. I tend to expect what I say to be taken for the words I speak (or type).
I admit that I have only been to one Tea Party assembly, but I heard nothing that could have been considered racist, in fact about 10% of the crowd was black and a larger % hispanic, some of them I knew some not. I will also admit that there are indeed racists in the tea party but hardly enough to call it a racist party. I do see offerings from The Tea Party Patriots (have no idea where they are based), some I like, some I don't. Example: I am all for shrinking the size of government, but I am not for making willy-nilly cuts of SS/medicare/medicare but something does need to be done about them. I am for less government spending but realized we can't just stop it cold turkey.

I can not and do not try to speak for all right wingers, I can only speak for me. I do object to blanket statements and I'll argue against them most of the time.
Re: A Silver Lining...

Seriously moreluck? Youre going to an ORIENTAL household and not an ASIAN household? Do you even realize what you say?

I wonder why you chose the word ORIENTAL which is another word that ASIANS have found to be offensive?

What country are ORIENTALS from?

Its peoples mindsets that speak to true racism in this country. Most dont even know they are speaking in an offensive manner mainly because they have been speaking that way for decades. (with an emphasis on decades)


Hmmmm, tell us oh great sage, what country are Asians from? Last I heard Asia is a continent, a pretty large one at that.

o·ri·en·tal (ôr
-)adj.1. often Oriental Of or relating to the countries of the Orient or their peoples or cultures; eastern.
2. Oriental Of or designating the biogeographic region that includes Asia south of the Himalaya Mountains and the islands of the Malay Archipelago.
3. Lustrous and valuable: oriental pearls.

oooh # 3 sounds kinda complimentary.


[h=3]American English[/h] While a small number of reference works used in the United States describe Oriental as pejorative, or antiquated but not necessarily offensive, the American Heritage Book of English Usage notes that:
It is worth remembering, though, that Oriental is not an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. It is most objectionable in contemporary contexts and when used as a noun, as in the appointment of an Oriental to head the commission. But in certain historical contexts, or when its exotic connotations are integral to the topic, Oriental remains a useful term.[SUP][7]

SO, to answer your asinine question, Orientals are from the same countries Asians are from.


Engorged Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

I didn't mean you hate me personally you don't even know me, I was talking about right wingers in general. TPers are right wingers, mainstream republicans are also. I'm pretty aware about what I say, and I do say what I think. What I am not acutely aware of is how some people will take what I say as something it is not. I tend to expect what I say to be taken for the words I speak (or type).
I admit that I have only been to one Tea Party assembly, but I heard nothing that could have been considered racist, in fact about 10% of the crowd was black and a larger % hispanic, some of them I knew some not. I will also admit that there are indeed racists in the tea party but hardly enough to call it a racist party. I do see offerings from The Tea Party Patriots (have no idea where they are based), some I like, some I don't. Example: I am all for shrinking the size of government, but I am not for making willy-nilly cuts of SS/medicare/medicare but something does need to be done about them. I am for less government spending but realized we can't just stop it cold turkey.

I can not and do not try to speak for all right wingers, I can only speak for me. I do object to blanket statements and I'll argue against them most of the time.

I'm not talking about you, or anyone in particular here, but I think some Right Wingers (and Tea Partiers) take a certain pride in being culturally ignorant. Maybe it's the overly PC attitudes of society, or perhaps it's a feeling that they don't need or want to understand "non-American" cultures and values. They don't mean to be racist, but they are understood as such because they simply don't care to know. They have one "Patriot" mindset, and to Hell with anyone else.

I get that, but totally disagree with it. Like it or not, we are becoming a global culture within our own borders that participates in a global economy. Richie Cunningham is never coming back, but for some, that's where they want to go (backwards). Again, this isn't you individually. I've "liked" quite a few of your posts.


Engorged Member
Re: A Silver Lining...

Seriously moreluck? Youre going to an ORIENTAL household and not an ASIAN household? Do you even realize what you say?

I wonder why you chose the word ORIENTAL which is another word that ASIANS have found to be offensive?

What country are ORIENTALS from?

Its peoples mindsets that speak to true racism in this country. Most dont even know they are speaking in an offensive manner mainly because they have been speaking that way for decades. (with an emphasis on decades)


Orientals are from Orientaland. Herman Cain said so. Asians are from Japanistan.


golden ticket member
They're Chinese.......oriental, Asian, they even call themselves both. Are you some kind of Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese spokesperson?? Your so full of :censored2:. Karen has used both terms herself......so now Oriental is a dirty word? Then Persian is a dirty word too!!

I'm sick of your nit-picking. My friends are Chinese.......they invited us for Thanksgiving dinner. Orientals are Eastern as opposed to Westerners.

Oriental vase.....ever hear of that Gomer? Oriental rugs? Orient Express? .............. Oriental Of or relating to the countries of the Orient or their peoples or cultures; eastern.

Orient literally means the East. The adjectival term Oriental has been used by the West to mean cultures, peoples, countries, and goods from the Orient. See, smartie!!

Oriental countries include China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia,
Singapore. Did you notice China in that list wise guy??

Next you are going to tell me that poodle is a racist term........well, too damn bad!!

Oh, and the household I'm going to is a neighboring household!!