Herman Cain


Für Meno :)
My old neighborhood was loaded with Persians.........the fact that they don't like saying Iran makes my point. If I say Iran is bad, I'm a racist or bigot, but they are from Iran and are embarrassed to even say so.

Kinda like Americans in Europe pretending to be Canadians.


golden ticket member
I would never pretend to be a Canadian or any other flavor.

I'm proud to be an American and believe in the words of the song with the same name.


Staff member
My old neighborhood was loaded with Persians.........the fact that they don't like saying Iran makes my point. If I say Iran is bad, I'm a racist or bigot, but they are from Iran and are embarrassed to even say so.
No. You are a racist and a bigot if you meet an Egyptian, an Iranian, a Turk, and a Kuwaiti, but you can't tell the difference and determine they must all be bad.


golden ticket member
No. You are a racist and a bigot if you meet an Egyptian, an Iranian, a Turk, and a Kuwaiti, but you can't tell the difference and determine they must all be bad.
And you can tell the difference by looking????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
My old neighborhood was loaded with Persians.........the fact that they don't like saying Iran makes my point. If I say Iran is bad, I'm a racist or bigot, but they are from Iran and are embarrassed to even say so.

Where did the term Iran come from may be more about the use of the term Persian than anything (it is cultural) but in those Persians around you, I can understand their reasoning to remain quite. The same rule would apply if they lived around Archie Bunker!

The Persians I know are proud of where they come from and love talking about their home and I love talking to them about it. I'd love to go there some day and see it with my own eyes as the pictures I seen of it are just beautiful.

BTW More: If you are of white, european origins then it's most likely you are or could be distantly related to those very Persian neighbors you have. Another reason Persians/Iranians outside of the gov't context love european peoples as they know the heritage connections.

This guy could in actuality be your distant cousin or even this guy!


The map of how it all happened!

Poor Archie!

Who said history can't be fun!


golden ticket member
We're all related to Adam & Eve.....................but that's more removed than Kevin Bacon to me.

I am the 'black sheep' in my family.....if you want to call it that. I'm the only one that moved out of Ohio. I'm in weird ass, California. I'm a Republican among Democrats.

Because of adoption, the only real roots I know about is that I'm 100% Slovak, raised in an Italian household.....thus my love of great food. I have the Italian temper and the Slovak stubborness. My Slovak relatives were in PA. and Youngstown, OH. Only a grandmother (I never met) was from the old country.

I have no desire to leave the U.S. to see anything about where I came from long ago. I personally was born in Lemont Furnace, PA. probably Uniontown Hospital. That's where I started!!. That's where I begin. No need to go further back for me. I used to go there as a kid to visit cousins.

I can get closer to the Sistine Chapel on line than I can in Italy. I can learn the Slovakian cooking on line too. It's the Slovak side of me that loves the buttered cabbage & Noodles....good peasant food.

So maybe I'm distantly related to a monkey too, but I'm not spending time at a zoo either.
I like Herman cain as well and I have seen many politicians , eventhough he isn't one, screw up now and then on many different topics. Obama was a lawyer and a 2 minute politician and got elected. Politicians have done nothing but screw this country up. We vote for a fool and they screw us over. Only way to have an honest politician is to use China's method of punishment for corruption....the firing squad. As for all the sexual harassment complaints against him? I could care less. I didn't care when it was Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, the Senator from Idaho , whos names escapes me, or Herman Cain. Just fix the damn country already. Obama is a complete failure and has spent more in 3 years then Bush did in 8. I'd be happy to eliminate the 2 party system all together to be honest.
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Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I like Herman cain as well and I have seen many politicians , eventhough he isn't one, screw up now and then on many different topics. Obama was a lawyer and a 2 minute politician and got elected. Politicians have done nothing but screw this country up. We vote for a fool and they screw us over. Only way to have an honest politician is to use China's method of punishment for corruption....the firing squad. As for all the sexual harassment complaints against him? I could care less. I didn't care when it was Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, the Senator from Idaho , whos names escapes me, or Herman Cain. Just fix the damn country already. Obama is a complete failure and has spent more in 3 years then Bush did in 8. I'd be happy to eliminate the 2 party system all together to be honest.
Welcome to Brown cafe!! Some people on here you just ignore. You will figure it out! Nice post


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Where is Herman lately? He seems to have moved away from the spotlight. Do you really think he's still going to be the nominee? I think he's done.
No I dont think he is going to be the nominee. I never thought he would get this far, yes I still like him. Liked him as a talk show host, like him as a candidate. Thank you for caring.
I like him but I think you're correct . He may be done but who knows anymore. After this election I'm pretty much done with politics. I'm ready to retire on my property deep in Northern Nevada and sit on my porch with my rifle in one hand, beer in the other and a fat blunt in my mouth. I wont care anymore.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I like him but I think you're correct . He may be done but who knows anymore. After this election I'm pretty much done with politics. I'm ready to retire on my property deep in Northern Nevada and sit on my porch with my rifle in one hand, beer in the other and a fat blunt in my mouth. I wont care anymore.
I think he would be by far better than what we have. I think a pair of socks would be better than what we have. I think Newt is very knowledgeable, but he the pasty white guy. I picked Herman because he is real. they aired his baggage, and it may have set him back. Funny how they never vetted Obama. Yeah, he has no baggage.....
Ill join you on your deck for that beer and a blunt..............


Engorged Member
No I dont think he is going to be the nominee. I never thought he would get this far, yes I still like him. Liked him as a talk show host, like him as a candidate. Thank you for caring.

I don't hate Cain, and think he's a decent man, but I don't like his politics. I think Newt is going to be your candidate, but that might prove to be a big problem. I still cannot understand why unionized people support the GOP. They (the Republicans) hate unions, and would like to see UPS and every other employer become non-union. Perhaps if you worked for Fred S long enough, you'd understand how Republicans really feel about the working class, and how it works-out for the employees (Hint: Not so well).