We're all related to Adam & Eve.....................but that's more removed than Kevin Bacon to me.
I am the 'black sheep' in my family.....if you want to call it that. I'm the only one that moved out of Ohio. I'm in weird ass, California. I'm a Republican among Democrats.
Because of adoption, the only real roots I know about is that I'm 100% Slovak, raised in an Italian household.....thus my love of great food. I have the Italian temper and the Slovak stubborness. My Slovak relatives were in PA. and Youngstown, OH. Only a grandmother (I never met) was from the old country.
I have no desire to leave the U.S. to see anything about where I came from long ago. I personally was born in Lemont Furnace, PA. probably Uniontown Hospital. That's where I started!!. That's where I begin. No need to go further back for me. I used to go there as a kid to visit cousins.
I can get closer to the Sistine Chapel on line than I can in Italy. I can learn the Slovakian cooking on line too. It's the Slovak side of me that loves the buttered cabbage & Noodles....good peasant food.
So maybe I'm distantly related to a monkey too, but I'm not spending time at a zoo either.