Herman Cain

Re: A Silver Lining...

I'm not talking about you, or anyone in particular here, but I think some Right Wingers (and Tea Partiers) take a certain pride in being culturally ignorant. Maybe it's the overly PC attitudes of society, or perhaps it's a feeling that they don't need or want to understand "non-American" cultures and values. They don't mean to be racist, but they are understood as such because they simply don't care to know. They have one "Patriot" mindset, and to Hell with anyone else.

I get that, but totally disagree with it. Like it or not, we are becoming a global culture within our own borders that participates in a global economy. Richie Cunningham is never coming back, but for some, that's where they want to go (backwards). Again, this isn't you individually. I've "liked" quite a few of your posts.

You are correct that "some" right wingers and or TPers are culturally ignorant, not too sure about the pride part. I would also think some feel that the cultural differences should be left at the borders and I can't totally disagree with that concept. But even that is too demanding. Is it a problem when people of Mexican heritage want to celebrate Cinco De Mayo, or Irish people want to party on St. Patty's day? I say go for it people, have a great time I may even join ya. However, when they start demanding that the citizens for US pay as much tribute to the Mexican flag as we do our own, then we have a problem. When everything has to be said/printed in two different languages, it is pushing the edge IMO. It's a fact that our country was built by immigrants moving here, but they came here to be Americans first and foremost. They did learn our customs while holding on to their own. The learned our language and kept using their own at home. Just look at the blended American language and lots of our holidays, we are a diverse country but we need to make sure we stay America.
Being PC is not one of my strong suits but I do try to be courteous to everyone I come into contact with. I don't try to offend people, but I won't kiss their butts either. Nor do I demand they kiss mine.

As far as understanding the culture in Afghanistan or Libya, I don't care to understand, I do not plan on ever living in either place. When people from there come here (especially to live) I expect them to learn OUR traditions,culture and adapt as well as learn our language. If that sounds racist, so be it.
Hell, I have hard enough time understanding our culture much less one of some place I will most likely never be.

I don't know, this post may sound racist or nationalist or whateverist, but it is just plain and simple truth.


golden ticket member
Politically Correct is one of those phrases that need to be retired. I don't walk on eggshells for anyone. If you don't like me or my ways, then go away!
Re: A Silver Lining...

And just when I thought you could not post something dumber.

You continue to amaze me!
Amaze? I couldn't go that far, but he does make me laugh out loud sometimes. Usually though it's more like that fly buzzing around that you can hear but cant find.


Engorged Member
They're Chinese.......oriental, Asian, they even call themselves both. Are you some kind of Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese spokesperson?? Your so full of :censored2:. Karen has used both terms herself......so now Oriental is a dirty word? Then Persian is a dirty word too!!

I'm sick of your nit-picking. My friends are Chinese.......they invited us for Thanksgiving dinner. Orientals are Eastern as opposed to Westerners.

Oriental vase.....ever hear of that Gomer? Oriental rugs? Orient Express? .............. Oriental Of or relating to the countries of the Orient or their peoples or cultures; eastern.

Orient literally means the East. The adjectival term Oriental has been used by the West to mean cultures, peoples, countries, and goods from the Orient. See, smartie!!

Oriental countries include China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia,
Singapore. Did you notice China in that list wise guy??

Next you are going to tell me that poodle is a racist term........well, too damn bad!!

Oh, and the household I'm going to is a neighboring household!!

The NAAPP (National Association for the Advancement and Protection of Poodles) demands an immediate apology.


Engorged Member
I know several Persians myself, fantastic people, very special family friends and they too prefer that term.

Same here. Most want no association with the home country--especially now. I'm expecting an "accident" very soon at one or more of the Iranian nuclear facilities courtesy of the Mossad. One would think they'd get the hint by now that Israel isn't playing games.


Nine Lives
Notice how klein is staying out of this? I think MrFedEx exposed why.

I think it is because winter is almost here and the ice and snow are on the horizon.

You do know that a derogatory term for a Canadian is "Iceback" or "Snowback".

Are Canadians a race? If so, then these are racist terms too!


Staff member
Has anyone researched or asked why that is so?
Probably because Persia has more of a cultural/historical connotation both of which they are very proud of, while Iran evokes the current political system which many of them disagree with.


Engorged Member
Notice how klein is staying out of this? I think MrFedEx exposed why.

I think it is because winter is almost here and the ice and snow are on the horizon.

You do know that a derogatory term for a Canadian is "Iceback" or "Snowback".

Are Canadians a race? If so, then these are racist terms too!

We call them Canucks.


Für Meno :)
Oh, and btw, I stayed away from this thread lately, because it was all about terms and racissum. Didn't like it.
And I don't care about the term buck, either.

As in "The buck stops here" ! Or I have 100 bucks in my pocket.
I use it, and don't think nothing bad of it - it's a common animal here ! And common word, too.

This thread got too silly to even respond to.


golden ticket member
I know several Persians myself, fantastic people, very special family friends and they too prefer that term.
My old neighborhood was loaded with Persians.........the fact that they don't like saying Iran makes my point. If I say Iran is bad, I'm a racist or bigot, but they are from Iran and are embarrassed to even say so.