Herman Cain

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Republicans don't hate unions. Unions are in the pockets of Democrats and spin it to make people think the Republicans are against unions.

If you look at California and the state unions, the pensions are breaking the economy. When a union becomes so powerful that the employer goes bankrupt how does that help the union employee?

It is like the employee who thinks that because he/sshe is number 1 that they will never be laid off. Well guess what, when the company goes out of business, the number 1 senior union employee is out of work like all the rest.

Look what is happening to the NBA ... How is that working out? !


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Just because I belong to a union and pay them to give me some protections, does not mean I need them to tell me how to vote.
I think they should stay out of politics, and go to their respective barns, enforce the agreements, and leave politics to its own.


Staff member
Just because I belong to a union and pay them to give me some protections, does not mean I need them to tell me how to vote.
I think they should stay out of politics, and go to their respective barns, enforce the agreements, and leave politics to its own.
Should corporations do the same?


Engorged Member
Republicans don't hate unions. Unions are in the pockets of Democrats and spin it to make people think the Republicans are against unions.

If you look at California and the state unions, the pensions are breaking the economy. When a union becomes so powerful that the employer goes bankrupt how does that help the union employee?

It is like the employee who thinks that because he/sshe is number 1 that they will never be laid off. Well guess what, when the company goes out of business, the number 1 senior union employee is out of work like all the rest.

This is perhaps one of the most misguided posts I've ever seen? You're kidding, right? Republicans are all about killing-off unions, right-to-work states, and undercutting employee rights. Your comparison with the NBA is ridiculous because you are talking about a tiny number of people who already are multi-millionaires. Not exactly your average working Joe there.

If you are a UPS union employee, there is nothing the GOP would rather do than de-certify you and let "the market" dictate your wages and benefits. That would mean you'd be lucky to make $18-20 per hour, with a fraction of the pension plan you have know. It's amazing how you continue to support a party that wants you to be poor so your top executives can be rich (er).

Republicans do hate unions. It's part of their mantra.


Nine Lives
This is perhaps one of the most misguided posts I've ever seen? You're kidding, right? Republicans are all about killing-off unions, right-to-work states, and undercutting employee rights. Your comparison with the NBA is ridiculous because you are talking about a tiny number of people who already are multi-millionaires. Not exactly your average working Joe there.

If you are a UPS union employee, there is nothing the GOP would rather do than de-certify you and let "the market" dictate your wages and benefits. That would mean you'd be lucky to make $18-20 per hour, with a fraction of the pension plan you have know. It's amazing how you continue to support a party that wants you to be poor so your top executives can be rich (er).

Republicans do hate unions. It's part of their mantra.

Or ... it could be that Republicans think that the market should determine wages and total compensation.

The Union represents collective bargaining which can be below, at or above market conditions.

If FedEx unionizes then the FedEx employees would be paid market wages for a Unionized workforce in the US.

The world market might be another case.


Engorged Member
Or ... it could be that Republicans think that the market should determine wages and total compensation.

The Union represents collective bargaining which can be below, at or above market conditions.

If FedEx unionizes then the FedEx employees would be paid market wages for a Unionized workforce in the US.

The world market might be another case.

It takes approximately 22 years to reach top wage at Fedex. Our retirement package, which used to be about a half of yours, is now about one fifth of a UPS pension (since 2008). The market has little to no influence at FedEx because special legislation protects Fedex from market forces. This is all straight out of the Republican wishlist regarding labor.


Für Meno :)
Republicans are against a Socialized Europe, like Germany, where everyone that works belongs to a union. Be it the bartender or waiter, or even cab drive, grocery clerk - everyone belongs to a union (unless your self employed or out of work).


Nine Lives
Republicans are against a Socialized Europe, like Germany, where everyone that works belongs to a union. Be it the bartender or waiter, or even cab drive, grocery clerk - everyone belongs to a union (unless your self employed or out of work).

Since everyone belongs to a Union, then market wages are paid. I think it is safe to say that the German UPS driver makes much less than the US UPS driver.


Für Meno :)
Since everyone belongs to a Union, then market wages are paid. I think it is safe to say that the German UPS driver makes much less than the US UPS driver.

I do not know that fact. But the UPS preloader or part-timer will earn more.
So, in average, I would say the German UPS worker gets more paid then those of the US.
Besides they get paid miminum 5 weeks vacation per year, plus unlimted sick days, more stat holidays, and all bennies paid from day 1.

Starting wage in Canada for a part-timer is over $13.00 here for example. Germany probably $16 or more.


Engorged Member
Since everyone belongs to a Union, then market wages are paid. I think it is safe to say that the German UPS driver makes much less than the US UPS driver.

I don't want to put words in your mouth, but the mantra of the "Free Market" is pure Libertarianism, and flawed in numerous ways. For one, how can we ever have a free market when our political process is for sale? Subsidies, special tax breaks, and targeted legislation that gives one company an advantage over another etc., as in Fred S's RLA deal that keeps us non-union in a market with a heavily unionized competitor (UPS). In other words, the conditions for the operation of such a market do not exist, therefore, Libertarianism can and will never be a viable philosophy.


I don't want to put words in your mouth, but the mantra of the "Free Market" is pure Libertarianism, and flawed in numerous ways. For one, how can we ever have a free market when our political process is for sale? Subsidies, special tax breaks, and targeted legislation that gives one company an advantage over another etc., as in Fred S's RLA deal that keeps us non-union in a market with a heavily unionized competitor (UPS). In other words, the conditions for the operation of such a market do not exist, therefore, Libertarianism can and will never be a viable philosophy.
I do not consider the U.S. "free market" Libertarianism at all!


Nine Lives
I don't want to put words in your mouth, but the mantra of the "Free Market" is pure Libertarianism, and flawed in numerous ways. For one, how can we ever have a free market when our political process is for sale? Subsidies, special tax breaks, and targeted legislation that gives one company an advantage over another etc., as in Fred S's RLA deal that keeps us non-union in a market with a heavily unionized competitor (UPS). In other words, the conditions for the operation of such a market do not exist, therefore, Libertarianism can and will never be a viable philosophy.
Oh but you did!
I did not use Free Market ... I used market.

I am not aware of a Free Market ... It's more of an idea and theory.


golden ticket member
Republicans are against a Socialized Europe, like Germany, where everyone that works belongs to a union. Be it the bartender or waiter, or even cab drive, grocery clerk - everyone belongs to a union (unless your self employed or out of work).
Republicans don't give a rat's you-know-what about Germany or whatever country is socialistic.....................Rebulicans don't want socialism here. Here(America) is what we care most about.
If you are in a different country and want to be something else, then go be it.


Engorged Member
Just like Democrats play the race card...its part of their Mantra.

Please tell me how Republicans are pro-labor. Yes, sometimes Democrats play the race card, Usually, it's because Republicans unwittingly reveal their racism, and Dems have to play it in order to get them (the GOP) to stop doing it. Most of the time, you don't even know when you're being racist.


Engorged Member
Oh but you did!
I did not use Free Market ... I used market.

I am not aware of a Free Market ... It's more of an idea and theory.

Don't most Conservatives believe in the power of the market, which they often use interchangably with the term "Free Market"?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Yes, sometimes Democrats play the race card, (Sometimes????)Usually, it's because Republicans unwittingly reveal their racism, (we are so happy to have you here to point it that out...so when and where did you get your degree on finding out who is racist or not? Was it Al Sharptons and Jessie's school) and Dems have to play it in order to get them (the GOP) to stop doing it. (Now thats funny and you should know since you throw so many out there) Most of the time, you don't even know when you're being racist. I know what ya mean...just the other day i heard a person call Obama "Buck"...LMAO!!!!