Herman Cain


Engorged Member
It's called reading and research. Being culturally aware and knowledgable is also helpful. Republicans generally seem lacking in all of these areas and prefer to be directed by their Grand Poobahs at FOX.


Engorged Member
Employment at any wage > unemployed

True, but would you rather work for UPS wages or FedEx wages for the same type work? Who profits the most by a low-wage workforce, the employee or the employer? If you only knew how good you have it in comparison to non-union companies that do the same thing. You make 30-40% more per hour, with good medical and retirement, plus they cannot fire you just because they feel like it that day.

If you really drink the GOP Kool-Aid, quit UPS and come over here to FedEx. With your UPS experience, they'd hire you in a second....for $15 per hour. Then you could pull yourself up by your bootstraps Republican-style without that socialist Teamsters union. Really, you don't have a clue.
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Well-Known Member
Employment at any wage > unemployed

Employment at a wage below your standard of living < unemployment check[/QUOTE]

Depends on your standard of living. If your standard is owning a new car and going out to eat every weekend, and keeping a $200 a month cable bill along with an equally expensive smart phone bill then your standard has some room to move downwards until your income recovers. When I was growing up my dad made a career move that did not work out, and while he was working 3 jobs to get back on his feet our standard of living had to drop, and eventually he got back into a job that paid him what he was worth. The reality is unemployment will cause some major life changes until your situation recovers, and those who cannot recognize this is in for some majorly hard lessons to learn.
It's called reading and research. Being culturally aware and knowledgable is also helpful. Republicans generally seem lacking in all of these areas and prefer to be directed by their Grand Poobahs at FOX.

My problem with this statement is as follows; " It's called reading and research." Well if you only read left leaning articles, books, or listen/watch left leaning news well of course the opposite will seem unworthy of your trust and seem uneducated to you. "Being culturally aware and knowledgable is also helpful" for exactly what? Culture of others doesn't put food on my table or pay my bills and really is only important to those that care. I, for one, could care less because it's completely irrelevant. "Republicans generally seem lacking in all of these areas and prefer to be directed by their Grand Poobahs at FOX." Um no and I find it amazing that so many people who don't like Fox seem to know so much about it. How is that? Does anyone have an answer for that?
True, but would you rather work for UPS wages or FedEx wages for the same type work? Who profits the most by a low-wage workforce, the employee or the employer? If you only knew how good you have it in comparison to non-union companies that do the same thing. You make 30-40% more per hour, with good medical and retirement, plus they cannot fire you just because they feel like it that day.

If you really drink the GOP Kool-Aid, quit UPS and come over here to FedEx. With your UPS experience, they'd hire you in a second....for $15 per hour. Then you could pull yourself up by your bootstraps Republican-style without that socialist Teamsters union. Really, you don't have a clue.
I have to wonder, if 0bama is such a friend of unions, why the laws protecting FredEx from unions was not changed in the first two years? That would have eliminated republican interference.


golden ticket member
My problem with this statement is as follows; " It's called reading and research." Well if you only read left leaning articles, books, or listen/watch left leaning news well of course the opposite will seem unworthy of your trust and seem uneducated to you. "Being culturally aware and knowledgable is also helpful" for exactly what? Culture of others doesn't put food on my table or pay my bills and really is only important to those that care. I, for one, could care less because it's completely irrelevant. "Republicans generally seem lacking in all of these areas and prefer to be directed by their Grand Poobahs at FOX." Um no and I find it amazing that so many people who don't like Fox seem to know so much about it. How is that? Does anyone have an answer for that?
The Democrats watch FOX constantly because a lot of stories they want to hear about are not even on MSNBC or CNN


Engorged Member
I have to wonder, if 0bama is such a friend of unions, why the laws protecting FredEx from unions was not changed in the first two years? That would have eliminated republican interference.

Obama has not been the friend of unions. They helped elect him in 2008, but a lot of his labor support has evaporated.


Engorged Member
My problem with this statement is as follows; " It's called reading and research." Well if you only read left leaning articles, books, or listen/watch left leaning news well of course the opposite will seem unworthy of your trust and seem uneducated to you. "Being culturally aware and knowledgable is also helpful" for exactly what? Culture of others doesn't put food on my table or pay my bills and really is only important to those that care. I, for one, could care less because it's completely irrelevant. "Republicans generally seem lacking in all of these areas and prefer to be directed by their Grand Poobahs at FOX." Um no and I find it amazing that so many people who don't like Fox seem to know so much about it. How is that? Does anyone have an answer for that?

I watch FOX for as long as I can stand it, and regularly listen to Medved, Limbaugh, and local Right Wingers. Sometimes they have good points, and I acknowledge that. Medved is actually very bright and will debate Left Wingers head to head, something Rush can't handle. What I was really talking about was watching foreign news, as In BBC or CCTV, or NHK, reading books on International Policy (not Tom Clancy), and trying to appreciate the fact that other cultures view things in ways very opposite to our own. That's reality.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Obama has not been the friend of unions. They helped elect him in 2008, but a lot of his labor support has evaporated.
Oh I so agree, he stabs Union workers in the back daily.
Ask a coal miner in OHIO Pa, Ky, how that leader their union helped get elected is working out for them.
Ask a casino worker in Las vegas, UFCW, how his remarks hurt their businesses.
Ask a yacht builder, or Boeing, union workers.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
"Republicans generally seem lacking in all of these areas and prefer to be directed by their Grand Poobahs at FOX." Um no and I find it amazing that so many people who don't like Fox seem to know so much about it. How is that? Does anyone have an answer for that?

You will find that many of our Lefty BC friends love to watch FOX news and seem to watch it more than anyone. Sometimes i get my news updates from the Leftys and then i go check it out to see if its true...they have a habit of twisting the facts.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Killing the coal mines. aka where we get our electric from
Coal official calls Obama comments 'unbelievable' | West Virginia Record