Highway cop

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I know most of the police, city and county, on my route and I don't think they would pull me over for anything. But I still don't give them a reason to.

That being said I pulled out of our center several years ago in front of a county cop that I didn't know. I am not going to lie , I probably should have waited because he had to slow down.

He followed me for a while and then lit me up. I pulled over and he asked me, "Aren't you guys supposed to have renewal stickers on your license plates?" I said " I don't think so, they are fleet plates and don't require them."

We looked at each other for a second and then I said, "I know you pulled me over because I kind of pulled out in front of you." He smiled a little and said "Have a nice day and walked back to his car."
We have had drivers receive a ticket because the car wash brushes washed off the the renewal sticker.

Richard Harrow

I've been pulled over for speeding once, 83 in a 65. Handed the State Trooper about 6 PBA cards and he let me go.

I had my first car up to around 103 once late at night at about 18 years old on the same Highway 9 that's mentioned in Springsteen's "Born to Run". It was a pretty ballsy 1990 Oldsmobile Toronado. The steering started to shake at about 100 and my knuckles turned as white as cotton. I backed off of it after i cracked 100 before it really became a suicide machine lol.

Friend who is a cop was involved in a chase one night, he said he only looked down at the speedometer once and was up near 115.


If you've been driving for any period of time you know the big brown trucks always appear to be going faster than they are because they are larger than the other vehicles on the road.

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I've found the same to be true. The other day, I went down a subdivision cul de sac, & waved back to a guy I thought was waving. Upon further review, he was telling me to slow down. I looked down & was going 20 mph. Pretty sure in a lot of cases, it's the loud sound of the diesel that makes people believe that we're speeding. But yeah, in other cases, we are speeding. Haha. Love getting the "thumb down" from local law enforcement.

Sent while driving from my flip phone via T9 word.


I had a woman phone in a complain on me for speeding. She claimed I was doing 45 in a 15 mph zone. The speed limit was 25 there and it was a short street with a court at the end. With the tired old 800 I was driving there was no way I could have been doing over 20. That truck was loud and her kids were playing in the street, so instead of yelling at her kids or herself she blamed everyone else.
I love going through trailer courts & certain subdivisions that have 5 & 10 mph speed zone signs in them. Folks, it's pretty much impossible to even go that slow in a vehicle. Idiotic!

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Got pulled over for a California stop (rolling through a stop sign). Gave me a lecture and let me go.

Resident know-it-all.
This one's a toughy. Hard as hell to control in my personal vehicle, let alone a Brown!

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nowhere special
I love going through trailer courts & certain subdivisions that have 5 & 10 mph speed zone signs in them. Folks, it's pretty much impossible to even go that slow in a vehicle. Idiotic!

Sent while driving from my flip phone via T9 word.

Trailer courts usually have speed bumps and its difficult to even get up to 5 mph there.


Retired 23 years
My son got his first speeding ticket the same week he got his license. 65 in a 40-----He blamed me and his Mother for giving him a set time to be home on a school night. He said if he didn't have a cerfew (sp.) he wouldn't of had to speed. kids:slap:


Trailer courts usually have speed bumps and its difficult to even get up to 5 mph there.
So awesome when you go through a neighborhood & forget where the speedbumps are due to the use of dark sunglasses & speeding a smidge. Can you say a lot of 5000-8000 shelves in the RDL, RDR, & RDC due to lip loaded smalls?

Sent while driving from my flip phone via T9 word.


Well-Known Member
I was pulled over once by a Florida Game and Fish officer towing his boat down the highway. There I was, on the side of the road, lights flashing, and all he wanted was his package!


Well-Known Member
Got a 43 in a 35 early one Sat morning. Didn't see the MC hiding in a car wash. He let me go by on first pass but nailed me coming back by. This was in my first month of working at FedEx. Have slowed way down since then.


Box Monkey
Probably 6 or so years ago I was running late for a pick and cut down a nice long straight connecting road and got my P7 up to a nice 53 in a 35.......and low and behold there was a state trooper where he usually isn't. I pulled over before he was out of his spot and he came up and asked me if I knew how fast I was going. I told him yes, I understood what I was doing was wrong and not that it's any kind of excuse but I was only in such a hurry because I am going to be late for a pick up and told him, "no offense, but you pulling me over isn't helping me any." He laughed and walked away telling me to have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
A school bus driver can just claim someone passed him and they are automatically assumed guilty. There was one on my route who would act like he owned the road and complain about everyone even if they had broken no laws.

Maybe where you are. I used to drive a school bus, unless it's on video, actually showing the lic plate and driver, it does you no good in NJ.


Well-Known Member
I've been pulled over in UPS truck for speeding. Got a warning ticket. The three cars that were passing me at the time we passed the trooper didn't get puller over.
Got pulled another time after work. I was headed into town to pick my daughter up from dance class. Speed limit dropped from 55 to 35. I held 55 til the second 35 sign and there he was. City cop pulled out from behind a bush. I pulled over before he even got close to me. He could care less that I was wearing a uniform.
I ain't gonna lie. I'm a speed demon. I deserve a speeding ticket every day.

brown metal coffin

Well-Known Member
Yes, 55 in a 40 trying to get the air off. He seemed understanding but said I have to give you a ticket but if you just come to court it will be reduced to parking on the side walk with no points and $35 fine. Just used the UPS lawyer and got the same thing.

Another time 68 in a 40 in my personal vehicle headed to work wearing uniform. He asked me could i get in trouble for a speeding ticket; I said it was within the discretion of UPS to pull me off the road or not. Gave me back my license and let me go. Was totally floored...