How do I get my job back?

Can she ride tho...


That's not right


Well-Known Member
I’m confused by this story. Did they not require a copy of her drivers license or perform a MVR check before making her a driver? If so, that seems like a HUGE oversight. How the :censored2: did they even complete her l9? Lol


Well-Known Member
It sounds like your BA traded your job to get somebody else's back. You shouldn't have resigned, that's like admitting you are guilty even if your not due to your state's DMV screwing up.
I knew a guy who knew a guy
Who caught a case on some chomo stuff
And pled guilty for "reasons"
And the guy I knew said "Hell no, I would never cop to that, no matter how good the deal was. We gonna pick twelve."

Netsua 3:16

I knew a guy who knew a guy
Who caught a case on some chomo stuff
And pled guilty for "reasons"
And the guy I knew said "Hell no, I would never cop to that, no matter how good the deal was. We gonna pick twelve."
Yeah, wtf? You either molested a child or you didn’t. There shouldn’t be any gray.
When the accident occurred, were you a legally licensed driver or not?

Now if you were, it sounds like you will need legal help to overcome the bureaucracy involved and get your job back.

If you were not a legally licensed driver, have a nice day.
I was legal! The DPS told me there was a screw up. I have the email from them just waiting for my court date now
What was the benefit to you that led you to resign?

When I was Shop Steward I never saw any benefit to a persons resigning under any circumstance that I was involved in as Steward, I always felt getting fired was a better outcome for the individual.

I felt that sometimes the Union officials might want the person to resign in particular hard cases where the firing might or most likely will be upheld.
They said if I resigned They would give me a positive rehire status. When I tried to get rehired for preload the told me I was a negative rehire. The union said he'd talk to the reporting manager to change it but he hasn't, even though that was the agreement.