I willing to bet your just being rude. Asked for help not aI am willing to bet a small fortune nothing in this story actually happened.

I willing to bet your just being rude. Asked for help not aI am willing to bet a small fortune nothing in this story actually happened.
No such thing as an agreement with management.They said if I resigned They would give me a positive rehire status. When I tried to get rehired for preload the told me I was a negative rehire. The union said he'd talk to the reporting manager to change it but he hasn't, even though that was the agreement.
Damn!! Thank you for your time.No such thing as an agreement with management.
Unless it's in writing...
And then it can still be manipulated.
In this state they had made me pay tickets off so my license wasn't suspended. I have proof on paper saying it was resolved after paying over 2000 just to fix it. So no, if id have known it was suspended I wouldn't be driving. UPS is all about integrity and i followed by that!!The idiot BA did nothing until then. Having said that- I agree with you with the confusion of this story. Didn't know license was suspended- sure.
Why didn't you want to pay off your tickets before being forced to?In this state they had made me pay tickets off so my license wasn't suspended. I have proof on paper saying it was resolved after paying over 2000 just to fix it. So no, if id have known it was suspended I wouldn't be driving. UPS is all about integrity and i followed by that!!
No. Never recieved one.Your union rep can't "put neg rehire" in the system. Hope this helps. Did you get a withdrawal card from the union?
I paid off my tickets in 2018. I was active in the DPS system in January of 2019Why didn't you want to pay off your tickets before being forced to?
Asking for a friend
How did March come into play?I paid off my tickets in 2018. I was active in the DPS system in January of 2019
There wereThis is what hit me out of the story. Playing the womans card, sheesh, maybe if you were a minority too....
So you are kinda mad that Mafia gets to do what they want...There were *ing guys that have got caught smoking pot and fired and brought back 2 weeks later. another driver who ran into a gate of an apartment and smashed it to pieces and they said it was an accident. Guy TOLD the manager he didnt give a *...
I was proving my point but im guessing no one really gives aSo you are kinda mad that Mafia gets to do what they want...
And you were not given the opportunity to run with the big dogs...
Thank you for this comment. All i needed.If you truly believe this is the case.
1. File an ethics report.
2. Contact the EEO
3. Contact your old terminal manager, they can change that if they want to.
4. Consult an attorney.
You have to ask for oneNo. Never recieved one.
In the beginning of March, someone ran a red light and struck me as I was taking a left onto feeder road. The gentleman driving was going so fast he destroyed the front end of the package car. I was ticketed for having a suspended license since 2018 but started driving with UPS in 2019 which is impossible because they would have caught it and not let me drive, right?
I was proving my point but im guessing no one really gives a * and isnt really here to give me the advice i need other than this. thank you for your time
It was in another city in the same state. I was told By the hiring manager they check all cities in the state to make sure and nothing pulled up. I even went to the DPS website to make sure I could work. I said I was active.Did you move from the state in which your license was suspended to another in which nothing pulled up on your driving record when you were hired? Could you have.....forgotten to note anything in the FT hiring paperwork or thought things that happened in another state didn't need to be?
Thank youIt's obviously because you're a woman!
Thank youYou have to ask for one