How many here are ready to strike UPS? I think if this contract is that bad we should Strike UPS.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
I’ll vote yes when they give currently unskilled part timers their $1 and all existing part timers a $1-$1.50 catch up raise. Don’t love some other parts of the contract and think the 22.4 language is awful, but that’s my line of absolutely voting no and the part time turnout will be largest ever largely because of this.


Well-Known Member
Tony Q , I get it. Vote yes, but only if we can have several different Pension and health plans, paying vastly different amounts with no rhyme or reason. Add in some are going broke while others are increasing their payouts. Wait a minute, don’t... we already...isn’t that what we..... Nah. I will vote no

Stay away from my pension. I'm not giving your broke ass nothing! :)


Well-Known Member
Who cares?
Not my #1 issue.
Which is a worse representation of the company...
A. Drivers with a trimmed beard.
B. Trucks that look like they've been to the tractor pulls 80% of the year.

Ignore @rod He's old and needs to complain about this generation. Obviously we have bigger issues then facial hair.


Well-Known Member
You should see what the rest of the trucking and teamster industry thinks of UPS workers. It would really open up your eyes.

Tell them they're hiring they just got to do 10 years part time here. BUG already used this line on us years ago. Don't care. Ask the feeder guys how tough package is and how they'd never go back.

When's the last time you were in a package car if ever? Honestly I'd like to know. I know my BA has never been a package driver and wouldn't dare try and tell us we are a bunch of crybabies.
Tell them they're hiring they just got to do 10 years part time here. BUG already used this line on us years ago. Don't care. Ask the feeder guys how tough package is and how they'd never go back.

When's the last time you were in a package car if ever? Honestly I'd like to know. I know my BA has never been a package driver and wouldn't dare try and tell us we are a bunch of crybabies.
We make more because we do way more than everyone else .


The resident gearhead
You should see what the rest of the trucking and teamster industry thinks of UPS workers. It would really open up your eyes.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
I’d be mad if I was a driver who has same contribution as a mechanic and gets a fraction of the pension. I know there are many part timers considering leaving the union. IBT sucks and it’s too bad nobody has the stomach to get a new union.


You should see what the rest of the trucking and teamster industry thinks of UPS workers. It would really open up your eyes.

Cool story bro

But, what does that have to do with anything going on here

One of your handlers needs to coach you up on the fine art of deflection