How's the view???........


Pees in the brown Koolaid


Box Monkey
sober, I chased some dear in my package car today. 3 of them. Then after my maniacal laugh I realized "Damn I should have takena pic of them to post in my thread for Sober to see." Doh!!!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
What can Brown do for Moo?

I got to play "cowboy" in the package car today. These two cows had gotten loose from their pasture and were wandering around on a public road. One of them almost got hit by a car coming around a blind turn. They were close enough to a driveway that I was able to block the road, turn on my 4-ways to warn traffic, and "herd" them up into that driveway with my package car. I kept "herding" them until I was able to corral them into the fenced yard on the right and then shut the gate behind them. I explained to the homeowner ( who I even had a delivery for!!) what was going on, and he agreed to call the county sheriff and keep them in his yard in order to prevent a potentially ugly traffic accident. I continued on with my route, and about half a mile down the road I was flagged down by the owner of the cows who was walking around looking and asking everyone who drove by if they had seen them. I gave him the address where they were at, and life was good!



Air Ops Pro
What can Brown do for Moo?

I got to play "cowboy" in the package car today. These two cows had gotten loose from their pasture and were wandering around on a public road. One of them almost got hit by a car coming around a blind turn. They were close enough to a driveway that I was able to block the road, turn on my 4-ways to warn traffic, and "herd" them up into that driveway with my package car. I kept "herding" them until I was able to corral them into the fenced yard on the right and then shut the gate behind them. I explained to the homeowner ( who I even had a delivery for!!) what was going on, and he agreed to call the county sheriff and keep them in his yard in order to prevent a potentially ugly traffic accident. I continued on with my route, and about half a mile down the road I was flagged down by the owner of the cows who was walking around looking and asking everyone who drove by if they had seen them. I gave him the address where they were at, and life was good!


Good stuff, my man! This will be rewarded with either a warning letter or a front page "Hero" article on UPSers! Spin the wheel!


Well-Known Member
LOL. Glad you like it. Found it here. It's from one of my favorite violent antisocial video games of all time. "DOOM":happy-very:
I played that (Doom) when younger, and I also played Wolfenstein down loaded from
our local BBS at 34,000 baud.

Many many many years ago.