How's the view???........


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The hilly area of my route can be a real challenge in the winter. It climbs 1400 feet in a 3 mile stretch. The roads and driveways are winding, narrow and rutted with no lights and no guardrails. I fight pea-soup fog, wind, rain, snow, ice and mud. On a stormy night in December it is pitch black by 4:30 and the fog gets so bad that I can only drive 5 or 10 MPH. But...every once in a while there are days like today when the weather is decent and my timing is perfect, I get lucky and happen to pass by this cliff at the same time that a local group of hang gliding enthusiasts are using it as a jump off point. If the winds are optimum, they can catch updrafts and gain 500 to 1000 feet of altidude and fly for hours at a time. Its amazing to watch. I see them airborne fairly regularly, but its a real "bonus" once or twice a year to be passing by at the exact time they are taking off. Days like this make me grateful for my route.






Pees in the brown Koolaid
Wouldn't that be para-sailing?

I thought hang-gliders had structural, rigid wings and support components.......

You are correct, para-sailing is what they are doing, sometimes there will be hang gliders there also and I tend to use the term "hang gliding" as a catch-all phrase for anything that involves leaping off of a cliff and flying around.

serenity now

most experts agree : A rattlesnake's strike distance can be from one third to one half of its overall length. ( that of course would be from a coiled position )