How's the view???........


Retired 23 years
If you ever go anywhere near Oklahoma City don't miss the memorial to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building by Timothy McVeigh. Its one of the most touching memorials I've visited. The Korean War Memorial in D.C. is very touching also--especially at night.


Bad Moon Risen'
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One last look down the Napali Coast for my daughter and I last monday before we put her on a plane home. Her spring break was over and chemistry lectures were calling. Would have been nice to have another honeymoon with the bettter half this week but couldn't convince my son to go with her.
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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
That looks secure. What's it got, a curtain for a door?

I worked at a major airport - never saw an igloo being pulled by a package car! They could be dropping this off at a customer for a direct load and sending it to the airport OR reloading it into a container back at the UPS facility. Interesting!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
For those who have not been to some of the movie & TV location areas in the islands of Hawaii. See if you can identify some of these places with the movie or TV show.
DSC01265.jpg DSC01272.jpgDSC01295.jpgNapali Coast.jpg There are many many more locations but I don't have any pictures of them!! HA!

I tried to get my wife to move to Hawaii but she said it was too far away from the family. (5 hour flight to Orange County CA). Now we live about 7 hours away from them by car. Go figure!! I bet the family would have come to visit us more in HI !!!
Napali Coast.jpg

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
View attachment 8833
After 15+ trips to Hawaii, I finally got the nerve to fly to Oahu and visit the Arizona Memorial. Very moving and somber experience for the whole family. Will not be much longer until there are no Pearl Harbor survivors to help out with the tours. Spent about three hours at the memorial and not once did I see either of my kids even look at their cellphone except for photos.

The Arizona Memorial is extremely special. I made 3 attempts to visit it before we actually were able to get there. Twice it was closed and once it was Veteran's Day and I new we had no chance in hell of getting in. We had a 7 hour layover going to Maui so we took a bus from the airport, was able to get on a shuttle to the actual memorial and get back to the airport in time to make the flight.

I will never forget this experience and will make the attempt to get back there again. I have been to Arlington, Kennedy's grave when it was fresh and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and Riverside National Cemetery BUT Pearl Harbor is slightly ranked higher than seeing Kennedy's grave before the permanent memorial tomb was built. I will have to find a picture and post it at some later date.


When you see the oil still rising from the hull and popping up on the surface of the water, you get a chill all the way to your bones. This has to be on your bucket list.

Thank you bottom ups for sharing your Hawaii trip with us. The Islands hold a special place in my heart.


Bad Moon Risen'
View attachment 8859 - Look familiar? Same area, shot from the fields a couple of minutes from the "crowded" beach! slightly different angle.
Polihale has become my favorite beach on Kauai. Like to get away from the crowds and the long, bumpy ride through the old cane fields scares most people off. Only downfall this time of year are the winds and dangerous surf conditions.
​The whole Napali Coast has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. Did the four day backpack/hike 8 years ago and plan on taking my kids on the same trail next year.


Bad Moon Risen'
For those who have not been to some of the movie & TV location areas in the islands of Hawaii. See if you can identify some of these places with the movie or TV show.
View attachment 8860 View attachment 8861View attachment 8862View attachment 8863 There are many many more locations but I don't have any pictures of them!! HA!

I tried to get my wife to move to Hawaii but she said it was too far away from the family. (5 hour flight to Orange County CA). Now we live about 7 hours away from them by car. Go figure!! I bet the family would have come to visit us more in HI !!!
First picture is of Makana Mountain, also known as Bali Hai, from either Anini or Tunnels Beach. South Pacific was filmed there.
Second picture I'm not familiar with. Most likely a waterfall accessable only by helicopter in the crater of Mount Waialeale.
Third picture is of the pier in Hanalei Bay. The Descendants was recently filmed there.
The fourth is the Kalalau Valley shot from Kokee State Park. Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed there.


Bad Moon Risen'
​Shipwreck Beach. Harrison Ford and Anne Heche stunt doubles jumped from this cliff in Six Days and Seven Nights. This daredevil jumped three times in a row. I'm too old and wise to try it!


Geek in Brown
That happens like twice a week for me while I'm looking for packages. Last guy on the route fed all the dogs so they come right up in the truck lookin' for biscuits.


Hey Stug,our hub has a guy that qualified for the Boston marathon too.They created a banner and we all signed it.I warned him about you :happy-very:

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