How's the view???........


Pees in the brown Koolaid
As you all know I keep my package car well stocked with dog treats, looks like I need to go to the farm store and load up on some goat treats now!



It's spring again and I saw this snow white bull calf the other day.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
First picture is of Makana Mountain, also known as Bali Hai, from either Anini or Tunnels Beach. South Pacific was filmed there.
Second picture I'm not familiar with. Most likely a waterfall accessable only by helicopter in the crater of Mount Waialeale.
Third picture is of the pier in Hanalei Bay. The Descendants was recently filmed there.
The fourth is the Kalalau Valley shot from Kokee State Park. Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed there.

I am very impressed with your knowledge of Hawaii. I forgot some of the names of the areas. Nice Job!

The second one (waterfall) Moreluck got it. It is the scene from Jurassic Park when they first arrive on the island and the helicopter lands.
#3 & 4 - The TV show Lost filmed scenes at the "dock" and many shots of Kalalau Valley were though out the series as well as quite a few other movies and TV shows.


Box Monkey
I've been waiting to see what picture made it here from Boston. Congrats my friend!! Really hate that I couldn't make it to be there for you. But am so glad you're ok. I'll have to schedule better next year to try and make it. Welcome home!!!


Well-Known Member
When I heard the news report at about 3:20 PM, you were the first person on my mind.

I am so glad that you were not one of the many hurt, but I still deeply ache for the others.

May he / they / them be caught quickly.


When I heard the news report at about 3:20 PM, you were the first person on my mind.

I am so glad that you were not one of the many hurt, but I still deeply ache for the others.

May he / they / them be caught quickly.

Same here. Glad you are ok Steve and congrats. Watched the news blip about you and your biking back and forth to work. Cool piece. :hi5::hugs: