How's the view???........


Pees in the brown Koolaid

One of the customers at the winery I was delivering to took this pic of the FedEx sprinter van that had just rolled into the lake, and posted it on facebook. The driver had been parked right where I was, facing the lake, and he left it running and in gear while he delivered the package. The engine is probably toast from sucking water in, the packages inside are all soaked, the driver will probably get fired, and the winery will probably sue FedEx for the cost of draining the lake and cleaning out all the diesel fuel and coolant. What a mess!


Pees in the brown Koolaid

This was the view from my truck. The FedEx guy was begging me not to take any pics, but I snuck one when he wasnt looking. I feel bad for him but there were 50+ customers up in the winery tasting room taking pics of their own with smart phones and there isnt any point in trying to keep a mess like this a "secret" in this day and age.


Man of Great Wisdom
View attachment 12709

This was the view from my truck. The FedEx guy was begging me not to take any pics, but I snuck one when he wasnt looking. I feel bad for him but there were 50+ customers up in the winery tasting room taking pics of their own with smart phones and there isnt any point in trying to keep a mess like this a "secret" in this day and age.
All that open space and the guy ends up in the drink. These guys do half the work we do. Why do they leave their trucks running? Does it really take that long to start it?


Pees in the brown Koolaid

I think the tow truck driver took this one. I had customers at other stops showing me pictures 20 minutes after it happened and wanting to know if I was there or if I saw it. Talk about going "viral".....!


Retired 23 years
Not something I grew up with. My wife's family are really into it so, I guess I acquired a taste for it. Even if it's just for a weekend at a state park, we get to decompress away from home and forge memories for our two boys.

Fishin', bike ridin', nature trailin'.... That's that good stuff. Someday, I hope my kids will say to me: "Remember that time we went camping and "something" happened? That was awesome, Dad."

Can't put a price on that.

Sent using a Potato

From the time my kids were about 4 or 5 to when they were in their early teens we went camping probably 3 weekends a month during the summer. The majority of it was State Parks in Minnesota but we did do the Dells, the Badlands and Mt. Rushmore a few times. We had another UPS family with kids about the same age as ours who camped with us most of the time. Those were fun times.


Man of Great Wisdom
From the time my kids were about 4 or 5 to when they were in their early teens we went camping probably 3 weekends a month during the summer. The majority of it was State Parks in Minnesota but we did do the Dells, the Badlands and Mt. Rushmore a few times. We had another UPS family with kids about the same age as ours who camped with us most of the time. Those were fun times.
Camped with my twins when they were 4 months old. Boy, that was fun. One of them is camping in Georgia this weekend, or at least sleeping in a tent at a music festival. Now when we camp it's me and ma.


Retired 23 years
Camped with my twins when they were 4 months old. Boy, that was fun. One of them is camping in Georgia this weekend, or at least sleeping in a tent at a music festival. Now when we camp it's me and ma.

We just got back into camping 3 years ago when I bought my Harley and my toy hauler. There isn't much "roughing it" anymore.

Brown stains

Well-Known Member
Those look like the trout we used to catch in Idaho (brown, rainbow and cutthroat in the Snake River).......and it was just a stream with holes every so often.
These are all stocked trout..are rivers aren't deep enought to hold or to grow as big as you propley get in the snake river day I will fish that river


swollen member
trust me, I would if he was out when I'm in the area...

kind of want to pull it out and lay in on the ground, run it over a few times, then stake it back... lol
Depends on the area. I live in a rural neighborhood with one way in/out and it's common for the kids to run around on their bikes or play catch or hockey in the street. In a much busier area obviously that shouldn't happen.


Retired 23 years
Turnpikes, highways, county roads, city streets, alleys, service drives----any surface made for vehicle traffic is not meant for kids to play on. We all know they do and although it seems perfectly safe in a quiet neighborhood the fact is---its wrong. Having said that I know the town closest to me has a law that bikes can't be ridden on sidewalks. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.