How's the view???........

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

I LOVE this. Beautiful summer day and three boys out for a day of fishing, fishing poles in hand. No electronics involved, just boys being boys. :)


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Mexican stuff is OK, the California stuff is a little better....but in terms of quality nothing beats pure homegrown.

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Pees in the brown Koolaid
This is what I call a "Craigslist home run".

A truckload of split and seasoned firewood for $50, stacked up right next to a driveway, less than a mile from my house. Took me less than half an hour to load it up and virtually no gas money to haul in my truck. This would cost at least $200 if I had it delivered in the middle of winter, so instead of paying that I keep an eye on Craigslist and once or twice a year I get a load of wood like this for $50 or less. Sometimes its even free if the people had a tree taken down and dont have a woodstove to burn it in.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Having firewood stacked and ready before it's needed is a good
My goal is to have at least a 3 year supply of firewood on hand.

The longer it sits and seasons, the cleaner it burns. Having 2-3 years worth already stacked means I can score good deals on green unseasoned wood and then just wait a couple of years to burn it instead of needing it right away. I have become a master at scrounging free or super cheap firewood off of Craigslist, there have been entire years where I have heated my home for pennies just by being willing to load and haul the wood myself. The aftermath of a windstorm is a really good time to find free wood, a lot of people wind up having trees blown down in their yard or driveway and if they don't have a woodstove they often just want the wood hauled away for nothing.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Did you bring the big pieces home to split and add to the stack?
Yep, I took it all. Most of it will split up just fine with my maul and sledgehammer. There are a couple chunks that are too big to fit in the stove and too full of knots to split, I toss stuff like that behind my trailer onto the "campfire" stack.


Well-Known Member
My son moves to Davenport, IA, at the end of the month to start the first of a four-part rotational training program with a company called Cobham. He will be at each stop for 9 months. Time to start paying down some of that $73K in student loan debt.

Resident know-it-all.


Well-Known Member
73k. Ouch. Thanks to my generosity my kids will all owe in the low 30s.

The bulk of that ($50K) was for his MBA, which was completely on his dime. Mom and I split his first year of undergrad---he partied and was asked not to come back for his sophomore year. Mom and I cut off the checkbook. He graduated with honors from both his 2 and 4 year schools and earned a 3.8 at Clarkson. Yes, the debt sucks, but he can truthfully say he earned all 3 of his degrees and is hoping to have it paid off in 10 years or less.

Resident know-it-all.