How's the view???........


That’s Craptacular
Ive also heard a few guys say,the preloaders make enough money.

I wonder if,they rufuse xmas tips from customers too?
Exactly...I've tipped a driver once or twice over the years.

Management was bitching about one 9.5 driver being 2 hours over every day one week during this past summer peak. I'd only been loading for him for a few months. It culminated to an impromptu meeting in front of his truck at the end of the sort one day...driver, me, my center manager, his OC and the DM. Dispatch was horrible...he was going out with way too much work...and had filed 9.5 grievances. My center manager tried tossing me under the bus....suggesting it was due to my load. Driver responded that I'm the best loader he's had in years. He got a week's worth of free 7-11 coffee for that.
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good people drink good beer
Exactly...I've tipped a driver once or twice over the years.

Management was bitching about one 9.5 driver being 2 hours over every day one week during this past summer peak. I'd only been loading for him for a few months. It culminated to an impromptu meeting in front of his truck at the end of the sort one day...driver, me, my center manager, his OC and the DM. Dispatch was horrible...he was going out with way too much work. My center manager tried tossing me under the bus....suggesting it was due to my load. Driver responded that I'm the best loader he's had in years. He got a week's worth of free 7-11 coffee for that.
That is what my loader doesn't understand. I don't expect a perfect load but the crap load she gives me is inexcusable. If she showed any indication of improvement or mutual respect she would have a new best friend. Instead with her crappy arrogant attitude I will throw her under the bus.


That’s Craptacular
That is what my loader doesn't understand. I don't expect a perfect load but the crap load she gives me is inexcusable. If she showed any indication of improvement or mutual respect she would have a new best friend. Instead with her crappy arrogant attitude I will throw her under the bus.
Agreed....there's no excuse for that. If a driver gives me an'll get one back. If you come to me with an issue...and I can fix it, I will try. Custom load? Sure, no problem...tell me where you want it. We're all adults here.


Agreed....there's no excuse for that. If a driver gives me an'll get one back. If you come to me with an issue...and I can fix it, I will try. Custom load? Sure, no problem...tell me where you want it. We're all adults here.

Please be my loader:



nowhere special
Agreed....there's no excuse for that. If a driver gives me an'll get one back. If you come to me with an issue...and I can fix it, I will try. Custom load? Sure, no problem. We're all adults here.

There are some loaders (possibly even the majority) who just don't care because they know UPS needs people so badly that nothing will get done to them because of bad loads. A driver can try to explain things to them but they either ignore or get an attitude about criticism.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
There are some loaders (possibly even the majority) who just don't care because they know UPS needs people so badly that nothing will get done to them because of bad loads. A driver can try to explain things to them but they either ignore or get an attitude about criticism.
Could it be some don't care because they have been taught not to care by their preload management team. Heard many times by preload sups to just get it in the truck and the driver will fix it. They make $30+ an hour they might as well earn it. Most attitudes come from the sups and managers above them.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Spending the weekend doing some Halloween themed camping. The park is doing hayrides, a haunted house and site decoration contest. Here's our entry. That blue ribbon is mine, baby.


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