I thought you were NOT supposed to accept ANY gifts from the customers....Booze or no booze. We all know that is B.S.... I know someone who works on the inside got a bottle of booze from a co-worker INSIDE the building, didn't have a problem.. Didn't drink it in the building either...Moral of the story (this might be offensive to some people) After you clock out, get the heck out of the building as quickly as possible, or they can get you for trespassing (believe it or not) Don't accept gifts from customers with booze in it, if you do, keep it wrapped.. And last but certainly not least, if you start choking on a taco please run to the water fountain instead of opening that gift basket and chugging a beer that came from the gift basket that you were NOT supposed to accept anyway...Just my opinion folks......BTW.. You sound like a really nice guy buying food for management..