I lost my job because a manager didnt like me


Industrial Slob
and change the thread title title to: "i lost my job because i consumed a beer on property". you say you are such a family man, so take some responsibility and accountability for your actions like a man, don't friend'n blame it on someone not liking you for the purpose of not liking you!

I was discharged for being under the influence of alcahol while on company property, from what I understand ,even though I was not on the clock, UPS is saying that being on property is as a good as being on the clock.
and you disagree with this?

telling a customer on property to friend'off while on the clock is a no no
telling a customer on property to friend'off while off the clock is a yes yes?

you went to the center office to eat, (why the hell you would want to remain at your work place while off the clock beats the hell out of me), got tacos stuck your throat, you were about to pass out yet you manged to go through the cellophane on the gift basket, twist open a beer (unless it wasn't a twist off, then you would have had to slam the cap on the table a few times), then lean back and down the beer. :lol::lol:

red means stop green means go. this is ups, what did you expect a manager to do?

how could anyone be on side with such a horribly fabricated story? this sounds like something from a cartoon.


Well-Known Member
Agree with hoser, everyone is overlooking the FACT that an alcoholic beverage was consumed on UPS property by an employee. Doesn't matter if you were "OFF" the clock or not.


Tea anyone ?
I dont remember saying takeing celophane or unwrapping a gift basket and maybe you have problems with bottles last time I checked I could open a bottle in less than a second .
2 Yes I disagree with this
3 It depends what the customer has done or said to me
4 I am takeing responsibility in my actions by seeking advice from fellow UPSers to secure my job
5 I have learned many valuable lessons from my mistakes
6 I chose the title for 2 reasons first reason being that this guy hates me and has it in for me which belive it or not is the truth and secondly I knew the title would get a lot of views, more views = more responces = more advice . thankfuy most of the help and advice has been helpful unlike yours


Tea anyone ?
thats correct everyone is over looking the fact that all i did was drink a few gulps of alcahol big deel and look at the circumstances I was under I dont think that you should lose your job for that ,half of the people I know leave work to go to bars and get tossed. (in uniform)


Well-Known Member
UK, as I said I DO NOT want ANYONE to lose their job, we all have families to feed. I wish you nothing but a successful bid in getting your job back.

You keep saying "under the circumstances". UPS does not look at it that way. You broke a RULE that is in BLACK AND WHITE. There usually aren't any "under the circumstances" clauses after each RULE. (unless it is to managements benefit when it comes to the contract;LOL! )

I think if it had been ANYONE else that had done the same thing, the result would have been the same. It wasn't JUST because someone didn't like you. You just GAVE him something to get you on if that was the case.



Senior Member
I was discharged for being under the influence of alcahol while on company property, from what I understand ,even though I was not on the clock, UPS is saying that being on property is as a good as being on the clock. My manager is convinced that I am a drug useing alcaholic and I think I was sent to the clinic by him for quote " Mr .... No one in there right mind would drink an alcoholic beverege in plain view of manegment personel for this reason I am convinced that you are not thinking clearly and obviusly under the influence of narcotics "
I agreed to go for the test knowing that it would return negative and figured this could only help my chances of getting my job back and also because i knew I wouldnt be getting a check for a while so I held off peeing for a few hours , I was able to make about $60 hanging out at the clinic
Do not drink an alcoholic beverage in front of management. Do it in the privacy of your package car. Take alot of gum and breath mints with you.


Tea anyone ?
I do agree with you to a certain extent i definatley loaded the gun that shot me so to speak but I`m sure that it may or could have been over looked or delt with differntly if the building manager saw fit , and I`m sure they could have let me work until my arbitration date or just hurried up the date if they wanted to.


I was discharged for being under the influence of alcahol while on company property, from what I understand ,even though I was not on the clock, UPS is saying that being on property is as a good as being on the clock. My manager is convinced that I am a drug useing alcaholic and I think I was sent to the clinic by him for quote " Mr .... No one in there right mind would drink an alcoholic beverege in plain view of manegment personel for this reason I am convinced that you are not thinking clearly and obviusly under the influence of narcotics "
I agreed to go for the test knowing that it would return negative and figured this could only help my chances of getting my job back and also because i knew I wouldnt be getting a check for a while so I held off peeing for a few hours , I was able to make about $60 hanging out at the clinic

If ...and I say if you were discharged for being under the influence of alcohol and you were clean on your blood / alcohol test then you should be able to get your job back with back pay. Again this makes no sense why you would be discharged for being under the influence if you did not test positive. Your bosses suspicions can not override actual medical evidence to the contrary. You have to admit this story is getting stranger by the minute? No discharge letter sent to your house? Anyone working in the cerritos / ontario california area that can shed light on the policy there?

For now I will play ball because I'm afraid there might be a real live person on the other end of this that actually lost his job over this crazy stuff but man the story gets wilder by the minute. If you really want the help you claim to be looking for then you have to start coming up with some hard answers that make sense.
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If you really want some help why don't you start by going down to the union hall. get a copy of your discharge letter and read the wording minus the names to us. Then sit down with your BA and get his opinions on how he feels your case stacks up. Strengths and weaknesses. Then come back to us.


Tea anyone ?
Thankyou , I will do that wednesday morning and hopefully have a reply that evening for you. I appreciate the advise .

There has got to be another employee from the cerritos hub that can verify my story , prefreably some one who has been a member here for a while , I have no problem with anyone posting ( TRUE) info upon my termination, I want people to know happened to me, I cant blame these people for not beliveing me , I dont belive it my self sometimes , unfortuantly it is no joke . any one from cerrittos , I was in whitter center for 15 years ,5 years of package car, im the guy covered in tattoos please back me up !!!!!!!!
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Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
u.k guy!!!! iv'e been at u.p.s for 18.5 yrs and have seen and heard it all!! now i am a feeder driver and have been all over the northeast ,same storys all the buildings iv'e been to just different faces,but this tops it all! i am not here to say i don;t believe you because if brown is out for you they will find a way,luckily i have never had an issue with them. when i was on pkg car at peak i would often come in with 1 or 2 cases of beer a week from customers and they never said a damb thing to me [un opened of course] best advice to you is tell them you have a drinking problem and you need help!!! they can't fire you,i believe you get 1 shot at this. i know it will hurt your pride and probaly isn't true but it will force them to send you away and will force them to give you back your job!!!! good luck and wise up,you have been here long enough to know the game!!!


Tea anyone ?
Mr Tie , I took your advice and contacted local 396. I asked for a copy of my discharge letter , to which my answer was that they had not received one either. I explained that it is imperative that I get one and I have been promised that they will work on this tommorow. wednesday) I also took the initotive to request a copy of the contract. (for personal reasons)
When I asked about the strength and weaknes`s of my case I was responded to with a ,what I thought was a long uncumfortable silence then a " i`ll be honest , it doesnt look good" Which to be honest I was already expecting.
I was told that no one has actualy seen my discharge paper.
How ever I did get some good news, that my arbatration date has been set for June 1st which happens to land on exactly the same day that my deposition with libarty Mutual is schedualed for. typical , not to worry I am re scheduling my deposition for a later date .
the only proof I have for any of this, is a letter from libarty mutal and letter from my work comp lawyer stateing the deposition date which I can provide for you if you wish.
So what now Mr tie ? I pass the ball back into your court and eagerly await your responce.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm a little late on this thread, but I can't begin to tell you how many times I've seen people drinking/smoking (not cigarettes) while working at UPS!!
I agree that you shouldn't have taken that sip of beer on UPS property. But sometimes people (ESPECIALLY management) need to pick their battles. You sound like a good person, especially picking up a bunch of tacos for your supervisors and hanging out with them for a bit after you were off the clock. If I were one of those supervisors I would have told you "Thanks for the tacos, I know you only grabbed that beer cause it was the closest liquid in reach since you were choking...but don't ever do that again on UPS property." and I would have given you a second chance.
But, then again, maybe that's why I'm not in UPS management.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
With all due respect, I would not take woodsys advice. If you need help with alcohol, you ask ahead of time. EAP. The Employee assistance program doesnt help you if you get a dui on road or property. Its help for people who are worried they are in trouble with an addiction. Not because they got fired for one.
I would take TIEGUY's advice. he would be the resident management person. And I dont see any problem with posting what you get minus names, and dates, for the many here, who have experience, and knowledge of these things. Unless of course your lawyer advises you against it. I believe they are standard form letters outside the personal material.