I need to vent...




I have to agree with drooler. You are anonymous here. Without any kind of details, its just a boring "bash UPS" tale.

"raped our family". Im sorry, but to put so much faith in a huge corporation to do the right thing, IMHO, was a stupid risk for your husband to take. Our FAMILIES come first, not UPS. He should have kept his mouth shut, and kept his paycheck.

Please remember I am saying this based on what little you have told us, I realize I sound harsh, and I do apologise.


The last several years have been horrible with regards to my husbands career, not job, career. When he first "stubbed his toe" we knew it was going to be painful but it kept on...you ride it out thinking that they will get over it (correct the nefarious revenue issue)or your performance will continue to excell.

They never stopped.

They wanted him to quit. But...

You don't quit because in the end you believe right will come out of the wrong, you don't quit because no quitters live in my house. You don't quit because you have too much vested with UPS. You don't quit because you wholeheartedly believe that you have as much to offer UPS as they have to offer you. Again, you are a "PARTNER."

Thus, the rape..bend over here it comes again, week after week, month after month. Then with the termination, the rape of our family. Food yanked out of our childrens hands. Roof over our heads, gone. The term is meant to sound graphic, that is how I feel. I felt like that happened or is still happening. I am still in a state of shock. How can I apologize for how I feel?

I kinda liked always being optimistic, having idealistic goals, UPS violated my family and now I have to fight not to be cynical every day. I truly believed that life is more about attitude than circumstance...I gotta get back to that.

Usually I am fine, happy, happy. We are lucky that we have been good stewards with the finances but things could get tough or could have been tough. I just hate it. Then something comes up with the situation and I get down all over again, like it just happened.

Doing the right thing, having character...I don't know, seems pretty important. This has really made me examine my life. Bashing UPS? I think they pretty much bashed and trashed us.

Details: He questioned where some revenue was coming from...that is enough detail for now.

I am not sure what kind of response I was looking for, empathy maybe? Or I've been there, things will get better. Just wanted to vent with those that know. I am not a UPS bashing zealot like I have seen posted here, just trying to deal with my OWN circumstance.


The last several years have been horrible with regards to my husbands career, not job, career. When he first "stubbed his toe" we knew it was going to be painful but it kept on...

Details: He questioned where some revenue was coming from...that is enough detail for now.

firedupswife ... you are trying to say your husband questioned a business practice several years ago, and you are relating that to why he was fired now??

Don't you think if that was the reason, they would have fired him long ago?


Yep. If you only knew what the subsequent years have been like. They couldn't fire him then, too hot of a situation. They just tried to make life miserable for him/us, hoping, banking that he would quit.

Sounds like a whacky conspiracy? Read on...

They have "moved out" upper management and otherwise made their lives difficult...those that were pro my husband. Employees are getting fired that where involved in the latest "situation." UPS is not using smart strategy, I am really surprised. The eggocentric napoleans that are involved have really put a spin on the whole thing. I can play spin, too.

There is going to be a lot explaining to do in the near future... No wriggle room.

Remember, Brown Napolean, "Knowledge bears responsibility." Please take heed, afterall, that was your famous last words. Gotta love it. That phrase is coming back to haunt you.

UPS, you have to realize that if you are going to take food from my baby, you are going to have to deal with his momma. Do you want Joe Public to know about some of the "creative" ways that revenue is generated? How is that going to look in the press next to the cheers campaign?

I'm fired up. Let's go.


This stuff is really too vague. If what you say is true then there are probably other instances. If what you say is true then the higher ups already know what revenue sources were questioned and have coverd those bases. With that in mind why the extremely vague references? At least tell us in less general terms who is doing what with what money. You should be able to use such terms as a distrct (blank) has been acuquiring monies from ( general name for a source ) etc. I haven't the foggiest why anyone would get fired for questioning what kind of revenue source unless your saying its some kind of kickback from some union or political official.


More to the story, proups? Perhaps there is, but you know as much as anyone, if UPS wants you out they will get you out. And how do they do this? By making them do write ups on what they didn't do...this is UPS' evidence. So, when they are ready they throw it back in your face. And you know what, there really isn't anything that you can do about it but "resign" aka termination.


More to the story, proups? Perhaps there is, but you know as much as anyone, if UPS wants you out they will get you out.

vgpa - if you believe that to be true, do you honestly believe that it wouldn't take years to get rid of someone? I agree wholeheartedly that there is more to the story too. I think what the problem is though, firedupswife doesn't have the whole story. She is hearing only what her husband wants her to hear.


Yes, I do believe that to be true. After 16 yrs. you are told you are "dismissed" for not being a "team player" ? ( From my experience) You mean to tell me after all those years they decided this. I don't buy it.
It really doesn't matter if he is telling her the whole story. Whether it is true or false he still doesn't have a chance. If you work at UPS, how many managers do know of that were demoted to sups? They can't fight it, they either except it or quit.


UPS is an organization made up of hundreds of thousands of people. There is no way that "UPS" is capable of targeting an individual, there are just too many people involved.

UPS doesn't owe anyone a job, neither management or hourly. A corporation is not a family, it is a group of individuals cooperating in various capacities with the common goal of creating a profitable enterprise. If you perform your job as required, make an effort to accomodate the corporate culture and do not interfere with others doing their work then you should do well. If you are a slacker or you are negatively effecting your workgroup in some way then you should be released to find another place to work. End of story...


We have had managers fired in our area! You will not get some of these branwashed ,I mean brownwashed people to see your side. The reason people are in here bashing UPS is they also have been screwed by Big Brown even the ones that bleed brown. We had a full time driver fired , I mean forced to quit last week. Its a long story but bottom line I have seen many people hourlys, and man. fired if they go against the company.If they want you they will get you and if you dont screw up they will make something up I have seen it over and over and over of course they will claim you are not getting the whole story.

God luck hope you sue their a@@ss off!


Hmm. I spoke with the HR district manager on the phone when he called our home (several times) to offer a "fast track," an "impartial" (like that word) arbitration. We spoke at length about the termination. Towards the end of the conversation, he said something like, "Uh, this is highly unusual for me to be participating in a conversation like this, I shouldn't be doing this...you aren't the employee." He validated everything that my husband told me.

Stealing, lying and cheating...management gets fired if they choose to go down those paths. And so it should be. Sexual harrasment, DUI, no call-no shows, demonstrating workplace violence, walking into the hub high, so on and so on, you don't have to worry, you will still have a job.

Don't question where revenue is coming from. The termination won't be swift. It will be prolonged, they will make you suffer, they will torment you until the very end. The weak, well, they can usually do away with quickly.

There are no weak willed individuals that live in my home. You got rid of him but you aren't going to break him. You tried. You failed.

Sure, my husband wasn't perfect. His biggest fault was not being politically correct. Read: Brown Nosing.

Do not question where revenue is coming from.
Keep a journal, document everything, even if you are currently the golden boy. Document. Because even if you are golden, there is always your colleague waiting his turn and that knife will be in your back.

Give me a couple of weeks, maybe I can be more direct. Depends on all the players involved.


If you walk into the hub one morning and view upper level management walking around like they just dismounted a horse after a long, hard ride...they will be "adjusting" themselves, they will have pained looks on their faces, think of me. The balls (pun intended) will be in my court.

Court, hmmmm.

Regards, I think I am done with this diatribe. At least for now.


Bigshot. Get your policy book out. Look up "partner."

Look up what J. Casey wrote about "Partnership."
He wrote, "Being a partner is a way of life. When I was choosen to become a Partner, I knew my future was ordained. There is no other path for me."

His future was ordained. His future was ORDAINED.

Am I missing something here? Do the assigment and get back to me.


I dont know......Shes starting to remind me of sainteamo....


Why in the world would the HR district manager talk to you???? (instead of your husband).

I have lost any sense of believability in this.


You go girl!!!!!!! Keep you head up!!

As for everyone else BACK OFF. As the header states she needed to vent. That doesn't mean she wants any of us to fix it. She's a big girl and can do it herself.


You know, in all the many years that I have been involved with UPS, either directly or indirectly, pride with my UPS relationship would always be apparent. So much so, that I wasn't prepared for what happened to my family.

I can't really talk with friends or family about the termination because either they are so worried about us or they have their own problems. Most importantly, I don't want to eat anymore of the Brown crow that I have been eating. It has made me sick. Tastes nasty. I can read their minds..."Look what your beloved UPS did to you..."

Talk about brown blood, I haven't worked at UPS for years but you couldn't get browner than me. All I am saying is, that is why it hurts so much. Why I feel so betrayed and violated.

It should not have happened. I wish I could give more details, I actually divulged alot. I don't need to prove anything.I have no reason to lie...I JUST WANTED TO VENT, with a semi-intellegent venue. Mistake noted, on the intelligence expectactions.

It was a frustrating weekend, I thought this whole posting thing would be a cathartic experience. Or maybe I could help someone to stop and think about how they are approaching their advancement.

Think about the consequences.

It is a crooked weave we web, easy to take the path that may lead you to question your integrity later down the line.

When you promise a family (yes bigshot, family), that this whole commitment is a owner-manager type of relationship, that you are a partner, stand behind that. Mean it. Believe it. And admire when someone with enough forthrightness and integrity comes forward, despite what is at risk, to say, "This is not how UPS is supposed to make money, I found an error, let's correct it."

Don't brutally punish that individual.

Don't ruin a family. Don't shatter their faith. Don't try to break a man because he had the courage to stand up. A few eggocentric, small minded, lithium taking individuals tried their hardest. Somewhere, somehow they will pay the price.

Thanks for letting me vent.


I have been in your husband's shoes. Been through EDR - "a joke". My family has paid the price for my not giving up my Integrity and my resolve. There are others who understand and many who never will until it's too late. I cannot send you a private e-mail. Send me one! I have a pretty good idea of what you are going through and know of MANY others who also are.



Well, after reading SOME threads, the "Husband" must have done something really bad. Ive seen drunk workes, stoned, etc, 70 times being late to work, and their still there. We even had a guy that got fired TEN (10) times, managment still couldn't fire him. Some things he did, he should have been fired, but the union protects you too much sometimes, and because he is a good worker, etc. He even has shirts that he handed out to everybody that say.. FIRED on the front, and the back says..YA WHATEVER. Well, good luck WIFE, but sounds like someone is hiding some details.


Yes, I too tried to email you but found it blocked.
Please email me if you would like to "vent" to someone who is impartial, or thinks she is.