I need to vent...



Guys, You are taking this thread hook, line, and sinker!

firedupswife = sainteamo



I may have info that would be of help at this time. This is not the site to openly discuss this. You have good reason to be cautious. I would be happy to share my experience, concerns, and knowledge if you would be interested.


Guys, You are taking this thread hook, line, and sinker!

firedupswife = sainteamo

Well, No duh!
I thought that was pretty obvious right from the start. pretty sad.


Hiya former,
I am blocked from sending you a message, I guess the moderator also thinks I am that teamo person? I am not going to waste my time proving that I am not. Thanks sincerely, Cheryl for the opportunity to vent.

Pretty funny that these individuals can't discern what intelligent discourse is.

Too bad, makes me think that this site is TSG, straight out of Atlanta, coorporate, that is. I guess I do need to be more cautious. Boy, the plot thickens.

Or maybe I hit a nerve? UPS are you anxious? "Knowledge bears responsibilty."

I will try another approach to reach you...soon. I am going out on a limb here, hoping that you are really someone that can help.

The more ducks in a row the better.


Boy, the plot thickens.

More like "the manure deepens". firedupswife, I dub thee "Teamo2", and wish for your swift exit from this board. Godspeed.



Would you like some cheese with that whine?
You are way to vague. Perhaps your husband did get a raw deal. We surely can't tell by the imformation you are giving us. Your use of the partner word makes it sound as if it applies only to management. My opinion is that all of us that own stock in UPS are partners. If he got fired as you say with no just cause I wish ya'll the best. If he lost his job because of wrong doing on his part I still wish ya'll well. Some lessons we have to learn the hard way. If you are Saint I would suggest you seek help.

(Message edited by dammor on September 11, 2002)


Agreed. I certainly think you could be much more specific and still dance with generalities.


With this thread, I have been able to get several management people interested in this site.

I just had to see if a management person could get fired for "questioning revenue", so I asked some management people that I have known for a while.....and trust.

Their take on the reason for termination was much like all the other posts in response to firedupswife: there is some other reason. She doesn't have the whole story. They did get on to me for giving her a hard time, and maybe we should all back off. That would have to be a hard time for their family, regardless of the reason.

According to them, all revenue is reported through our billing systems. If the person that was fired worked there, they reasoned that there was no way someone with an office job was working long hours! Also, a customer would have paid too much for us to have too much revenue. That wiped that one out for us.

Another scenario they talked about was a person in sales. There again, revenue is generated by our billing systems, so that would be hard to do.

They did think that formerbrown's attitude about their EDR process was ridiculous. They told me that it was much like the grievance procedure, and it works if you are innocent. Apparently formerbrown did something he/she shouldn't have. They did think that firedupswife's husband should try it.

firedupswife: we can't figure it out! Keep us "posted!"


fired wife and her husband need to take thier story to Senator Kennedy for his investigation into ups corruption. All mgrs that know of ups misconduct should do the same . It is long overdue that the real ups cleverly hidden behind the squeeky clean brown facade be exposed.


saintteam0...i mean WIFE, you forgot to miSpeLl the words in your post.


therodog: sainteamo did mispell a word...read the post again.

If anyone thinks that any business would take Ted Kennedy seriously, think again. He is a joke that only gets elected because of his last name and his brothers (plural) reputations.


Sweetheart, how many times did i tell you to use a dictionary before you hit the send button. Also, stop telling everyone about my personal affairs ok?