I disagree. 2018 has many issues of relevance that will need to be resolved. Such as teamsters continuing the negotiating of healthcare funding or letting members go into exchanges. By then we should have a good idea of how Obamacare will effect us and how we adapt accordingly. Pension control and a few other things that will come to a head at that point (Orion is not one of them). That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the IBT held back a punch knowing the big battle will be in 2018. The current affairs have many members thinking.... Thinking at the very least of social injustice, concession and union power. Im not making predictions or have a crystal ball. It's just my humble opinion for whatever it's worth.
I was around in 1997 and that is so far in the past. We have to live for today.
"In this world, if you read the papers, darling, You know everybody's fighting with each other. You got no one you can count on, dear, Not even your own brother". Janis Joplin - (Get it while you can)
Dude, everytime you speak on this board, its right out of LALA land.
you said: "That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the IBT held back a punch knowing the big battle will be in 2018."
Is this how blind of a follower you are? Lets be crystal clear.
THE IBT got worked on this contract, and if you think after all the concessions given up in this and the last contract, that somehow the IBT still has something up their sleeve, then youve found your union specialty in delivering donuts.
We are NEVER going to get back anything we have lost in two contracts. 2018 will be the fight of our lives because the only thing left to take away from us is our pay rates and our pensions.
Hopefully, all the people you see around you today will be here in 2018 to see that "fight".
Where has HOFFA and HALL been for the last 9 months? Where is the leadership? Where is the tough talk? Where has the bravado gone after "we wont allow you to spend 90 dollars, 9 dollars or 9 cents"
Where has the IBT taken the bull by the horns and brought us together as a union? Where has the IBT stood by the employees side on this contract?
YET, somehow, in your infinite wisdom, you believe they have a punch left up their sleeve.
Your opinion
ISNT "humble", its ludicrous.