If you are thinking about voting NO…


Well-Known Member
Wut? Peak was a cluster 13 hour day.

Peak that past few years is gravy.
If that's the case in your building, then congratulations and by all means enjoy it. That hasn't been the reality for any building in my area for at least a decade or longer where delivery vehicles and FT drivers qualified to drive them always come up short from Thanksgiving through New Years.

Before the year 2005, it was a rarity to see more than one on-car out of the 8 or 9 in our building put on Browns and make some deliveries during peak. Ever since then? If most all of them aren't out covering routes in our building, they are covering routes out of our nearest buildings and often as far away as Fargo, ND.

It's a big country and not every building is fortunate enough to have enough workers available when the volume really comes pouring in. That's just one reason among possibly many others why PVD usage, despite all the supposed objections to it, wasn't really addressed all that much this time around. There really isn't the widespread groundswell of resentment across the broad rank and file that some seem to assume it is.


My Senior Picture
Because older facilities clearly can't process high volume at a rate newer buildings can. The building I work out of was built in the 1960's on land with no room for expansion. Peak volume was manageable up until the uptick in online shipping. After that, even starting the preload at midnight couldn't process the number of trailers arriving nightly much less account for the difference between "cold" and "hot" volume.

If 15% of the volume hasn't managed to be unloaded and put onto trucks by 845 am, then PVD'S rolling into the building shortly after 9am is a far more effective and preferable alternative than RPCD'S with NDA commits sitting inside until 10am or after. The company relies on it because it's often a far more effective strategy in dealing with temporary surges in volume and not a single driver in my building wants to decline the opportunity to leave the building at the scheduled start.

As I stated previously, if there's FT hourlies laid off outside of peak while PVD'S are working, that's another matter entirely. But after the nightmare peak of 2013 and near capsizing in 2017, drivers by and large aren't all that motivated to pick the issue of eliminating all use of PVD'S as the hill to fight and die on.
So you are telling us that the packages for the geographical areas that these PVD drivers are dispatched with are somehow magically contained in in separate trailers, in roughly 15% increments that can be sorted after the RPCD routes have been loaded and launched?


Well-Known Member
So you are telling us that the packages for the geographical areas that these PVD drivers are dispatched with are somehow magically contained in in separate trailers, in roughly 15% increments that can be sorted after the RPCD routes have been loaded and launched?
No that's not what I'm telling "us" at all in the event that there is an "us" rather than just "you". Unlike the overwhelming majority of RPCD's, PVD drivers often make several trips in and out of the building in the course of a day and if there's enough of them, they can even meet up with RPCD's and take work, or give, or both.

Not really rocket science. Is it always perfect. No and neither is anything else. If it's the day before a blizzard and the sups want to move as much of the cold volume out before the bad weather hits, then it’s hardly a surprise that no RPCD's in my building object to them doing it. I don’t know why anybody outside of my building would have the slightest problem with a strategy that keeps the hourlies satisfied.


60 months and counting
Can anyone confirm that if this thing gets voted down that we are going on strike the next day or back to the negotiating table. I have heard both scenarios being put out there and wondering which one is more likely to happen.


Well-Known Member
This will be long. I’m sorry.

I’ll start out telling everyone, I have worked at brown since the early 2000’s. I’m a FT driver for about 10 years and I was PT before that.

I am like most of you, disappointed in the fact, the company did not do anything special for us after the past couple of years. I’m not surprised, since I’ve been around long enough for the turkeys. We were heroes to them, the shareholders, and our communities. Having that being stated, we could have been at home drawing unemployment, like many workers across America at the time. Digging themselves into financial hardships. So, in some ways we should be grateful that wasn’t us.

On to this contract, regardless to the way some perceive it. I think it is a fair contract. Could it be better? Yes, we all know the company is rolling in money. They can afford to pay us all the $7.50 extra from day one of ratification. The a/c, heat shields, fans those are all write offs. I’m afraid some of my hello fresh customers may one day be disappointed that their meals will no longer arrive precooked for them.

For part timers, from comments I’ve read on here and comments on YouTube videos like RoswellHub, you all seem to be upset the most about the contract. Mainly due to the fact new hires earning almost the same as you from ratification. I get that. But what I think what a lot have failed to see is that over the life of this pending contract, that new hire hired in starts at $21 will only receive a $.50 raise each year up to $23 by the end of the contract. That is $2 over that 5 years. Where you will be given $4.75 over the rest of the contract after you get the initial $2.75 or more to reach $21, plus the up to $1.50 longevity raise if you qualify. As you can see, over the course you will earn more than them over the contract. Maybe they should have front loaded the raises, but this way it rewards the ones that are here longer. Remember if you need more hours now you will get dibs on pvd work for the holidays for some extra cash. How many of you plan on making a career out of this? How many are here for spending money to get thru college, or are utilizing tuition reimbursements? The majority of career part timers are here for the benefits. If you aren’t planning on being here thru the life of the contract, does your opinion really matter? I think that is a fair question.

For the converting 22.4’s, it will get better for you. Does a 4 year progression suck? Yes, it does. Ask around your building to all of your drivers. The majority of them went through 4, you might find a few along the way, that only did 2 years. Keep in mind you are starting out close to, if not more, than what they topped out back then. I know, I know, things are expensive. My money doesn’t go as far as it used to. Even with the $7.50 over the contract, $49 won’t have the same spending power as the $37-38 I made a few years back. That is the way it has been and will continue to be until something changes with fiat currency. My advice don’t live beyond your means. It is not always about how much money you make, it is what you do with it. Ours jobs provide us with a livable wage, even through progression in most parts of the country.
On a side note, I voted NO on the last contract because I knew the company would abuse your classification. I have also stated and still believe the UPS should pay extra for anyone working on Saturdays, and if they start Sunday operations, I will say the same thing.

If this contract gets voted down, I feel as if the public will see us as the babies some of us are. Myself included. In some ways, I was hoping we would strike for more multiple reasons like helping brick and mortar businesses. That and I could have stayed cooler on a strike line, than in that rolling sauna we call package cars.

Like I said before I think it is a fair deal. I encourage everyone to look over it multiple times and make the decision for themselves and their families.
From what I’m hearing it’s getting voted down, that is if the part timers vote which they don’t normally do.

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
Can anyone confirm that if this thing gets voted down that we are going on strike the next day or back to the negotiating table. I have heard both scenarios being put out there and wondering which one is more likely to happen.

Do you actually think SOB will put us on strike for turning down his historic contract that he negotiated and agreed to, as did 175 of the 176 Locals, with a greedy multi-billion dollar company that he was so proud of he plastered it everywhere?

I see them going back to the negotiating table and trying to work out what the issues are as to why it was turned down, if it's turned down. There are probably only a couple.

Now, if nothing gets worked out and UPS refuses to budge, that's another story. But that is also months down the road.


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong but I dont recall a contract being voted down. once its been put forth by the union leadership its a done deal.......I will say that some of the wording is confusing but on balance it's definitely a very strong win win win, fine job by sob addressing pters concerns.i see a minimum of 65% positive vote....the yellow fiasco with the loss of teamsters and the costs associated need to addressed is a major concern as well as organizing amazon.......time to move on and forward and make more money for everyone.


Got the T-Shirt
Do you actually think SOB will put us on strike for turning down his historic contract that he negotiated and agreed to, as did 175 of the 176 Locals, with a greedy multi-billion dollar company that he was so proud of he plastered it everywhere?

Actually.... 161 Locals approved it, Local 89 voted no, and 14 Locals didn't show up.


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong but I dont recall a contract being voted down. once its been put forth by the union leadership its a done deal.......I will say that some of the wording is confusing but on balance its definitely a very strong win win win, fine job by sob addressing pters concerns.i see a minimum of 65% positive vote.
The last contract was voted down. It was implemented through language in the constitution that has been since changed. Do you even work here? Please stop commenting.


Well-Known Member
If you take the pension contribution money and gave it to an Employee instead... and that employee invests it in a 401k, or a mutual fund... over 30yrs ($25k/yr in contributions, $14/hr)

The resulting cash amount will be $400k/yr from $8mil in stocks. (5% withdrawal rate that will last till you die, and probably still leave millions to your kids).

or you can be happy with $60k/yr from the pension.

This is the same reasoning why people hate social security.
Exactly why I’ve been saying I want a matched 401k instead of a dumb pension. Get that money in my name immediately


Well-Known Member
Exactly why I’ve been saying I want a matched 401k instead of a dumb pension. Get that money in my name immediately
Left it short. Get rid of pension. Utilize the amount we receive equal to a 401k match. Thank you